Edna is the Speakeasy Arsonist

1. She is anti alcohol
2. Kid caught her laying out dynamite outside his speakeasy
3. Doc says to her in episode 4 i know what your up to. What else could she be up to?
4. Who else could it be?
.Arthur: probably wouldn't have had the guts to do it
.Trixie: Possibly but unlikely
. Emmett: We already know he didn't do it


  • edited May 2011
    Maby...Marty/FCB/Future-old doc
    If it is edna, it is edna from the science contest time...ie) edna via time travel.

    Couldn't resist :D ....But then again, I was right about FCB being in 1931 which everyone said was not possible...
  • edited May 2011
    I always thought Edna was too easy an answer for it to be her, but after seeing her reaction when Marty says FCB wants to talk to her about the arsonist, I am now convinced she had something to do with it. Who knows, maybe the whole stay sober society is in on it, covering as an AA type group but in actuality is a bunch of anti-alcohol extremists. Sounds like a long shot but there has to be more to it than just Edna alone.
  • edited May 2011
    coolguy721 wrote: »
    2. Kid caught her laying out dynamite outside his speakeasy

    Kid caught her snooping, and assumed she was the one laying out dynamite. We still don't know if she was or not.
  • edited May 2011
    At first, I thought the idea of Edna being the speakeasy arsonist was too much of an obvious choice. After seeing Citizen Brown, I then reconsidered my stance - and figured that maybe she was, after all. As for now, I'm not certain of which way I lean.
  • edited May 2011
    who else could it be? I already mentioned all the other characters in 1931. It could have been Trixie possibly but unlikely
  • edited May 2011
    coolguy721 wrote: »
    who else could it be? I already mentioned all the other characters in 1931. It could have been Trixie possibly but unlikely

    It COULD'VE been FCB, which would explain where he might've been going in the Delorean....
  • The arsonist can not be any of our time travellers; marty or FCB (it could be young emmett though). This contradicts the rules of time travel in the BTTF universe. Marty hasn't been that far back in 1931 yet and FCB did not exist yet in episode 1 when it first happened.

    The only way it can be old doc (assuming he is telling the truth) is as follows;
    in the original timeline, there was a speakeasy arson (as doc states he's there to attempt to solve that mystery) but doc travels prior to that and ends up committing the arson himself.
  • edited May 2011
    we still don't know the "personal" reason doc decided to go back to 1931 as he said in episode 2
  • edited May 2011
    It could be the old Doc after all, although I dont know what the reason could be. There might not have been a speakeasy arsonist at all until Doc went back to 1931, doing so would alter the present and Marty and old Edna would just view it as a historical event. So we really dont know if the original speakeasy arson ever really happened in the original timeline, we are just taking Docs word for it. Why was the Doc so hesitant to talk about why he traveled to 1931, theres gotta be some big twist coming.

    I just thought of this, maybe since Jules and Verne are in their late teens now, maybe one of them stole the time machine and started the fire, and Doc failed at trying to stop him.
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