Pics of some of my adventure games :)
I decided to clean up my closets today and found these old games that have been stowed away in my closets for years and years now. It was kinda fun to see them again. I did not intend to take this many pictures but it was fun so I kept taking more and more until my camera ran out of batteries 
I noticed after I was done that I'd forgotten about several Larry games and Full Throttle and some others.. ah well, there are too many pictures already :eek:
Anyway, here are the pictures :

I noticed after I was done that I'd forgotten about several Larry games and Full Throttle and some others.. ah well, there are too many pictures already :eek:
Anyway, here are the pictures :

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Laffer, that's the largest collection of any single thing (Duke Nukem) I've ever seen. I didn't even know that much Duke Nukem merchandise existed! As for Duke Nukem Forever, well, I would forget about it if you didn't yet.
I have, or have played, about 90% of these games but I don't have all the boxes in good condition. Your entire game collection is definately worth into the thousands...
I have a lot more games than those but they're not very old so there's little point in posting pics of those (50 GBA games, 40 GC games, 30 N64 games and quite a few more PC games too).
I throw my boxes away and just keep the instruction booklet on a shelf..
Here are some more games.. many budget boxes this time though -
Tsk. You know the one game that's absent?
Sam and Max Hit The Road.
Don't know how you missed it, it's certainly there. First post, fifth game from the bottom
Something tells me my 56k somehow timed out with it. It wasn't that full last time!
I should really take a couple of pics of my console shelf when I get home, and my DVD shelf, while not games, it is the collection I am most proud of.
The games: (Not only adventures, but mostly)
1 Gabriel knight 1 sins of the fathers
2 Gabrial knight 2 The beast within
3 Gabriel knight 3
4 Discworld 2
5 Discworld noir
6 The city of lost children
7 Little big adventure
8 Bad mojo
9 Ecstatica 1
10 Ecstatica 2
11 I have no mouth and I must scream
12 Down in the dumps
13 Broken sword
14 Faust
15 The dig
16 Tex murphy overseer
17 Ripper
18 Oddworld
19 Z
20 Toon struck
21 Ubik
22 Outcast
23 Realims of the haunting
24 The typing of the dead
25 Planescape torment
...All with boxes and manuales.
And all that for just around 100$ me'thinks... (whatever the US dollar currency is at the moment)
Sorry for kindof offtopic, just wanted to brag alittle
(also... Planescape! Woo! :P)
I have some old games and I dug them out last October. Since some of you are old-games collectors, probably you can help me figuring out what is this item I found. I cannot link this item to any of my old games... it is made of paper, not wood. My guess is it's from one of the games I sold long ago (I used to sell games after I finished playing them), but I don't know which one. And to think I had forgotten to put that thing back to the original box makes me feel guilty!
That's exactly what it is.