First Review Up for Reality 2.0

edited April 2007 in Sam & Max

Spoiler-free version: This was my favorite episode.


  • edited March 2007
    9? Give it a 10 it can be done :p
  • edited March 2007
    Very nearly got a 10. I fought about this one a bit in my head, and in the end it didn't quite get there.
  • edited March 2007
    It's not on Gametap yet. They must've got it early. : /
  • edited March 2007
    looks like all the internet reviewers are going to be glowing with their praise since this kind of humor is gonna resonate..
  • edited March 2007
    They were probably being a little kind because they apparently got a review copy early, but it does indeed appear to be a very solid episode indeed. :) Since I have Gametap I will let everyone know later today how it was. But I won't spoil anything, don't worry! :p
  • edited March 2007
    And this is where I stop reading these threads until April 12 for fear of spoilers. I've been too disappointed by people spoiling episode 4 without using spoiler tags...

  • edited March 2007
    AdamG wrote: »
    They were probably being a little kind because they apparently got a review copy early, but it does indeed appear to be a very solid episode indeed. :) Since I have Gametap I will let everyone know later today how it was. But I won't spoil anything, don't worry! :p

    Press always gets games early. That way, product reviews are there when said product hits stores.
  • edited March 2007
    Bluh, I wish GameTap worked on this computer... I've gotta see Max impersonate Mario :P
  • edited March 2007
    Here is another review from Actiontrip. They give it a 84 which is pretty good!
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2007
    They were probably being a little kind because they apparently got a review copy early, but it does indeed appear to be a very solid episode indeed.

    Yep, as Greg said, it's common practice for press to get access to a game early so the review can come out when the game comes out. This doesn't typically influence the review.

    Greg, glad you liked the game! :D
  • edited March 2007
    heres my review.

    Reviewers always get the games early thats how it works
  • edited March 2007
    i like most reviews just because most of the time they offer new screenshots of a game that they took themselves, and just to hear what others think of a game

    although i actually use reviews on some games to determine if i want to buy it or not, although i already have my mind made up about most games even before the reviews start coming out
  • edited March 2007
    Glad to see that the episode specifically caters to the nerdier of us like myself. It'll make the episode all the sweeter...
  • edited March 2007
    Wow, Greg. I'm glad I went with my gut and didn't read your review until I beat the game. A spoiler warning would be appreciated, maybe even a "massive spoiler" warning for the use of the phrase
    "interactive fiction,"
    considering that only shows up in the endgame. It may not be a plot spoiler or even a puzzle spoiler, but it's still a bit of a joke spoiler.
    It's not a bad review, but some might appreciate a heads-up.
  • edited March 2007
    Actiontrip gave it an 84%?? Man, that's harsh! Maybe I'm biased, but I can't see how they could give this episode any less then 90%.
  • edited March 2007
    I found a review! This one's from IGN. They only gave it an 82% though, utter stupidity. Notice that there are 2 reviews from users and they average 95%. (spoiler - contains screenshot of ending)
  • edited March 2007
    avoid that ign review at all costs if you have not played the episode yet............. the screenshots in it have some major spoilers
  • edited March 2007
    The IGN review shocked me. I think that if I had not already played my review copy of Reality 2.0 I would have written an angry mail to them. The wonderful final section is ENTIRELY SPOILED! Part of its power comes from its being totally unexpected. Bad, bad idea...:mad: Keep off those pages!
  • edited March 2007
    Hmm, usually IGN's game reviews aren't that bad. I never read their television episode "reviews" anymore, because they regularly summarize the entire plot of the episode.
  • edited March 2007
    i tend to hate both ign and gamespot these days.............. they mess up release dates, bash games that everyone has given a good review, and they slip massive spoilers into their preview pages, screenshots, and reviews

    i like the smaller review sites bacause they actually censor what they post so that they do not spoil anything
  • edited March 2007
    I still give Episode 5 a 96%. :cool:
  • edited March 2007
    Quoted from today's newspost on PennyArcade,

    "Actually, on the subject of digital distribution, the new episode of Sam & Max is out and it's Goddamned excellent."


    "I've played every one of the Sam und Max adventures virtually the day they arrived. Between the two of them, Telltale and GameTap are the only people making anything that could even remotely be considered "episodic" in nature, and I hope they're being richly rewarded for it."


    "Hearing that this "season" of the game is en route to consoles was (to keep going with the heart thing) like a soothing balm gently applied to the aorta. I love the idea of someone tooling around in the online store for whatever system, grabbing the demo on a lark, and being transported to a place where dogs wear suits and a rabbit might pull you over and fucking rob you."

    Also, on IGN, Episode 5 is now up to 96% rating from users.
  • edited March 2007
    I was wondering when Penny Arcade was going to post something and get mentioned here.

    BTW, I'm sorry... I read the IGN review out of boredom...:(
  • edited March 2007
    my rewiew of the ign rewiew....... on a damage scale of 1 to 10

    i would rate it as yeilding a perfect impression of my face on my keyboard, so it is a 10 out of 10 on the damage scale

    (that joke was comming sooner or later)
  • edited March 2007
    Dangerzone wrote: »
    my rewiew of the ign rewiew....... on a damage scale of 1 to 10

    i would rate it as yeilding a perfect impression of my face on my keyboard, so it is a 10 out of 10 on the damage scale

    (that joke was comming sooner or later)

    Let's not forget the X-Play-style review...

    "We give IGN's review a 1...... "WHAT THE HOLY HELL WERE THEY THINKING??"..... out of 5."
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2007
    Pff. They're just doing their jobs, or something ressembling their jobs :)
  • edited March 2007
    Is it just my computer or did Sam sound like he's in a tunnel some of the time? I played the previous 4 episodes and he did not sound like this, and none of the other characters sounded like this in Reality 2.0.

    I bet if IGN wrote a Final Fantasy 7 review today they would say, "we had to drop the score by 2/10ths of a point because the part where Aries died made us very sad. The plot twist where we find out Cloud was never in SOLIDER was not very good, so it lost another 5/200ths of a point."
  • edited March 2007
    Cloud was never a soldier? : /
  • edited March 2007
    I bet if IGN wrote a Final Fantasy VII review it would be something like this
  • edited April 2007
    8? Jeez, these guys are harsh.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2007
    8 is harsh?
  • edited April 2007
    Yeah, I think so.
  • edited April 2007
    PC Gameworld gave it an 8.6, with is pretty damn inpressive judging from their previous ones... With Abe Lincon at 7.4 as the highest and the mole and the mob as the lowest at only 5.8.

    Havn't read it myself yet, so I can't really tell you if there is any spoilers in it, but by just looking at the scores, I get more and more impatient for this episode to come out.
  • edited April 2007
    an 8.0 from gamespot is like a 9.4 elsewhere.. impressive! hopefully the ep5 reviews will convince more people to buy the season
  • edited April 2007
    that pc gameworld review is ok, all it reveals that has not been detailed yet is info on this episodes "theme" song

    other than that, no major spoilers...... so you can read it

    and while the gamespot review has no major spoilers, it does reveal too much about the game, so i would stay away from it if you have not played the game yet

    P.S. since i already played the game, i will tell everyone if something is safe to read.......... so far, i would stay away from the ign review, and the wiki for reality 2.0
  • edited April 2007
    Here are two 'reviews' from a RPG'er point of view:

    Ep 4:
    Ep 5:
    (there may be spoilers in there)

  • edited April 2007
    I still think the first episode is the best of all the episodes :D I am sure I can replay the first episode another five or ten times and still get a laugh from some of the the jokes. Very much replay value in this episode, and the fact that it drops some important information about later episodes makes it a nice episode to replay before playing a new episode.

    But Reality 2.0 is probably the most innovative of all the episodes. I have never played any other game like this episode, and I'm sure many people would even call TTG crazy for risking something like this. I love that quality in a company - risk taking. So: Great job, TTG! Also, the way it's done really makes it fun even for those who don't know the old computers, but know about modern online gaming and such... really gives the episodes more layers of humour.
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