If anyone is interested, I created a Telltale Games team for the Folding@Home project. If you're not familiar with Folding@Home, it's a distributed computing effort that uses lots and lots of volunteers' CPUs to process large volumes of data quickly. In this case, it's used for scientific and medical research. The whole thing runs at the lowest priority setting, so it should never interfere with or slow down your own work on the computer. You can learn more at
Our team is number 58833, and you just need to plug that team number in when you install the program if you want to join. right now, it's just me, and is sort of sad:
Our team is number 58833, and you just need to plug that team number in when you install the program if you want to join. right now, it's just me, and is sort of sad:
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It's a really neat idea. I had never heard of this before.
On the brighter side, I found a new way to crash my computer!
That was the first one I tried. My computer at school is weird and it started to install and all the install windows flashed up and went away so I tried the no-frills one (which didn't work either) then the SMP beta.
I installed the first one at home and it went like clockwork. It's running now.
You need to be online for it to grab work, but not for it to actually work on it.
I'm working on Supervillin!
Glad they have a linux client. My university machine can start to be useful for a change
The wait til the end of the current work unit keeps randomly changing from 9 days to 99 days though =/. How long is it taking everyone else?
That's an awesome picture Doug!
Im on! Yay!
(Albeit the one is VERY slow and the other is my home PC thats only on for a fraction of the day.)
I'm DannyH if anyone's interested.
But i used F@H already back in 2001.(arround that year, cant remember anymore exactly.)
Check out
Just thought it might be interesting...
I must admit, its probably more rewarding to take part in something that gives tangible results...
I know Seti only scans a small portion of the sky. But a few weeks ago a new earth-like planet was found (Gliese 581b) and probably more will be found (Gliese 581c is reported to be earth like too). Unfortunately Arecibo does not have enough range to point there (and its currently under maintenance), but imagine for one moment that in one of these planets life exist and maybe there is sentient life. Is trying to contact them irrelevant? Imagine if they are trying to contact us!
And I could say the same about F@H (or any other project), maybe your precious folding result was already done by a private lab and is already under patent number 2942538573295358. My point is: if you feel a particular project is "irrelevant" or whatever, don't participate. Just don't bash that project.
Just for the record, I find [EMAIL="F@H"]F@H[/EMAIL] a worthy cause, any project that aims to extend our knowledge in any area is worthy.