Favourite quote from S&M?

edited July 2006 in Sam & Max
What is YOUR favourite quote from Sam And Max?

Sam: "I really respect Flint´s business acumen"
Max: "Please Sam, don´t say the word acumen again"


  • edited June 2006
    "Sam, either termites are burrowing through my skull, or one of us is ticking."

    And of course the classic "Out the window, Sam. There's nothing but strangers out there."
  • edited June 2006
    "I'm ripe with anticipation"
    "I thought I smelled something"
  • edited June 2006
    Favorite Sam & Max quote? Wow, there's so many...

    Sam: "Afraid? Heh, we're too darn ignorant to be afraid of most things, right Max?"

    Sam: "Could it be the world has finally moved on to worshipping beauty rather than violence?"
    Max: "God, I hope not!"

    Terrorist: "Get back in your seat!"
    Sam: "But I ate my dinner! You flight attendants are getting nastier."
    Terrorist: "Idiot, I'm a terrorist hijacker!"
    Sam: "A CLOWN terrorist... How horrible."
    Terrorist: "It's a mask, you clot!"

    And so much more...
  • edited June 2006
    I could probably state every single line from the game and comics... i haven't sctually watched the tv show so i can't quote it from there...
  • edited June 2006
    Sam: "Hmm"
    Max: "I hate it when you "humm" Sam, it sounds like a high voltage tower"
  • edited July 2006
    One I was reacquainted with recently:

    SAM: I'm sure a heaping helping of our persuasive charms will soon have him seeing things our way.
    MAX: Or not seeing things at all!
    --TV episode, "The Glazed McGuffin Affair"
  • edited July 2006
    One I was reacquainted with recently:

    SAM: I'm sure a heaping helping of our persuasive charms will soon have him seeing things our way.
    MAX: Or not seeing things at all!
    --TV episode, "The Glazed McGuffin Affair"
    Hah! I forgot that one! :))
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