Who bought the whole season?

edited April 2007 in Sam & Max
'Fess up!
(And why exactly did you buy it?)

I grabbed mine because Telltale did such a bang up job with the first episode, that how could I not get more of them?

Trust me, I know people that could crack this, burn that, but the simple truth is: if you can't afford much, but something is WORTH your hard earnt cash, SAVE for it.

I did that, and Telltale's hard work paid off to the tune of another $34.95USD.

Keep it up Telltale! The crew slogging away at the making of the game do an excellent job, as do the support teams slaving away on emails and these Forums (heya Emily!), helping clueless newbs figure out how to sort out downloads, purchases, etcetera.

This company sure has it's head on straight. May it never lose perspective like so many others. ;) :)


  • edited March 2007
    I decided to order it the moment I heard it was announced. That was like 3 months or something like that before the first episode was out. Just that it was Sam & Max and people who used to work at Lucas Art was enough to make me make up my mind to buy it. I remembered starting up the demo, and before even the intro was done I just said "I'm buying it" and ordered the entire season.
  • edited March 2007
    This was one of the rare games where the demo really made me feel that I just had to have it (come to think of it, I think I've only really felt the same way about the Worms 2 demo). I bought the season within a few days of playing the episode 1 demo.
    I could've stuck with episode 1 for the time being but I decided that history was being written and that I was going to have the front row seat no matter what. With the series continuing to get better and better, I'm really glad I did.
  • edited March 2007
    I played the demo, loved it, and bought the season.
    ^^Officially the most boring most ever?
  • edited March 2007
    I bought the whole season the day it was announced... Wasn't that the same day the new site went up? After Bone II I was convinced that Telltale would succeed :)
  • edited March 2007
    I only remembered about Telltale and Sam & Max just before the second episode was released. I bought the first episode and loved it so much, I immediately bought episode two.

    Unfortunately I can't afford to spend the whole season purchase at once, and I can't bear waiting past a few episodes until I have enough for the whole season, so now I buy them as they are released...
  • edited March 2007
    I bought the whole season after I played episode 1 on Gametap.
  • edited March 2007
    I bought it because I love Sam and Max, and because there is a shortage of good quality adventure games these days. They don't make 'em like they used to.
  • edited March 2007
    Guilty... (for buying it... Not stealing it ;))

    And why? It's bloody Sam 'n Max for christ sake... And Telltale really rocks!
  • edited March 2007
    ... because there is a shortage of good quality adventure games these days. They don't make 'em like they used to.

    amen, brother... or sister.
  • edited March 2007
    i bought the whole seson right away.

    Because i thougt even if it sucks i buy it just to hit Lucasarts for cancelling S&M :)
  • edited March 2007
    I bought it because I love Sam & Max and I don't know how to control my spending habit!

    Thankfully, I'm broke now, so all I need to do is wait for my Tax Refund to come in the mail.
  • edited March 2007
    Zeek: I've just finished my shopping list. After I have gotten all I have ordered lately, I will have to take it easy for the next half year or so... but at least I have finished my list of classics games I want to buy now, and got a hold of the Oblivion expansion pack. Joy is me :D
  • edited March 2007
    I bought the season the day it became available.... I've been following TellTale since the first indicatoin came that they would make a new Sam and Max.
  • edited March 2007
    I didn't... but I did buy the 4 episodes. And of course I will buy the next two as well.

    But... being such a nice guy to pay even more than what season 1 costs, why am I penalized by not getting the chance to buy the CD or DVD with everything on it, like the guys who bought the whole season? Or... maybe...?
  • edited March 2007
    I bought it because I love Sam and Max, and because there is a shortage of good quality adventure games these days. They don't make 'em like they used to.
    Telltale sure is!

    I bought the whole season as soon as I heard about it. I knew that they would be good when I learned that they consisted of ex-LucasArts employees.
  • edited March 2007
    I'll probably get shot down for saying this, but I may have been a bit naughty when playing the first episode.

    I simply couldn't wait for the next after that though and certainly consider Telltale a worthy inheritor of my hard earned pennies for doing such a fantastic job, so I immediately went out and bought the whole season :)
  • edited March 2007
    I didn't even bother playing the demo! I'd been following Season 1 since it was merely a rumour, and in my mind there was no choice. I knew I was going to buy the first episode as soon as the buy button started functioning so I thought I may as well get the whole thing.

    Ah...I was there at the beginning. I was there when the comic generator first went up. I was there when the partnership with Gametap was announced. I was there when the site got it's awesome makeover. And thankfully I was there when Abe Lincoln Must Die was released early to Season 1 customers.

    I always knew it would be a wild ride and Telltale, as always, has blown my mind and exceeded my wildest expectations.

    So um...yeah. That's why I bought the whole season. (Go Telltale!)
  • edited March 2007
    Sam & Max: Hit the Road is the only computer game my wife likes so I was overjoyed to hear that Telltale was releasing some episodic goodness our way. Because of that, I have been following the production of this game ever since it was announced. I visited the old site all the time in order to keep up on the latest & greatest Sam & Max news. (In fact, I still visit this site almost daily.)

    I haven't been interested in a GameTap subscription so I purchased Season 1 as soon as it was available for the public.

    Since each episode takes a few hours to beat, my wife & I love being able to sit down and play a bit of the game now & then. (We're almost done with Ep4.)

    All hail Telltale for a wonderful product and revolutionary distribution system. Bring on Episode 5!
  • edited March 2007
    I bought it..because well its Sam & Max..and I'd been waiting for a new sam and max game for I don't know 13 years :p I've been hanging round these telltale parts since they first started so it's really exciting to see them have so much success with this season. :)
  • edited March 2007
    I won the season, but I'd have bought it had I not won it. And I'll be buying Season 2 in a heartbeat when it's offered.
  • edited March 2007
    Bought it, because it looked like fun. And would you look at that - it is fun!

    Hope there'll be a Season 2. I'd buy THAT for a dollar (or 35)!!!
  • edited March 2007
    I bought the whole season because I loved the first episode. I'll even glady buy season 2 when it's offered. I loved Sam and Max Hit the Road, and I will admit to being a litle skeptical of Telltale's efforts ... just a little.

    I fell in love with the first episode and bought the whole season. I even bought Bone even though I've never heard of the comic.
  • edited March 2007
    I bought it because I'm absolutely awful with money; I'd rather pay for the lot in a lump sum than see an ep released two weeks before payday and I'll have to wait those long... torturous... weeks... :D
  • edited March 2007
    marsan wrote: »
    amen, brother... or sister.

    That'll be sister. ;)
    NatsFan wrote: »
    Telltale sure is!

    I bought the whole season as soon as I heard about it. I knew that they would be good when I learned that they consisted of ex-LucasArts employees.

    I realise Telltale are making quality adventure games and am very grateful! However, I've only played Bone and Sam and Max and to be honest, I didn't really enjoy Bone that much. That's beside the point though.
  • edited March 2007
    I went out of my way to buy each episode individually as it transfers more funds to the people who make the stuffs ... keep on keepin' on.

    About the demo praise on the first page ... ew. I found the demos on par with stracthing my jock with a cricket ... there's no way that little critter is going to get the itch = )
  • edited March 2007
    Who bought the whole season?

    Yes! Surrender! Who bought that!

    "sry, I did it 'cause demo versions seem to be so funny"
  • edited March 2007
    I bought the entire season.
  • edited March 2007
    I remember when I first heard about the new Sam and Max games. Following link to link, I found Telltale's site and the drooling began. I downloaded the demo of the first episode right away and loved every moment of it. But I wanted more. I wanted to be able to walk out of the office and see the rest of the game. I had my credit card out of my wallet before I could even blink. At such a great deal, I couldn't pass it up. Only the first game was out, but that's all it took to get me hooked. And I will definitely buy the next season when they make it! SAM AND MAX FOREVER!!!
  • edited April 2007
    I have to admit that I found out about the cancellation of S&M2 about a year ago. So I was stunned to learn of LucasArts' baffling faillure in common sense about 2 years after the fact!
    Well, I hadn't paid much attention and I had my recorded audio of the game to keep me happy.

    By the way, did you know S&M2 got cancelled on my birthday?

    Anyway, my discovery of all the above was the result of me searching the net for Sam & Max.
    So first I was blown away by the sad news, then there was this link to TellTale Games...
    Well, the rest is history.
    I found out about the new S&M games and didn't think twice about ordering the whole season.
    I have been a happy gamer ever since.
  • edited April 2007
    I grabbed the whole first season right from the start. I actually botcotted Lucasarts after the cancellation of Sam & Max Freelance Police - I used to love all these classic adventure games and the cancellation showed that they didnt have a single artistic bone left in their body and were just going to rely on Star Wars forever. Truly embarassing for them. So when this started, Telltale needed to be supported not only for Sam & Max but to allow creativity to continue to exist in the game industry rather the same old rehashes. And how is this more clearly defined than A trench coat wearing detective dog called Sam and his lil psychotic bunny friend Max? :)

    I just finished Episode 2 though (life became busy grr) and I enjoyed the first two so much (I hear it just gets better). I hardly ever laugh out loud from video games but Sam & max always has done just that - I wish there was a way to get a 'script' version of the game to read again and again because most of the lines are simply gold!

    In terms of Lucasrts btw, I have a copy of the 'Sam & Max Collected Works' and one of is of them blasting Star Wars Imperial Troopers (fitting or what!). Here are some of the lines:

    *Sam & Max blasts some troopers nearby into smithereens*

    Max: Including those two, the new total is nine hundred and one. Guess you owe me that steak dinner.

    Sam: It seems that these evil men will never begin to understand our peaceful nature.

    * More troopers appear and blast at them *

    Sam: Uhoh I think they are on to us.

    Max: Somebody must have noticed the mile lond trail of smoldering storm trooper refuse in our wake.

    Sam: Maybe we should have tidied up after ourselves.

    *They find the refuse vent out of Star Wars and start to climb in*

    Sam: Max! Duck in here!

    Max: I don't see any duck.

    Sam: It smells like some sort of high tech waste material compactor. They will never think we were so incredibly stupid to hide in here.

    Max: Thats right! Nobody's that stupid!


    Sigh, Sam & Max 10, Lucasarts 0 :)
  • edited April 2007
    I bought it because my wife hates it when I spend money.
  • edited April 2007
    The way I figured, it was either buy the entire season for 35 bucks, or end up paying around 60 and get them as they come out, it was no question for me, I love Sam and Max
  • edited April 2007
    I bought the whole season without even playing the demo because I was aching for new Sam N Max so much, particularly after Lucasarts cancelled their follow up, that even if TellTale had completely botched the game I would have been happy with my purchase.
    Fortunately they've done an awesome job and I enjoy adventure nirvana once a month.:D
  • edited April 2007
    I did because I have GameTap. Does that count?:D
  • edited April 2007
    I bought it because I think they did a great job with the first 2 Bone games. I also played the game before it came out, which also helped, I guess. I probably would've bought the entire season anyway, just because I have great faith in their talent. I also bought Psychonauts without waiting for reviews or a demo, just because I love Tim Shafers games.

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