Accounts Problem + Manual Unlock

edited July 2011 in Site Support

My main problem is that somehow I have 2 accounts and they crossed each other. Initially I created my account with hotmail. But when my father purchased the games he created another account with my yahoo email. Apparently I downloaded the games under the hotmail account, but asked you for the manual unlock under the yahoo account.

I was playing under yahoo, as you gave me the unlock for it. But when I went on the website I couldnt find the links to download the next episodes. This is why I was instructed via email to log in with my hotmail account. Unfortunately ever since I have not been able to play my games. I have been now requesting the manual unlocks for a month. Amy was responsible for this matter but apparently she does not want to help me anymore as she never responded to my emails again.

I now its confusing, but I hope you understand the issue and can help me. How should I proceed to get the manual unlocks?


  • edited July 2011
    Well, i don't know jhaan. Someone knows how to unlock it from 2 accounts when you have a problem.

    That is really you have problems with 2 accounts when you created another account in yahoo. Think owners or moderators are know.
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