Tie in with Back to the Future 1 (movie) from Episode 4


Anyone notice that the ledge Emmet breaks on the clock tower, causing him to slip and fall, is the same portion that he will slip on again in 1955 when trying to get his footing during the lightening bolt at the clock tower event. It can be thought of, that the reason Doc in 1955 fell, is because 1931 Emmet broke the ledge in the first place.


  • edited April 2011
    No actually there's a break to the left(where Marty was standing) and to the right(where Emmett was) of the clockface. The break in BTTF1 was in about the center. Also, the ledge protrudes more in 1931, it might be this breaking that requires a remodeling later.
  • edited April 2011
    Not to mention they have to replace the two lion statues, since we broke both of them off this time. (Maybe next time they will not look like Einstine.;))
  • Also notice how the date doc leaves from in 1986 to come get marty after working for six months is November 5th (the day marty arrives in 1955)
  • edited May 2011
    Also notice how the date doc leaves from in 1986 to come get marty after working for six months is November 5th (the day marty arrives in 1955)

    Really? You sure pay attention to detail.
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