So whats going to be in the CD version of Season 1

edited March 2007 in Sam & Max
Just was wondering what will come in the box set?


  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2007
    We'll be talking about this soon.
  • edited March 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    We'll be talking about this soon.

    grrr... Jake you never replied to my question that i bugged you silly for answer for in another forum (question was: willflint paper be in the next season)
  • edited March 2007
    I don't think they'll be able to answer that for quite a while yet.
  • edited March 2007
    Like AdamG said, we can't tell you that.
  • edited March 2007
    telltale is a very secret organization............ they cannot even tell you if the carpet matches the drapes, because if it got out that they didn't......... the world as we know it would end

    and do you think that they are actual people............... they are cyborg elepahants bent on taking over antartica

    now if you excuse me, i have to get away from my computer before sundown and get back to the y2k bunker................ it is still comming you know
  • edited March 2007
    I doubt they even have firm plans relating to the plot of season 2, considering it's not formally announced, and I'm pretty sure that the first thing they're all doing when season 1 is done is taking a nap.
    That said, Flint was an "unseen character" in Hit the Road just like Bosco was, so it's conceivable that he might show up at some point.
  • edited March 2007
    Dangerzone: lol. You are a blessing. In these moments when everything seems so depressing, you come in and brighten our days. I think that deserves a price.
  • edited March 2007
    marsan wrote: »
    I think that deserves a price.
    I say 50p! Oooh, please let it be 50p! :p
  • edited March 2007
    marsan wrote: »
    Dangerzone: lol. You are a blessing. In these moments when everything seems so depressing, you come in and brighten our days. I think that deserves a price.

    indeed, now if you excuse me i have to go take my pill and resume twiddling my thumbs waiting for everyone else to play episode 5 so i can finally talk about it............. either way i have to wait for something, this is a cruel world
  • edited March 2007
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    That said, Flint was an "unseen character" in Hit the Road just like Bosco was, so it's conceivable that he might show up at some point.

    I rather want to see a return of the block of ice from Hit the Road :D

    Kushman: Do you see this block of ice?
    Sam: How could we miss it?
    Kushman: This used to be our main attraction.
    Max: Your main attraction was a block of ice?
    Kushman: He kidnapped our second biggest attraction!
    Max: Was that the block of ice?

    But seriously. I would love it if we will see a return of Bruno the bigfoot or some memory trip back to one of those places we visited in hit the road(or would this make LucasArt push their sue button?). I wish I could get a chance to see what those places look like now, in the sam & max world.
  • edited March 2007
    It's almost been more successful then they could've asked for, or expected, if you ask me. It has to be irritating for them trying to stay creative and release new episodes that need to improve on the previous one again and again every 30 days. I don't know how they're going to have time for the other franchises...
  • edited March 2007
    marsan wrote: »
    But seriously. I would love it if we will see a return of Bruno the bigfoot or some memory trip back to one of those places we visited in hit the road(or would this make LucasArt push their sue button?).

    I hear LucasArts is making more copies of the original now and selling them, so they've definately been watching TellTale. I'm sure if they hear that they had Bruno or something in Season 2 it would rub the wrong way.
  • edited March 2007
    try to think of telltale as a forrest, and there are different animals in that forrest, and for a few months of each year a particular animal is in season

    and right now its wabbit season...... hehehe :D (i had to say it)

    so everyone is only working on just one or two projects at a time, and with the entire company fosused on just one game..... it gets completed faster

    they are almost done with episode 6 and episode 5 is not even avalable to the general public yet.............. how is that for efficency

    also from the limited amout of info we have on csi hard evidence, it should be nearing completion as well, so very soon the entire telltale office will have nothing to do......... and bored game designers are both dangerous, ill tempred, and make great games
  • edited March 2007
    marsan wrote:
    But seriously. I would love it if we will see a return of Bruno the bigfoot or some memory trip back to one of those places we visited in hit the road(or would this make LucasArt push their sue button?). I wish I could get a chance to see what those places look like now, in the sam & max world.
    No idea how sue-happy LA is, but its probably best not to cross the fine line between 'mentioning' and 'using' parts from Hit the Road too often. But legal issues besides, I think its good to be moving on at a steady pace. Good as Hit the Road was, rehashing too many old jokes all over again is rarely a good thing. I for one would much rather see Telltale come up with a bunch of all new whacky locations than see an episode whose main locations are all from Hit the Road. Nothing in particular against Hit the Road; just gotta keep the humor fresh, is all.
    I very much appreciate the various references to Hit the Road, but I really don't want a puzzle involving Jesse James' severed hand, a meeting with the swearing man, or pulling orders out of a cute animal. So I like Telltales current approach: duly respecting the past, but carving out a future of their own.
  • edited March 2007
    AdamG wrote: »
    I hear LucasArts is making more copies of the original now and selling them, so they've definately been watching TellTale.

    Well, not LucasArts, but its international distributors have been selling Hit the Road. Though I wouldn't be surprised if LucasArts was paying close attention to Season 1, not necessarily becase they're going to do anything but just for the fact that another company is finding success with a license that they essentially threw away (along with whatever money they spent on their game before canceling it).

    Also I would guess that using Bruno the Sasquatch would be a no-no. I'm sure they could use bigfoots if they wanted to (just like they used mole men), but really, even if they couldn't use any organism in the genus of any animal featured in Hit the Road, that would still limit them to: anything. This is Sam and Max after all. References are well and good, but there's no point in treading old ground.
  • edited March 2007
    Anyway I hope it will come in a nice Box, which is worthy to be presented in my shelf. I think a comic won't be a bad idea, too.

  • edited March 2007
    I doubt it will come with a comic, but you can look for old Sam & Max comic books on Ebay, or read the sometimes updated Sam & Max online comic.
  • edited March 2007
    Yes I just wanted to know what kind of box , papers , pictures of the team etc?
  • edited March 2007
    Can't tell you that either. Sorry. Once we have something to announce, we'll announce it :)
  • edited March 2007
    Guess thats fair.
  • edited March 2007
    let the nice people at telltale get episode 6 out the door before we start savagely beating then with hoses trying to get info on the packaged version of season 1

    and i think that they will host an active discussion here on the forum asking what we want on the disc, so i am holding off on my request list untill then

    telltale does listen to us........... they can read our minds as well, and that worries me... and how they do it is one of lifes great mysteries that keeps me up till 2 in the morning, along with.... is it possible to have a phobia of phobic people
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2007
    If it's any consolation, we really don't know what's going to be on the disc version of Season 1. The first meeting to sit down and hash out what we should put on there isn't actually happening until next week... and I'm in Hawaii right now so even if there was something written down somewhere in the office, I couldn't look it up for you guys :D. But seriously, when we know what its going to be, we'll tell you. When we don't tell you guys something it's almost always either because we can't talk about it yet, or because we don't know the answer yet - and we always specify which one it is!

    For instance, in the case of the Season CD's contents (and Flint Paper in season 2), it's "Don't Know." Alternatively, if it's all the questions Dangerzone kept asking in the CSI 4 thread, it's "Can't Talk About It yet."

    Anyway, patience! We'll tell you everything, in good time.*

    * eg: once we know what it is we're telling you
  • edited March 2007
    I demand Invisiclues! And peril-sensitive sunglasses! And a nice fold-out map! :D
  • edited March 2007
    And some antebellum weenies!
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2007
    We'll be including one real live Flint Paper with every copy. You may want to shield your face upon opening your season one disc.
  • edited March 2007
    Actually, Flint IS in season one...sort of. Look closely at the scribble on the back wall in Sam and Max's office (you can see it a lot more clearly at the bottom of Telltale's Sam and Max page)
  • edited March 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    If it's any consolation, we really don't know what's going to be on the disc version of Season 1. The first meeting to sit down and hash out what we should put on there isn't actually happening until next week... and I'm in Hawaii right now so even if there was something written down somewhere in the office, I couldn't look it up for you guys :D. But seriously, when we know what its going to be, we'll tell you. When we don't tell you guys something it's almost always either because we can't talk about it yet, or because we don't know the answer yet - and we always specify which one it is!

    For instance, in the case of the Season CD's contents (and Flint Paper in season 2), it's "Don't Know." Alternatively, if it's all the questions Dangerzone kept asking in the CSI 4 thread, it's "Can't Talk About It yet."

    Anyway, patience! We'll tell you everything, in good time.*

    * eg: once we know what it is we're telling you

    thanks a ton! enjoy your holiday
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