Doc in games doesn't feel like Movie Doc.

Does anyone else realize that in Episode II, Doc had left the DeLorean particularly exposed? Especially with getting Einstein off the roof, and leaving the DeLorean in an "undisclosed location." Not to mention that FCB in Episode IV time traveled in BROAD DAYLIGHT. MULTIPLE TIMES. And he left the DeLorean right in front of a school, in plain sight, where everyone could see it.

I sure hope Marty's got a way of fixing everything so nobody remembers that flying car of the future. >_>


  • edited May 2011
    He parked the DeLorean in a car lot in Episode 2. at that time of night, and considering the fact that not many people were buying cars, it was safe there. As for getting Einstein, that's why he needed his younger self distracted.

    As for FCB, despite the sound effects, I believe he went further away from the school. Plus, having it touted as an exhibit for Cars of the Future helped.
  • edited May 2011
    He parked the DeLorean in a car lot in Episode 2. at that time of night, and considering the fact that not many people were buying cars, it was safe there. As for getting Einstein, that's why he needed his younger self distracted.

    As for FCB, despite the sound effects, I believe he went further away from the school. Plus, having it touted as an exhibit for Cars of the Future helped.

    Exactly. Also FCB isn't our Doc remember. So of course he won't feel like the Doc from the movies.
  • edited May 2011
    I really do miss the "real" Doc. CB-Doc is, essentially, a poor man's substitute.
  • FCB did take the delorean out of the city to time travel in part 4 (though the speed limit is like 38 MPH in his hill valley).

    In the original trilogy, doc returns to 1985 and the end of part I/beginning of II in broad daylight and sends marty back to 1985 at the end of part III at 11 AM (on train tracks no less).
  • edited May 2011
    church1138 wrote: »
    Does anyone else realize that in Episode II, Doc had left the DeLorean particularly exposed? Especially with getting Einstein off the roof, and leaving the DeLorean in an "undisclosed location." Not to mention that FCB in Episode IV time traveled in BROAD DAYLIGHT. MULTIPLE TIMES. And he left the DeLorean right in front of a school, in plain sight, where everyone could see it.

    I sure hope Marty's got a way of fixing everything so nobody remembers that flying car of the future. >_>

    Yeah well.

    Broad Daylight, end of BTTF II any one where they just up and fly down the street in day light? Bonkers! Or how about in BTTF3 where a time traveling train shows up? How about leaving the Delorean where Biff can get into it and time travel? Hmmm...

    Should I go on?
  • edited May 2011
    doodo! wrote: »
    Yeah well.

    Broad Daylight, end of BTTF II any one where they just up and fly down the street in day light? Bonkers! Or how about in BTTF3 where a time traveling train shows up? How about leaving the Delorean where Biff can get into it and time travel? Hmmm...

    Should I go on?

    You really think Doc would've learnt from his mistakes because the fact that he was flying the Delorean at the end of BTTF 1/ start of BTTF II in broad daylight (and letting biff see it) was the reason biff stole it in the future. Yet he's flying it around (admittedly not in broad daylight) at the end of BTTF II right in frint of biff!
  • You really think Doc would've learnt from his mistakes because the fact that he was flying the Delorean at the end of BTTF 1/ start of BTTF II in broad daylight (and letting biff see it) was the reason biff stole it in the future. Yet he's flying it around (admittedly not in broad daylight) at the end of BTTF II right in frint of biff!

    I think biff would have figured out who doc and marty were from their convo in 2015 WITHOUT seeing the flying delorean in 1985. And Doc and Marty don't even know that biff saw the delorean in 1985.
  • edited May 2011
    I think biff would have figured out who doc and marty were from their convo in 2015 WITHOUT seeing the flying delorean in 1985. And Doc and Marty don't even know that biff saw the delorean in 1985.

    But Biff only went to listen in their conversation because he saw their flying Delorean in the future. Admittedly they didn't know that Biff saw the Delorean
  • But Biff only went to listen in their conversation because he saw their flying Delorean in the future. Admittedly they didn't know that Biff saw the Delorean

    No, Biff went to listen in because he saw what he thought was 2 Marty McFly Jrs. He may or may not have recognized doc brown.
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