original telltale games
having just read dan's recent interview @ inside gamer online.. I really hope telltale designs an original game.. I think it will give them a lot more creativity and freedom as compared to working on a license, when you have to please the core audiences fans and cant really stray from the original characters or story.. an original title anything could come up while making the game that they could include.. anybody got any ideas for what would make good adventure games?
those characters from texas hold em would be great..seems I'm one of the few who likes dudeburrough.. but I think it would be great if the storyline involved him being on a reality show..or hit reality show.. and you see how characters behave differently to him once he becomes a star..you could also have a lot fun making fun of reality shows..just a thought
those characters from texas hold em would be great..seems I'm one of the few who likes dudeburrough.. but I think it would be great if the storyline involved him being on a reality show..or hit reality show.. and you see how characters behave differently to him once he becomes a star..you could also have a lot fun making fun of reality shows..just a thought

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And hopefully good, unlike those movies?
They can make all of the original games that they want ... just as soon as they make a deal with Steve Purcell to bring us the Sam and Max 2 that we are so desperate to get! Brings tears t' me eyes thinkin' about how close we came t' it and dinna git it!
I disagree somewhat about the creativity issue, though. Depending on the license, the feedback from the original owner, and the available tools, I think it's very easy to make a game that is 100% original in story line and delivery while still adhering to any constraints of the original characters. You almost make it sound like total freedom will guarantee true originality. That's hardly the case.