BTTF In Real Life

Just thought I'd start a topic where people could list examples of them using/referring to Back to the Future in real life.

A couple from me.

I teach English in Shanghai. The learners are charming but some days can feel long though so we do whatever we can to 'mix things up a bit'.

1] So one week, I had to teach a few classes the sound 't' (pronounced 'tuh')
by using tap then ask what other words they could come up with.

So I went into Biff Tannen mode. As I went around to each kid, I tapped their heads softly and said "Hello??!!?!? Hello?!?!?!?! Anybody home?... Think McFly, think!"

They laughed but I don't think they caught the reference ;)

2] I voice Marty in mathman's Predictions series so am in Mcfly mode much of the time these days. Yesterday I was in the area kids come into and transition from 'real life' to our learning environment. They also return there to get collected by parents. So, one of my students is coloring and drawing. After practicising 'orange triangle' with her from the lesson, I thought I'd teach her a couple of English phrases not on the syllabus... "WHOA...THIS IS HEAVY" & "NOBODY CALLS ME CHICKEN". Dramatic pauses 'n' all.

She did very well, all things considered, particularly with the first one. The second one initially causes her to struggle with word order and a few times it was 'Nobody chicken'. But she can now produce those sentences. ;)


  • edited April 2011
    BTTF is one of those movies I love to quote whenever I can. I have caught myself saying "Great Scott" a few times recently; not everyone around me gets the reference but it is just fun to say!
  • edited April 2011
    Must try to work "Get out of town, I didn't know you did anything...creative" into some conversations tomorrow ;) [and some other quotes] Will make the long working day (9-9) pass a bit easier :P Will try being subtle though so I won't look like a weirdo haha. Maybe I'll do Marty's "Give me a Tab' dialogue :P
  • edited April 2011
    If I gave you a list of how many times Back to the Future has come up in my life, we'd be here for hours. Believe me.
  • edited April 2011
    Let's see, I belt out a "Great Scott" once and a while, and my friend and I used BTTF in an example to explain the many different varieties of time travel.
  • edited April 2011
    We had a car show in town today, and they had a black Toyota Hilux truck there.
    Of course i couldnt resist the urge to get in. :D
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