Will the rest of the episodes become free aswell?

So yesterday I got the first episode for free, and I loved it! Problem is, I'm a little uncomfortable when it comes to buying things online. So will the rest of the episodes become free as well after some time or was the first episode becoming free sort of a trial?


  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2011
    The entire series won't be made available for free... they've got to make money somehow! Think of the free episode as a demo for the full game.
  • edited April 2011
    Yeah telltale tends to do a promotion when they get to episode 3/4 where episode 1 becomes free.

    Idea is basically people play 1 cause its free get hooked and therefore buy the season.
  • edited April 2011
    You could always use a gift card visa available at most retail stores..
  • edited April 2011
    SoloStoffe wrote: »
    Problem is, I'm a little uncomfortable when it comes to buying things online.

    You've heard too many internet horror stories.

    There is absolutely no reason to worry about buying products online from reputable businesses like Telltale. They have no spyware, they won't spam your email account, they don't share your information, etc, etc, etc. All those stories are bunk.

    Rest assured, you can feel completely secure buying from Telltale--I don't think you'll find one person here who has ever had a negative experience with their online store. You don't even have to wait for shipping or anything like that, since once you buy, you automatically get access to download the game. Go for it! :)
  • edited April 2011
    And remember, of course, that they accept PayPal if you don't want to give your credit card number directly to any given business. PayPal has made a very profitable business out of being a very reputable, safe middleman between you and the businesses with which you interact!
  • edited April 2011
    Irishmile wrote: »
    You could always use a gift card visa available at most retail stores..

    Side Note: Wait does this even work here? I've heard problems with these for other online distributed games. (IE: Minecraft)
  • edited April 2011
    Make the whole series free? I think there's an obvious problem with that. ;)

    But seriously, you don't have anything to worry about with the Telltale Store. I can understand you being afraid of giving out your credit card number online, but Telltale's a reputable business. I think we've all used their store at some point and can safely say they don't do anything shady.

    And if you really don't trust Telltale, you can get the game on Steam too. Or PSN, if you're more of a console guy.
  • edited April 2011
    Oh yea. Definitely. *rolls eyes* LOL
  • edited April 2011
    They might implement a reduced price for those that snatched up a free episode. If the freebie is a limited time only thing, though.
  • edited April 2011
    That's why it's cheaper than most TellTale games.
  • edited April 2011
    Probably not. With episodic gaming its easy to have a drug dealer model of handing the first one out for free - because really it's just a nice taste of the whole. And, if it does the trick...you want more.
  • edited April 2011
    I'm short on cash right now, so I'd be glad to see a sale on BTTF in the nearer future, maybe 50% or so. I really liked the first episode, and would love to play the whole game better soon than late.
    I do buy all of the games I like sooner or later but only for what I consider a reasonable price. Steam sales are my passion for that reason and the 30 days of telltale were awesome, too. I'd be glad to see BTTF to have a price below my maximum of 12-15$. Please Telltale!! ;-)
  • edited April 2011
    "So yesterday I got the first episode for free, and I loved it! Problem is, I'm a little uncomfortable when it comes to buying things online. So will the rest of the episodes become free as well after some time or was the first episode becoming free sort of a trial? "

    I don't see how Telltale could stay in business if they did that.
  • edited April 2011
    techie775 wrote: »
    "So yesterday I got the first episode for free, and I loved it! Problem is, I'm a little uncomfortable when it comes to buying things online. So will the rest of the episodes become free as well after some time or was the first episode becoming free sort of a trial? "

    I don't see how Telltale could stay in business if they did that.

    They could put sponsored links on various items and characters throughout the game. It would make the game a bit more interactive as well.
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