The Doc of 1955...

Unfortunately, I don't think we'll see him(too bad, he was in the entire trilogy), but, in ep 4, Doc finally tells to 1931's Doc his real name is Marty, so it will create a sort of new loop when the Marty of the first movie will try to talk to 1955's Doc no? Emmet could remember Marty the time-traveller?

Would be strange. :D


  • edited May 2011
    Am I alone? :(
  • edited May 2011
    Haha, no I was thinking about that too. It occured to me the other day how you don't really get to know 1985 Doc until the sequels since he was in part 1 so little. Emmet knowing Marty's identity will certainly have an effect on the "future boy" interaction when part 1 Marty makes it to 1955.
  • edited May 2011
    You're never alone; at least, not on the Back to the Future boards.

    In terms of 1955 Doc, you have to remember that over twenty years pass since you reveal your true name to Emmett and meeting up with Doc in 1955. He could easily forget your name or not draw the connection between 1931 you and 1955 you. Personally, I don't think it changes anything.

    This is all theoretical, of course. Maybe I'm underestimating Doc's long-term memory...

    I do agree that it would have been nice to see 1955 Doc but hey, we got Teen Doc and that's good enough for me.
  • edited May 2011
    There is 30 years Between 1955 and 1985 (no, seriously? :D), and 24 between 1931 and 1955(smart guy eh?), and you can't forget a guy named Marty McFly who has the same appearance than the one you saw 24 years ago that easily(Marty Jr. doesn't count).

    Maybe it will be like with Marty's parents(are they stupid? This is more than a coincidence, plus, Marty/Calvin told them he would burn a carpet when he was 8, it's more than a clue), but Doc is smarter than them I think. :D
  • edited May 2011
    and you can't forget a guy named Marty McFly who has the same appearance than the one you saw 24 years ago

    For what it's worth, I don't recall Marty telling Young Emmett his last name.
  • edited May 2011
    I don't know if it's the same for the english subtitles, but in the french version, it's write Marty Seamus McFly(yeah, I'm french ^^).
  • edited May 2011
    I don't think his parents would remember Marty because they would never even consider that their son went back in time.

    Marty tells 1955 Doc about time travel almost immediately so I think the effects might not be too bad from telling him is name is Marty in 1931. Doc may realize who he is at that moment but after 30 years of science and knowing more about the 4th dimension, he'll get Marty back to 1985 so the chain of events will happen.
  • edited May 2011
    Doc would trust Marty more quickly if he can remember who he is, but the 1955 Marty never saw 1931 Doc, strange.
  • edited May 2011
    Bunnyman wrote: »
    30 years of science and knowing more about the 4th dimension, he'll get Marty back to 1985 so the chain of events will happen.

    I remember in the first movie 1955's Doc being disappointed that he can only comment the 1955's events in 1985.
    Probably Doc and Marty "truly" meet for the first time some years before that (1985), so that seems to imply that Doc played along with the events to minimize the damage made in the timeline (making sense why doc didn't bother truly stopping the lybians attack in the first place), and only comment it with Marty after he came back from his 1º time travel.
    I suppose IF doc remembers Marty in his younger years will do the same thing in 1955 for those reasons.
  • edited May 2011
    I don't know if it's the same for the english subtitles, but in the french version, it's write Marty Seamus McFly(yeah, I'm french ^^).

    That's interesting because I double checked and this is the English conversation, word for word:

    "I loathe you, Harry Callahan/Sonny Crockett/Michael Corleone. Or is that even your real name?"
    "Marty! My name is Marty."
    "So everything you've told me has been a lie."
    "More or less."

    I wonder why it's different in the French version.
  • I don't know if it's the same for the english subtitles, but in the french version, it's write Marty Seamus McFly(yeah, I'm french ^^).

    Seamus is his middle name
    Bunnyman wrote: »
    I don't think his parents would remember Marty because they would never even consider that their son went back in time.

    Marty tells 1955 Doc about time travel almost immediately so I think the effects might not be too bad from telling him is name is Marty in 1931. Doc may realize who he is at that moment but after 30 years of science and knowing more about the 4th dimension, he'll get Marty back to 1985 so the chain of events will happen.

    Exactly. Just because they meet a mysterious teen named marty is not enough to connect it to TIME TRAVEL.
    Jay City wrote: »
    I remember in the first movie 1955's Doc being disappointed that he can only comment the 1955's events in 1985.
    Probably Doc and Marty "truly" meet for the first time some years before that (1985), so that seems to imply that Doc played along with the events to minimize the damage made in the timeline (making sense why doc didn't bother truly stopping the lybians attack in the first place), and only comment it with Marty after he came back from his 1º time travel.
    I suppose IF doc remembers Marty in his younger years will do the same thing in 1955 for those reasons.

    Well doc and marty obviously met in the original timeline. In the second timeline, Doc presumably meets marty mcfly but knows not to tell Marty that his future will entail a trip to the past.

    To the topic at hand; as of right now Marty hasn't given young emmett enough to piece together eventually the time travel and Old doc did warn marty that he cant tell young emmett abuot time travel as he is not supposed to piece that together for 24 years. But it's also possible docs timeline gets rewritten again. So it would go as follows
    1931: gets told he eventually builds a time machine
    1955: hits his head and figures out HOW (flux capacitor)
    1985; travels through time.
  • edited May 2011
    A brilliant Doctor once said "Time CAN be Re-Written!"
  • edited May 2011
    Marty never mentions his last name to young Emmett and any mention of time travel to young Emmett is in an optional dialog.
  • edited May 2011
    Strange, in the French versions, he clearly tells his last name.:confused:
  • edited May 2011
    It's really hard to forget a man who lies to you, made your experiment fail in the science fair and made that your girfliend leaves you.

    Marty surely changed slightly the timeline and his own history meeting at 1955's Doc but Marty still has success returning to the future in the first film so his existence is not in danger :D
  • edited May 2011
    it'd be hilarious if when Marty restores the timeline and wakes up the next morning to his OLD/Pre-BttF 1-3 life....

    Oh, this is Heavy....

    Cue end Credits....
  • edited May 2011
    the timeline is so complicated now its hard to even comprehend
  • edited May 2011
    coolguy721 wrote: »
    the timeline is so complicated now its hard to even comprehend

    but, not as hard to comprehend as Lost?
  • but, not as hard to comprehend as Lost?

    I'm actually just getting into lost and near the end of the first season. When does the time travelling start?
  • edited May 2011
    I'm actually just getting into lost and near the end of the first season. When does the time travelling start?

    I believe around the end of Season 4.... but it doesn't really pick up until the middle of Season five....
  • edited May 2011
    I believe around the end of Season 4.... but it doesn't really pick up until the middle of Season five....

    Lost is mind-boggling in a lot of ways, but the time travelling shouldn't confuse a long-time BttF fan too much. :) Even though it's a bit different, but I don't want to spoil it for you, so find out about it yourself. ;)
  • edited May 2011
    Cubbie wrote: »
    Lost is mind-boggling in a lot of ways, but the time travelling shouldn't confuse a long-time BttF fan too much. :) Even though it's a bit different, but I don't want to spoil it for you, so find out about it yourself. ;)

    um, but I have already watched the entire series..... I wasn't confused..... Lost is tame in terms of time travel compared to Back to the Future and Doctor Who....
  • edited May 2011
    um, but I have already watched the entire series..... I wasn't confused..... Lost is tame in terms of time travel compared to Back to the Future and Doctor Who....

    Oh, sorry, I meant "Michael J Fox is Canadian" regarding the spoiling... and yes, I agree. :)
  • edited May 2011
    coolguy721 wrote: »
    the timeline is so complicated now its hard to even comprehend

    Could be worse. Look at Star Trek. It cycles back and forth between "time travel to the past changes the future" and "time travel to the past creates alternate timelines" so many times that it's insane.
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