Time Travel / Parallel dimension !

Does anyone know any good


That has time travel or parallel dimention elements in ?

These are my best type of movies, ive watched tons over past few years.
Sliders tv series, back to the future, triangle tv series, timecop, frequency.

After playing the back to the future i want more more more. The game is quite short an we only get to see an episode after each month but im craving some more lmao...

Thanks in advance !


  • edited April 2011
    BOOK: The Time Traveller's Wife. It was recently made into a movie with Rachel McAdams and Eric Bana - not a bad job but the book was so much better. A guy has the ability to time travel without a car (or phone booth!) but cannot control the ability. Nor does he have the good luck for his clothes or any other object to accompany him. One moment he could be in front of a fire reading and the next he could be buck naked and shivering in the 1930s (hope Edna doesn't get a rude shock!) He meets a very young girl and they develop a friendship but he refuses to tell her his last name or about his life in the present so she can't find him before he travels back for the first time. They have their relationship out of chronological order...sometimes he's very young, sometimes he's older. And the first time he sees Claire, he's a young man working at a library and she bumps into him, takes him out for Thai and he is bewildered as to who she is! :P

    TV: I would recommend the past Doctor Who series - first I've watched and it was with the new Doctor. Really good. He's no Doc Brown in my book but still great and the idea of Fate/paradoxes is presented very well. And Rose rocks (more so than the movie Jennifer, must say). Though I'm sure Claudia Wells could kick her ass! :P

    GAMES: I assume you've played Day of the Tentacle but what about the new Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective game on Nintendo DS where you travel back in time short distances to change people's destinies and unlock a greater mystery. Haven't played it yet but it's on my 'To Buy' list.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2011
    I wholeheartedly second the Doctor Who recommendation!

    You also might be interested in Red Dwarf, a British comedy/sci-fi series. It follows Dave Lister, the last human being alive, stuck with a few strange companions in a mining ship 3 million years from Earth.

    The crew are always getting involved in stuff like time travel and parallel dimensions. I love how the show combines a quirky sense of humour with convoluted sci-fi and time travel / alternate reality elements (it's mostly character/situation comedy really, with the sci-fi elements largely used as plot devices). Plot inconcsistencies, character changes etc are generally explained away in some gloriously ridiculous fashion.

    Some episodes to check out:
    • Future Echoes - when their ship starts travelling faster than the speed of light, the crew experience visions/echoes of their own future
    • Stasis Leak - one of the ship's stasis pods starts leaking, creating a passageway back in time that the crew can travel through
    • Parallel Universe - pretty self-explanatory, the crew accidentally jump into a parallel universe and meet alternate versions of themselves
    • Backwards - the ship crashes through a "time hole" and the crew land on an alternate version of Earth where everything is backwards
    • Dimension Jump - an alternate version of one of the series' characters, very different to the one we know, crosses the dimensional barrier and interacts with the regular crew
    • Timeslides - the crew discover they can travel back in time by stepping into photographs projected on the wall
    • Tikka to Ride - after acquiring a "time-drive", the crew travels back to November 1963 and accidentally screw up the Kennedy assassination
  • edited April 2011
    MOVIE: Hot Tub Time Machine. Four old friends go back in time to their youth and must make sure events that had happened, still happen. Including, girlfriend break-ups, musical interest and beat downs. But it's a good movie. Really funny writing too.
  • edited April 2011
    Thanks alot guys ill be sure to check all these out.

    And if you haven't watch sliders an the triangle tv series.

    There both amazing parallel dimention tv series..
  • edited April 2011
    Which reminds me... how could I have forgotten?... the movie TRIANGLE starring Australian actress Melissa George!

    "When Jess sets sail on a yacht with a group of friends, she cannot shake the feeling that there is something wrong. Her suspicions are realized when the yacht hits a storm and the group is forced to board a passing ocean liner to get to safety. The ship appears deserted, the clock on board has stopped, but they are not alone... Someone is intent on hunting them down, one by one."

    TRAILER: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65JP4wVVCOQ

    and look up "Timecrimes", a Spanish film: http://www.wikio.com/video/timecrimes-trailer-hd-4970556

    Both of these will mess with your head but are really cool.

    There's also Run Lola Run! Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo good.
  • edited April 2011
    ... one element, sure. But it's the only way of telling people about it... I pasted in the description from a website since it's late. I'll edit it to give less detail... please remove your quote.
  • edited April 2011
    Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure is another good one. Bill and Ted use a phone booth to go through time and collect historical figures.

    Not quite time travel as such, but involves temporal warping of some sort are Frequency and The Lake House. Frequency is where a father and son communicate through time with a radio over thirty years, while The Lake House is where a man and women communicate through a mailbox over two years.
  • edited April 2011
    There are a lot of Star Trek episodes and movies dealing with time travel and parallel timelines, too many for me to list here, so I'll refer you to this handy dandy list: http://memory-alpha.org/wiki/Time_travel_episodes
  • edited April 2011
    Futurama has a few episodes dealing with time travel, and a few more dealing with alternate realities.
  • edited April 2011
    bttf4444 wrote: »
    Futurama has a few episodes dealing with time travel, and a few more dealing with alternate realities.

    Futurama time travel episodes are especially fun because they go out of their way to use a different, contradictory time travel theory nearly every time they use time travel.
  • edited April 2011
    doggans wrote: »
    Futurama time travel episodes are especially fun because they go out of their way to use a different, contradictory time travel theory nearly every time they use time travel.

    Not to mention the Professor frequently stating time travel is impossible. :p
  • edited April 2011
    12 Monkeys, and also the short film it was based on, La jetée.

    For alternate dimensions you can try the TV show Sliders, although it got really stupid after the first season.
  • edited April 2011
    redfish wrote: »
    12 Monkeys, and also the short film it was based on, La jetée.

    For alternate dimensions you can try the TV show Sliders, although it got really stupid after the first season.

    ive got all 5 seasons my best tv series ever..
  • edited April 2011
    Ghost Trick for DS is very enjoyable and you should definitely watch Doctor Who...
    I also recommend Chrono Trigger, Layton and the Unwound Future, Zelda: Majora's Mask/Ocarina of Time, parts of the Prince of Persia series, Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time and of course Sam and Max Season 2 ;)
  • edited April 2011
    Chrono Trigger is very good, but it's a RPG (long and not that easy).

    Shadow of Memories is very very good. It really used the concept of time travel the way it should.

    It's short, but there are multiple endings so it's still cool. ;)
  • edited April 2011
    tabstis wrote: »
    and of course Sam and Max Season 2

    Yes, don't forget this one.

    TV: The Star Trek franchise has several parallel universe and/or time travel episodes, many of which continue the same plotlines.

    Books: If you're into Star Trek, one of my favorite books is called Q-Squared, which involves multiple parallel universes (three primarily in the story.)

    Games: Day of the Tentacle, Chrono Trigger and Sam & Max Season 2 involve time travel.
  • Here's a list of different time travel movies or shows that I've seen and how it effects the time line. Please note that when I refer to internal time travel, it means the time traveller is travelling within their own body and thus can only travel between their birth and their death (therefore no possibility of running into your other self). External is like BTTF where the characters can travel to any time and therefore could co-exist with other versions of themselves.


    13 going on 30: Lead character travells forward in time internally from the age of 13 to the age of 30. Near the end she does travel back to the age of 13 again and makes different life decisions based on her knowledge of the future. At the very end is shown as a 30 year old with a different future.

    Austin powers movies; second and third films involve time travel but no characters attempt to change the timeline.

    Bill and Ted films; characters get messages and even items planted for them by their future selves thus implying time travel has always been in the timeline. Villains attempt to change the timeline but are unsuccessful.

    buttefly effect; character travels back in time to various points in his past and usually comes back to a different future each time he does so.

    a christmas carol; lead character goes to the past, present, and future. While we are unsure if he is able to change his future, it is presumed the future he sees is the one that would transpire if he does not change his ways.

    click; lead character is able to travel back in time but merely as a spectator, he is invisible to other people and doesn't seem to be able to physically move things and thus proably cant change the past. Character does have the ability to speed up time and thus essentially travel to the future

    frequency; no characters travel through time but a man is able to speak to his father 30 years earlier via radio and give him information about the future which does in fact change the timeline. This is a good example of how effects on the timeline effect human memory; when the past changes, the son remembers both timelines, the previous one and the new one.

    hot tub time machine (great BTTF spoof btw); 4 characters travel back to 1986, 3 internally, 1 (who was not born yet in 1986) externally. The timeline gets changed, 1 character stays back in 1986 but the other 3 return to a different future

    peggy sue got married: lead character travels back in time 25 years internally and at the end returns to a different future

    terminator films; plays with both time travel theories; in the first film, john connor sends kyle reese back from 2029 to 1984 and while in 1984, impregnates johns mother thus becoming johns father (john was born in 1985) so this would imply the timeline always expects time travel. Terminator 3 does indicate that events of terminator 2 posponed a judgement day which was supposed to happen in 1997 to the early 21st century. This implies that the timeline expects time travel but can still be changed to an extent

    the time machine; lead character builds a time machine to save his fiances life, every time he goes back to save her, she dies a different death. So the events can be changed but the ending effects can not be.

    the time travellers wife; character involuntarily travels to the past and the future but seems the timeline expects time travel as he is unable to change events (ie his mother died in a car accident and despite attempting, does not have the ability to save her)

    timecop; time travel exists but only to the past, travel to the future is impossible because the future hasn't happened. The timeline is changed several time and the movie has a rule that the same matter can not occupy the same space at the same time. Meaning you cant go back in time and touch yourself. This does eventually happen and both versions of the character evaporate (which should cause a paradox but doesnt.)

    being erica (canadian TV show): lead character is given time travel therapy where her doctor allows her to go back in time (and once to the future) to relive past events. He tells her she is not allowed to make drastic changes (a murky subject which I'll get to later); so for instance on the day she loses her virginity, she travels back and still loses it but to a different person. The character usually travels internally except if she travels to before her birth in which case she travels externally. Her doctor usually travels with her in an external manner (so she always looks the way she did in whatever year she's travelled to unless she goes to before her birth while he always has the same appearance). In one episode she travels back and saves her brothers life despite being instructed not to do so, returns and finds him alive in the present but he dies again upon her return and she chooses to go back and fix her changes.
  • edited April 2011
    Here's a list of different time travel movies or shows that I've seen and how it effects the time line. Please note that when I refer to internal time travel, it means the time traveller is travelling within their own body and thus can only travel between their birth and their death (therefore no possibility of running into your other self). External is like BTTF where the characters can travel to any time and therefore could co-exist with other versions of themselves.


    13 going on 30: Lead character travells forward in time internally from the age of 13 to the age of 30. Near the end she does travel back to the age of 13 again and makes different life decisions based on her knowledge of the future. At the very end is shown as a 30 year old with a different future.

    Austin powers movies; second and third films involve time travel but no characters attempt to change the timeline.

    Bill and Ted films; characters get messages and even items planted for them by their future selves thus implying time travel has always been in the timeline. Villains attempt to change the timeline but are unsuccessful.

    buttefly effect; character travels back in time to various points in his past and usually comes back to a different future each time he does so.

    a christmas carol; lead character goes to the past, present, and future. While we are unsure if he is able to change his future, it is presumed the future he sees is the one that would transpire if he does not change his ways.

    click; lead character is able to travel back in time but merely as a spectator, he is invisible to other people and doesn't seem to be able to physically move things and thus proably cant change the past. Character does have the ability to speed up time and thus essentially travel to the future

    frequency; no characters travel through time but a man is able to speak to his father 30 years earlier via radio and give him information about the future which does in fact change the timeline. This is a good example of how effects on the timeline effect human memory; when the past changes, the son remembers both timelines, the previous one and the new one.

    hot tub time machine (great BTTF spoof btw); 4 characters travel back to 1986, 3 internally, 1 (who was not born yet in 1986) externally. The timeline gets changed, 1 character stays back in 1986 but the other 3 return to a different future

    peggy sue got married: lead character travels back in time 25 years internally and at the end returns to a different future

    terminator films; plays with both time travel theories; in the first film, john connor sends kyle reese back from 2029 to 1984 and while in 1984, impregnates johns mother thus becoming johns father (john was born in 1985) so this would imply the timeline always expects time travel. Terminator 3 does indicate that events of terminator 2 posponed a judgement day which was supposed to happen in 1997 to the early 21st century. This implies that the timeline expects time travel but can still be changed to an extent

    the time machine; lead character builds a time machine to save his fiances life, every time he goes back to save her, she dies a different death. So the events can be changed but the ending effects can not be.

    the time travellers wife; character involuntarily travels to the past and the future but seems the timeline expects time travel as he is unable to change events (ie his mother died in a car accident and despite attempting, does not have the ability to save her)

    timecop; time travel exists but only to the past, travel to the future is impossible because the future hasn't happened. The timeline is changed several time and the movie has a rule that the same matter can not occupy the same space at the same time. Meaning you cant go back in time and touch yourself. This does eventually happen and both versions of the character evaporate (which should cause a paradox but doesnt.)

    being erica (canadian TV show): lead character is given time travel therapy where her doctor allows her to go back in time (and once to the future) to relive past events. He tells her she is not allowed to make drastic changes (a murky subject which I'll get to later); so for instance on the day she loses her virginity, she travels back and still loses it but to a different person. The character usually travels internally except if she travels to before her birth in which case she travels externally. Her doctor usually travels with her in an external manner (so she always looks the way she did in whatever year she's travelled to unless she goes to before her birth while he always has the same appearance). In one episode she travels back and saves her brothers life despite being instructed not to do so, returns and finds him alive in the present but he dies again upon her return and she chooses to go back and fix her changes.

    Thanks alot but ive seen all these accept for being erica, ill have a look into it.

    Thanks to everyone aswell for your suggestions, really appreciate it.. :)
  • edited April 2011
    book: timeriders its quite good but lack of swear words makes it unrealistic
  • edited April 2011
    I'm surprised Quantum Leap hasn't come up yet. There's several Zelda games that deal with time travel/ alternate dimensions, Ocarina of Time, Link to the Past, Oracle of Ages, Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess (they used that concept a lot). Chrono Cross was all about dimensions.
  • scottyd2k9 wrote: »
    Thanks alot but ive seen all these accept for being erica, ill have a look into it.

    Thanks to everyone aswell for your suggestions, really appreciate it.. :)

    if you go to cbc.ca you can see being erica for free
  • edited April 2011
    If you don't mind watching anime, a recent series is Steins Gate.
    It is about sending messages back into the past.
  • edited April 2011
    Book: Timeline by Michael Crichton
    A quantum-research company called ITC developed a technology to travel to several spots in the past. When finally a person got lost on one trip, ITC asks a team of scientists for help. The historians end up during the hundred-years-war between France and England in 1357 and have to prove their knowledge of history to stay alive in this deadly timeline.

    Way better than the movie adaption by Richard Donner.
  • edited April 2011
    I'm a sucker for anything to do with time travel.
  • edited April 2011
    12 Monkey's is the most masterfully executed time travel movie. Its REALLY good.
  • edited April 2011
    I made a topic about this in the general section that had 6+ pages worth of posts. Maybe you could find something there.

    My recommendations? Play these games:
    -Shadow of Memories (PSP/PS2)
    -Chrono Trigger (DS)
    -Radiant Historia (DS)

    Watch this movie:
    -Timecrimes (spanish movie)

    All these recommendations implement the time travel element excellently.
  • edited April 2011
    don't forget hitchikers guide to the galaxy
  • edited April 2011
    Not exactly the same thing, but the novel Island in the Sea of Time by SM Stirling was a pretty neat read. The basic idea is that the modern day island of Nantucket and its inhabitants are somehow time-shifted to the Bronze Age. There's a couple sequels to it, but I haven't read them.
  • edited April 2011
    Sort of a take on the parallel dimension, the Nintendo Gamecube game Tales of Symphonia revolves around two worlds, Sylvarant and Teth'ealla, that were once one world and are now split and exist in a cycle, sort of feeding off each other. Basically, one world prospers while the other suffers.
  • edited April 2011
    Its an RTS with timetravel as a gameplay mechanic.
  • edited April 2011
    redfish wrote: »
    For alternate dimensions you can try the TV show Sliders, although it got really stupid after the first season.

    Uh, no it didn't. Season 2 was almost as good as the first. Season 3 was appallingly bad (I'll give you that) but still great entertainment in a so bad it's funny kind of a way. Season 4 was a return to form (with only two crap episodes). I haven't watched season 5 yet due to it not being on sale to the UK.

    But I think it's more than a generalisation to say that it all got really stupid after season 1. Heck, season 2 contained the following episodes...

    Into the Mystic
    Gillian of the Spirits
    Post Traumatic Slide Syndrome
    In Dino Veritas

    All of which are classics.
  • edited April 2011
    The Fringe tv-series which involves time travel and parallel dimensions.

    Right now i'm watching Stargate-SG1 series. In some cases there are parallel dimensions and/or timetravel in it too :)
  • edited April 2011
    I'm surprised no one has said Timecop lol

    The movie was ok and it also got fluked out into being a series. In the moive a currpt senator is using time travel to make sure he becomes president.(yes I know Jean Claude Van Dame). In the series it was kinda the issue of the week...
  • darkcat1 wrote: »
    I'm surprised no one has said Timecop lol

    The movie was ok and it also got fluked out into being a series. In the moive a currpt senator is using time travel to make sure he becomes president.(yes I know Jean Claude Van Dame). In the series it was kinda the issue of the week...

    Decent action flick but the more you think about it, the more flawed the concept is;
    -can't travel into the future since the future hasn't happened? (then where are the time travellers coming from?
    -they have this illogical rule that the same matter can not occupy the same space at the same time (cant go back in time and touch your younger self) which makes no sense; for one thing, body matter and skin constantly change. And this does happen at the end (both versions touch each other and evaporate) which should cause a PARADOX!!!
  • edited April 2011
    If you can find them Simon Hawke's TimeWars books are excellent. And as far as parallel/alternate universes go, try practically anything by Harry Turtledove. Also the 'Ring of Fire' series by Eric Flint etal, just avoid the ones co-written with Virginia Demarce. :)
  • edited April 2011
    lol, wow. No one mentioned "Time Bandits"?
  • edited April 2011
    I love time travel and parallel dimension stories. Such a sucker for them.
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    TV: The Star Trek franchise has several parallel universe and/or time travel episodes, many of which continue the same plotlines.

    TNG had the best time travel and parallel dimension stories ever. There were a couple great ones in DS9 and Voyager too, though. Relativity from Voyager was a spectacular episode. One of my favourites...probably my favourite Voyager episode ever. Cause and Effects from TNG was another great one. Some others worth mentioning are Timescape, Parallels, and We'll Always Have Paris from TNG.
    Books: If you're into Star Trek, one of my favorite books is called Q-Squared, which involves multiple parallel universes (three primarily in the story.)

    What a great book! Trelane, Q, the Yesterday's Enterprise timeline, and a third timeline in which Jack Crusher is captain of the Enterprise and Picard is the first officer. Wonderful story.

    As for games, obviously there's the two Zelda N64 titles. Duke Nukem 1 allegedly had some time travel involved. :D
  • edited April 2011
    TNG had the best time travel and parallel dimension stories ever. There were a couple great ones in DS9 and Voyager too, though. Relativity from Voyager was a spectacular episode. One of my favourites...probably my favourite Voyager episode ever. Cause and Effects from TNG was another great one. Some others worth mentioning are Timescape, Parallels, and We'll Always Have Paris from TNG.

    Yay! Someone with good taste :)

    You didn't include Star Trek: Enterprise, though. They have some really good ones, like "In a Mirror, Darkly".

    A complete list of Trek episodes which involve time travel (or time travelers) can be found here: http://memory-alpha.org/wiki/Time_travel_episodes

    A complete list of Trek episodes which involve parallel universes can be found here: http://memory-alpha.org/wiki/Parallel_universe_episodes

    I can't decide what my favorite time travel / alternate dimension episode is. I tried making a list but found that it would be way too long. Better to just say I like them all. Though my favorite Trek episode is Deja Q, which is not related to time travel or alternate dimensions, that isn't saying much really because after all my favorite Trek characters are Data and Q.

    Also, despite its obvious plotholes and inaccuracies, my favorite Trek movie is the recent Star Trek reboot, followed closely by Star Trek IV, and they both do involve time travel or parallel dimensions.
  • edited April 2011
    Nobody mentioned Primer, which makes me very sad.

    As much as I love BTTF, Primer is THE. BEST. Time Travel movie. EVER.
  • edited April 2011
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    Yay! Someone with good taste :)

    You didn't include Star Trek: Enterprise, though. They have some really good ones, like "In a Mirror, Darkly".

    A complete list of Trek episodes which involve time travel (or time travelers) can be found here: http://memory-alpha.org/wiki/Time_travel_episodes

    A complete list of Trek episodes which involve parallel universes can be found here: http://memory-alpha.org/wiki/Parallel_universe_episodes

    I can't decide what my favorite time travel / alternate dimension episode is. I tried making a list but found that it would be way too long. Better to just say I like them all. Though my favorite Trek episode is Deja Q, which is not related to time travel or alternate dimensions, that isn't saying much really because after all my favorite Trek characters are Data and Q.

    Also, despite its obvious plotholes and inaccuracies, my favorite Trek movie is the recent Star Trek reboot, followed closely by Star Trek IV, and they both do involve time travel or parallel dimensions.

    Star Trek frequently mixes rules of time travel. :p And the new movie was great!
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