Sam & Max ep. 5 looks amazing!!

edited March 2007 in Sam & Max
I'm totally blown by the ep.5 teaser, I think it's gonna be one hell of an episode! :D

Can't wait!


  • edited March 2007
    Don't say fcuking. Kids are gonna read this!
  • edited March 2007
    I also want episode 5 tp come out.
  • edited March 2007
    I'm gnawing on my hands in anticipation
  • edited March 2007
    99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer... you take one down pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall....

    why cant april 5th be here already.......... :rolleyes:
  • edited March 2007
    Think of it this way: If the game was already released, we would have to wait even longer before we can play a new episode ;)

    Also. Once it gets released, if we have waited for it for a long time, it's a big chance we will play through the game as fast as possible(missing the funny little stuff we would have found if we hadn't been so rushed to see what the episode was all about). Let's say the next episode is 4-6 hours long. If we play all the way through it right away, we will be right back to waiting for the next episode within a day or so ;)

    Of course, this isn't something exclusive for episodic games. I still remember when I got Broken Sword 2 for my birthday. My father had been over in the UK and bought it for my birthday(funny thing, the Broken Sword games are always released the month before my birthday, which I love :D). Anyway, so he told me he would give me the game for my birthday, which were two weeks later. Those were the longest weeks of my life, and when I finally got it, I sat up all night and played through the entire game. It was a lot of fun, but in retrospect I regret it, because I didn't really have time to enjoy the game(and if I had known that I would have to wait 6 years for another Broken Sword, I would really have regrettet playing through it so fast even more). But I'm probably going to do the same thing with the next episode of sam & max :P I have done it with all the past episodes ;) I figure I will have time to enjoy the game when I have my grand playthrough sometime during this summer instead :)
  • edited March 2007
    I'll definitely take my time with Ep. 6, then I'll probably play through the entire season again, one game a month, until Season 2...
  • edited March 2007
    ShaggE wrote: »
    I'll definitely take my time with Ep. 6, then I'll probably play through the entire season again, one game a month, until Season 2...

    That's a good idea, actually.
  • edited March 2007
    the final episode of season 1 will go worldwide in may............ then all we have is june, july, (which should be when most of the version 2.0 episodes will be released), and some of august untill the season one disc is released, and then it is only one short month untill september, which is when season 2 details should start showing up

    so the wait is really not that bad, and i am sure that the next csi game and bone episode 3 will come out in between sam and max seasons one and two

    but even though it is only a few months wait............. it will be a long few months wait :(

    although i am sure that the final 2 episodes of season 1 and the other 3 seasons will be worth all the wait in between them
  • edited March 2007
    We actually haven't announced when our packaged season set will come out :)
  • edited March 2007
    i have a unique ability to predict things, everything from tv shows to release dates and sports scores

    in fact none of my friends will let me watch tv with them beacause i will spoil episodes that are airing live for the first time while we are watching them................ watching lost, 24, heroes, and csi all alone is very depressing

    and i am predicting that all of sam and max season 1 will be out the door by september of this year, and that sam and max will wrap up after 4 seasons because something bigger and better will come along from telltale, although that will not be the end of sam and max................ you can quote me on it, although i like to be modest and admit that i am not ALWAYS right..... because no one is (not even my girlfriend, sorry honey)
  • edited March 2007
    This is easily the best art direction I've seen during the Season :3
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