Why does Gametap get the episodes 2 weeks early?

edited March 2007 in Sam & Max
It seems a bit unfair. I mean I think Season 1 customers (those who bought the whole season) should have access to the games at the same time.... no? That way you persuade more people to splice up more dough! And everyone's happy!


  • edited March 2007
    How would you then persuade Gametap to splice up more dough?
  • edited March 2007
    GameTap is helping fund the episodes so, in return, GameTap subscribers get the episodes slightly early.

    It's a "You-scratch-my-back-I-scratch-yours" situation...except I hate scratching other people's backs. It's kind of disgusting...
  • edited March 2007
    How many times has this been brought up?
  • edited March 2007
    About 2 less times than the difficulty level, and 7 more times than Max's voice actor :P
  • edited March 2007
    Where's Haggis with his counter when you need him? =P
  • edited March 2007
    What Cyberlink said.
  • edited March 2007
    ShaggE wrote: »
    About 2 less times than the difficulty level, and 7 more times than Max's voice actor :P

    What's wrong with Max's voice actor?
  • edited March 2007
    Absolutely nothing, but that was what alot of people complained about for awhile.
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