Is Edna being set up as the villain for the overall game? *Spoilers*

I just bought the season pass on PSN and have also been watching gameplay walkthroughs of the episodes so far. During my viewings, I'm starting to piece together the potential, yet possibly obvious idea that Edna might end up being the main villain for the game overall, not just Episodes 3 and 4. Here's why I think this: there's the fact that Einstein keeps attacking her. Remember back in Episode 1 when Doc said Einstein never does that unless "it was for good reason". Good reason would probably mean if the person in question was and/or was up to no good. This might sound weird but maybe o'll Einie has some weird precognitive sense that Edna's a no-good snob who'd stop at nothing to keep things in check....even if it eventually lead to doing something like, say, stealing the DeLorean for her own crazy and control freak-esque ends!

What do you guys think of this possibility? Also, if you have any other clues that support this theory, I'd love to hear em!


  • edited April 2011
    She might be a robot. Dogs always bark at terminators.
  • edited April 2011
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    She might be a robot. Dogs always bark at terminators.

    I doubt that, lol.
  • edited April 2011
    i like the idea of their being one villain per two episodes.
  • edited April 2011
    Well, it is kinda nice to have a villain who isn't Biff or some Tannen for a change.
  • edited April 2011
    Well telltale has a way of not showing who the true antagonist until the VERY end. for instance in season 2 of sam and max it was
    the soda poppers! People who appeared in 1 episode that season prior
    or season 3 where the villan was
    THE NARRATOR!!!!!! We were expecting that since the first trailer and we were shocked
    So Im sure their will be a twist where Einstein is the main antagonist.:p
  • edited April 2011
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Well telltale has a way of not showing who the true antagonist until the VERY end. for instance in season 2 of sam and max it was
    the soda poppers! People who appeared in 1 episode that season prior
    or season 3 where the villan was
    THE NARRATOR!!!!!! We were expecting that since the first trailer and we were shocked
    So Im sure their will be a twist where Einstein is the main antagonist.:p

    I'm calling it now. Giant Junior-possessed voodoo Einstein.
  • edited April 2011
    Oh, are we placing bets as to who will be revealed to be the villain of the game? My money's on the guy in the soup kitchen, the one eating soup in the back.

  • edited April 2011
    The villain will obviously be Michael J. Fox. At the end of episode 4, he'll show up and demand to reprise his role as Marty McFly. But then Jared appears and tells him that it's too late in the season, which provokes him to hijack a Delorean and try to erase Telltale Games from existence.

    It's the only logical answer.
  • Just like how the films dont have an overall villain; biff was a villain for part II and two thirds of part II, griff was the villain for one third of part II and buford for part III. I dont think there is an overall villain here. Kid Tannen was the villain in episodes 1 and 2, edna was actually a protagonist for those 2 episodes. Most of episode 3, it was society as the villain. Not til the end of the episode did edna emerge as the villain.

    And we still have no clue as to episode 5. The top bets are edna and griff but as mentioned, telltale could have a twist up their sleeves?
  • edited April 2011
    Just like how the films dont have an overall villain; biff was a villain for part II and two thirds of part II, griff was the villain for one third of part II and buford for part III. I dont think there is an overall villain here. Kid Tannen was the villain in episodes 1 and 2, edna was actually a protagonist for those 2 episodes. Most of episode 3, it was society as the villain. Not til the end of the episode did edna emerge as the villain.

    And we still have no clue as to episode 5. The top bets are edna and griff but as mentioned, telltale could have a twist up their sleeves?

    The Tannens were never really serious villains in the films. They were just losers with big egos. Marty could have avoided fights with them if he didn't get so upset when people called him chicken.

    Edna on the other hand is made into a cartoon villain by the time she's older. All she needs is a twirly mustache and a cape.
  • edited April 2011
    redfish wrote: »
    Edna on the other hand is made into a cartoon villain by the time she's older. All she needs is a twirly mustache and a cape.

    If either this or the soup kitchen guy aren't the main villains, I'm going to be very disappointed.
  • edited April 2011
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Well telltale has a way of not showing who the true antagonist until the VERY end. for instance in season 2 of sam and max it was
    the soda poppers! People who appeared in 1 episode that season prior
    or season 3 where the villan was
    THE NARRATOR!!!!!! We were expecting that since the first trailer and we were shocked
    So Im sure their will be a twist where Einstein is the main antagonist.:p

    Well, I don't think your Season 3 finale antagonist is necessarily the entire season's true antagonist. He is responsible for Max's... err... development in the finale, but he didn't have to do anything with the Devil's Toybox showing up (Max finding the Future Vision binoculars) to create the season's main plot. Heck, he was against everything Max did with his psychic powers!
  • redfish wrote: »
    The Tannens were never really serious villains in the films. They were just losers with big egos. Marty could have avoided fights with them if he didn't get so upset when people called him chicken.

    Edna on the other hand is made into a cartoon villain by the time she's older. All she needs is a twirly mustache and a cape.

    Part I: Biff gets in the way when Marty tries to introduce George to Lorraine and get him to ask her to the dance. Biff also messes up the plan of George saving the day (he does anyhow but thats not the point).

    Part II; Biff steals the time machine, abuses lorraine and tries to kill Marty.

    Part III: Buford initially kills doc and tries to kill Marty twice

    still think the tannens arent villains?
  • edited April 2011
    i want the libyans to return.
  • edited April 2011
    Part I: Biff gets in the way when Marty tries to introduce George to Lorraine and get him to ask her to the dance. Biff also messes up the plan of George saving the day (he does anyhow but thats not the point).

    Part II; Biff steals the time machine, abuses lorraine and tries to kill Marty.

    Part III: Buford initially kills doc and tries to kill Marty twice

    still think the tannens arent villains?

    In part I, he's just a typical loser who's a high school bully. He doesn't really care about Marty or George he's just concerned with himself. Part II shows what happens when such a loser artificially gets a lot of money. In part III, yea buford is an outlaw and more of a typical villain character, but he's just a stock old west outlaw type , and Marty could have avoided a fight with him anyway.

    My concern with how Edna is portrayed is that she's straight out of a comic book. There've been a lot of cranks like Edna around, but how many of them would actually go to the extreme of creating a society based on taking away people's free will? How many would even have the vision or capability to do that? I know she married Doc Brown, but I don't even understand how she'd be able to convince him. No matter how love-smitten he was, he was always a free spirit.
  • edited April 2011
    Right now it seems like its Edna or the guy. Or it could be Kid before he got arrested. I do not know quite what to expect.
  • edited April 2011
    PSI Guy wrote: »
    If either this or the soup kitchen guy aren't the main villains, I'm going to be very disappointed.
    VeryTori wrote: »
    Right now it seems like its Edna or the guy. Or it could be Kid before he got arrested. I do not know quite what to expect.

    Wow, I'm actually convincing people that the villain is that guy? I'm glad some people have finally realised that all evidence points towards the soup kitchen guy and his notorious ways.

    I feel like we should give him a name for the time being. 'Soup Kitchen Guy' doesn't sound like a very good villain name.

    He sort of looks like a 'Roger'...
  • edited April 2011
    What about Mr. Arteogie?
  • edited April 2011
    What about Mr. Roger Arteogie?
  • edited April 2011
    Roger Nefarisoup.
  • edited April 2011
    Mine sounds more realistic but yours sounds like it makes him sound better.
  • edited April 2011
    Guys, the dude in the soup kitchen in the corner was just that: a guy in the corner of the soup kitchen eating soup. Where the HELL is everyone getting this assumption? Besides, we've only seen him ONCE, and he never said anything.
  • edited April 2011
    Guys, the dude in the soup kitchen in the corner was just that: a guy in the corner of the soup kitchen eating soup. Where the HELL is everyone getting this assumption? Besides, we've only seen him ONCE, and he never said anything.

    And also, if people had tried to talk to him, Marty replies, "I better not, don't want to mess up his timeline."
  • edited April 2011
    Mercedez wrote: »
    And also, if people had tried to talk to him, Marty replies, "I better not, don't want to mess up his timeline."

    I find that funny, cause Marty didn't have a problem messing up his Grandfather's, Young Doc's, Edna's, and Tannen's Timeline by talking to them.
  • techie775 wrote: »
    I find that funny, cause Marty didn't have a problem messing up his Grandfather's, Young Doc's, Edna's, and Tannen's Timeline by talking to them.

    He did all that to save doc, they're willing to compromise the timeline if they have to but they dont go out of their way for it.
  • edited April 2011
    I just realized something.

    1986A- In the original timeline, Edna is a lonely old bat who yells at strangers with a megaphone for breaking rules either set in print or set by herself. She hoards EVERY SINGLE ISSUE of the Hill Valley Telegraph ever published. She doesn't question why the shoe brought by Marty McFly is decades younger or question how Marty found it. All she apparently eats is tea and candy.

    1986B- In the alternate timeline, Edna is married to Doc and co-runner of Hill Valley: A Perfect Place to Live. She looks better. Her and Doc have been "happily married" for almost fifty years. Not so! All the rules in Hill Valley were probably written by her. She bullies her husband in ways I don't even want to think about. The mere sight of a dog turns her into a screaming banshee. Let's also not forget that she added a little something to the Citizen Plus Program that made "Plusi" her obeying slaves with absolutely no free will.

    Edna goes crazy in any timeline.
  • edited April 2011
    even if it eventually lead to doing something like, say, stealing the DeLorean for her own liberal ends!

    "Liberal ends"? Edna?! Do you know what "liberal" means? She's got to be the least liberal character in the game!
  • edited April 2011
    HeroicJay wrote: »
    "Liberal ends"? Edna?! Do you know what "liberal" means? She's got to be the least liberal character in the game!

    Sorry, lol. I couldn't find a better word to describe her actions and behavior thus far. What would you describe her as without using profanity? How about "crazy and control freak-esque", perhaps?
  • Sorry, lol. I couldn't find a better word to describe her actions and behavior thus far. What would you describe her as without using profanity? How about "crazy and control freak-esque", perhaps?

  • edited April 2011
    Yep, conservative. Though it's pretty accurate to say that she takes conservativeness to a ridiculously "crazy and control freak-esque" extreme. ;)

    (BTW, I'm not trying to start any political arguments, so please don't take it that way. I'm just stating that, by the definition of the word "liberal", Edna is very, VERY much not.)
  • HeroicJay wrote: »
    Yep, conservative. Though it's pretty accurate to say that she takes conservativeness to a ridiculously "crazy and control freak-esque" extreme. ;)

    (BTW, I'm not trying to start any political arguments, so please don't take it that way. I'm just stating that, by the definition of the word "liberal", Edna is very, VERY much not.)

    Very few people are extreme liberals or extreme conservatives , any logical political system would need a mixture of both (it's just up to interpretation how to balance them) but the society we see is extreme conservatism
  • edited April 2011
    HeroicJay wrote: »
    Yep, conservative. Though it's pretty accurate to say that she takes conservativeness to a ridiculously "crazy and control freak-esque" extreme. ;)

    (BTW, I'm not trying to start any political arguments, so please don't take it that way. I'm just stating that, by the definition of the word "liberal", Edna is very, VERY much not.)

    In the game, Edna not only supports enforcing morals, but also environmental regulations -- making every citizen put their waste in the proper recycling receptacle, having pride in a environmentally-neutral self-sustaining city.

    She's modeled after 1930s-era Progressives who wanted to use government to create a better society in every aspect, and supported things that would be on opposite political sides today like prohibition, social safety nets, a command economy.

    Not Theodore Roosevelt Progressives (as a certain Mr. Beck argues) this came later. The beliefs were inherited from people like William Jennings Bryan, who also was on both sides of the fence. He championed poor farmers, called out the greed of corporations, and wanted to nationalize railroads but argued against evolution and in favor of temperance. Bryan was considered to have radical, dangerous views for his time, not conservative at all. Also look up Christian Socialism..

    You can't make a comparison to today's politics....
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