Higher soundquality anytime soon?

edited April 2007 in Sam & Max
As much as i love the new Sam & Max-series, i'm having trouble enjoying the game fully due to the terrible voice-compressions.

It litteraly makes my ears bleed and it takes away awfully much of the joy in playing. I know that many people before me have complained about the very low sound bitrate, but still Telltale keeps releasing Episodes in the same state.

When will we get a better voice compression? I've bought the whole Season but i don't want to ruin the experience by playing through it in it's current, unfinished, state. :(


  • edited March 2007
    It literally makes your ears bleed? Ouch.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2007
    I know that many people before me have complained about the very low sound bitrate, but still Telltale keeps releasing Episodes in the same state.

    We've said elsewhere on the forum that releasing higher-quality audio versions is we'll consider doing after Season 1 is finished.
  • edited March 2007
    Ooh, Bloody Ears. That sounds like a good name for one of those Alternative Rock bands. I can see it now.

    Random announcer guy: And now, Bloody Ears will be performing their smash hit single, "Hemorrhage"!

    *the combined sound of loud instruments and death-metal-style screaming causes the audience's collective heads to explode*

    Heh heh heh...that'd be awesome.
  • edited March 2007
    Death-metal noise is a leading cause of brain damage. ;)
  • edited March 2007
    AdamG wrote: »
    Death-metal noise is a leading cause of brain damage. ;)

    Why do all people hate Metal? :(
  • edited March 2007
    why does everyone always complain about the sound? i think it is fine for a downloadable game

    i have heard worse sound from a game that came on cd............. martin mystere anyone? at least the audio tracks make sence... and... do... not... have... pauses... between... each... word... like... this

    and i am sure that telltale will use the original audio files when they release the disc version of the game.............. anyone here play the csi game they did last year? i think that bitrate was excellent for a packaged game on a cd with 80% of the game being dialoge based (which sam and max also is)
  • edited March 2007
    I feel left out. I don't know if my speakers are crappy, or if my hearing isn't tat good, or what, but the dialog sounds crisp and perfectly fine to me. :(
    Better upgrade my sound system so things can sound worse for me too... I wonder how much that will cost...
  • edited March 2007
    a speaker system that makes sam and max sound crappy.............. that will be 100 million dollars :rolleyes:
  • edited March 2007
    I've heard from a little bird, that the problem with the sound is that it is pretty much perfect on some systems. But on other systems it sounds like nails being pulled across a black bord, even though I have never had the pleasure of enjoying this myself.
  • edited March 2007
    I've programmed my speakers to sound like nails on a blackboard. That's all they spit out. Sounds great. Way better then any of that 'audio' you people are raving on about.
  • edited March 2007
    I've heard from my ears that if your sound system is good — and not excellent, it's not hi-fi (100$ Audio headphone or 200$ 2.1 speakers, no more) you hear a very crappy sound. That's why I disconnect my speakers and my headphone and "enjoy" the game with internal built-in speakers of my iMac - which is a great sound if you don't care about quality, but has, like lots of built-in audio system, lots of lacks.
    Why we do complain ? Because the sound part of this game is awesome. But we can't enjoy it if we spend more than thirty dollars in an audio system. By chance, I live alone, so I can play when I want, but when there will be a wife next to me, I won't be able to play anymore ^^ I hope season one will be out in CD with great quality before I fall in love :P
  • edited March 2007
    For what it's worth, I have an X-Fi card and a pair of $150 headphones on my work machine (my own headphones, btw, not the company's) and I can't hear anything wrong with the voices when I play.
  • edited March 2007
    death-metal-style screaming

    Also, I have no problem with the sounds in the Sam & Max games, unless Sybil says something like 'Six sissies sauté Susan's sizzling sausages.'
  • edited March 2007
    tabacco wrote: »
    For what it's worth, I have an X-Fi card and a pair of $150 headphones on my work machine (my own headphones, btw, not the company's) and I can't hear anything wrong with the voices when I play.

    I think someone has tricked you :D
    Mine are just 140€ (about 180$) not more expansive... but I hear compressions, as I can't really appreciate 128kbps mp3 music with, for example.
  • edited March 2007
    I don't think anyone tricked me, in fact.
  • edited April 2007
    I've tested the game on alot of systems and trust me; the speech quality is bad no matter the system. Even on low bitrate-clips on Youtube you notice the screeeechy speachsound.

    The laptop speaker-trick seems smart. I myself remove all bass on my speakers, that way the speech gets a little less terrible.
  • edited April 2007
    You have sound on your computers? I didn't know you could do that.
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