Your Episode 5 Rating

edited April 2007 in Sam & Max
Please vote only if you have played and finished Episode 5. Take your time to consider your vote carefully. :)


  • edited March 2007
    episode 5 was the best episode of the season thus far............ and the part where flint paper dies trying to save sam and max from sybil was awesome, the fact that she was behind the whole hypnosis plot was a total shock

    i cant wait for episode 6........... i want to see how all this ends

    you should have already seen my review of the episode, but in case you havent Here it is again
  • edited April 2007
    Hah, I nearly got angry with you there for spoiling everything, but the link gave you away. :D
  • edited April 2007
    april fools day jokes aside i will write one of my reviews for episode five shortly.............. although i will not post it untill the day after the episode is released, to make sure i do not spoil anyone

    as you know from my episode 4 review, i dissect the game and tell you why it is so good, and what has improved since previous episodes.......... i also go though the game puzzle by puzzle... act by act, to say how hard each of them was.............. so needless to say the review will be full of major spoilers (that is why i am going to wait to post it) because if i do it now, you will not be able to resist reading it

    here are the 2 parts of my episode 4 review (for anyone curious)
    Part 1
    Part 2

    although i will go more in-depth this time bacause because my last one was so popular (and you can expect the same from episode 6 as well) i will also start another funniest moments, and general discussion thread for episode 5............. although as i said earlier, i am going to wait for episode 5 to release worldwide before i start any reality 2.0 specific threads (to avoid spoilers)

    so can you hold off talking about episode 5 untill then?............. because if i had not played the episode yet, i would want to keep the forum as spoiler free as possible (or at least just the sam and max discussion forum)

    although for the moment........... i am happy with giving a rating to episode 5, i give it a 91% which translates into a 9/10 and an A+

    and episode five, (much like episode 4) brings the overall rating of season one up............. so untill the 12th, thats all for now folks (at least from me)
  • edited April 2007
    I played Ep. 6 on Friday...yowza!
  • MelMel
    edited April 2007
    Shush! :p

    Don't be a tease... :D
  • edited April 2007
    Episode 5 is definitely my favorite so far. I give it a solid A+ ranking.
  • edited April 2007
    The only major critisism I can find for Episode 5 is simply that it ended. I got stuck pretty good a couple times, and none of the puzzles were absurd, so it was difficult simply by good design. There's really not much you can complain about here, especially if you're a long time gamer. Good stuff. :D
  • edited April 2007
    Looks like 95% or 96% average rating so far. I suppose you could call that highly rated. :D
  • edited April 2007
    AdamG wrote: »
    Looks like 95% or 96% average rating so far. I suppose you could call that highly rated. :D

    i agree, and the episode is not even worldwide yet, although i still like episode 3 the best........... the episodes are getting way too long, and we are actually getting our money's worth out of these games.... what is wrong with telltale? :rolleyes:

    P.S. i was going to vote max, but all i could pick were those goofy numbers :D
  • edited April 2007
    I think they were all really good. I disliked Episode 2 a little, but I still rate that episode in the mid 70's. When the worst episode in a season of 6 episodes is mearly good, then things are doing pretty damn excellent overall. ;) Maybe they should put "Guarenteed to kick ass or your money back!" on the retail box.
  • edited April 2007
    i cannot make a overall rating on the whole season just yet because the final episode has a bigger peice of the pie than all the other episodes.......... because how things end is a major part of my review.... if episode 6 has the same difficulity, length, the type of humor as episodes 4 and 5, and if they explain how brady culture fits into the whole hypnosis plot (if he is involved at all), then i will give high marks to both the episode and the season as a whole.....
  • edited April 2007
    I haven't played episode 5 yet, but because IGN's review partially spoiled it for me before I knew that it had spoilers in it, I have to ask...
    Do the words "Get Ye Flask" appear anywhere?
  • edited April 2007
    I haven't played episode 5 yet, but because IGN's review partially spoiled it for me before I knew that it had spoilers in it, I have to ask...
    Do the words "Get Ye Flask" appear anywhere?

    Heh. No. Vaguely similar jokes are made relating to the same phenomena, but nothing that would constitute a direct reference.
    /intentionally vague for your spoiler-free convenience.
  • edited April 2007
    I must say, this is the first game in years that actually made me laugh out loud, and several times at that. Thumbs up, TTG
  • edited April 2007
    Well, the poll results speak for themselves. It's pretty straightforward. :D
  • edited April 2007
    well of couse episode 5 is getting a high rating........ they are using hypnotic suggestions to make everyone love the game........


  • edited April 2007
    I've loved season one so far, and will be parting with my cash for season two (an achievement as very few games merit the opening of my wallet). I must admit though that ep 4 had more laughs for me than ep 5 though it was good to see some refreshment of the re-used locales which were beginning to get a little tired. That said, some of the new jokes lacked the charm of the old ones, possibly because they were a little contrived and possibly because they were second-choice. Might have been better to attach new jokes to new objects. That said, the donut joke was good :)

    In terms of puzzles, yep, it was at times fairly standard adventure game fare (ie pull this lever and this happens such as with the
    control room computers
    puzzles but it was also a nice reminder of simpler times in gaming, and I think the popularity of retro gaming on machines like Wii and DS is showing that it's what people want.

    Keep it up telltale..
  • edited April 2007
    Episode 4 still wins for the overall funniest episode, but this one, well, it wasn't so much about being the funniest -- it was by far the most creative, interesting, adventurous, and fun. It was really just a joy to play. Even though the puzzles in total did not stump me as long as the ones in episode 4 did, I still feel that they were the most challenging and clever puzzles yet. And it never felt like you were just walking around waiting for stuff to happen; there was always something to do. Much less "talky" than the other episodes -- which again is probably why it doesn't have quite as high a laugh-per-minute ratio as episode 4, but in terms of gameplay, I prefer this.

    I wasn't sure they'd be able to top Abe Lincoln Must Die, but this one is definitely at least as good.

    FYI, my playtime for this was about 4 hours. I honestly don't see how someone could play it in 2 hours without just rushing like crazy. I guess when you're a video game reviewer and it's your job, you do it as fast as possible...
  • MelMel
    edited April 2007
    I guess when you're a video game reviewer and it's your job, you do it as fast as possible...

    :confused: I think video game reviewers would actually play the game slower and more than once.
  • edited April 2007
    Mel wrote: »
    :confused: I think video game reviewers would actually play the game slower and more than once.

    If they did a good job they would, anyway. :rolleyes:
  • edited April 2007

    Considering that I got just about every reference, I should probably get out more often...
  • edited April 2007
    Mel wrote: »
    :confused: I think video game reviewers would actually play the game slower and more than once.

    They should, but since they get so many games to review they probably don't take the time to appreciate all the little details like most of us do. Their time estimates always seem to be based on doing nothing except what's required to figure out the puzzles.
  • edited April 2007
    Fantastic episode, specially the final...
    ah i loved Hitchhiker s guide to the galaxy by infocom ... sadly unfinished
  • EmPEmP
    edited April 2007
    Mel wrote: »
    :confused: I think video game reviewers would actually play the game slower and more than once.

    Oh, if only we had time to do so.....
  • edited April 2007
    I've read some reviews in my days that seemed to have been written after only playing the first 10 min of the game :) It's funny when one read that they gave it a bad grade because of stuff that only occured at the beginning of the game. I read an review of Broken Sword 1, where the writer bashed the game because, and I quote: "you spend too much time in the sewers". Hmm... and I only thought you had to visit the sewer a few times through the game.

    About this episode. It's hard to rate. In a way it's just as good as Abe Lincoln must die, but in another way it wasn't as funny as Abe Lincoln must die. But it sure had enormous other qualities that really made it a lot more enjoyable to play through, all together. I especially mean the fact that they have taken the time to add new comments to practically everything, and that the game really gave me a flash back to the old days. Also, it just feels really nice. It's the kind of episode you kind of just don't want to finish, because you are sure there's plenty of cool stuff which you haven't discovered yet. A really creative and interesting episode all together.
  • edited April 2007
    what's really nice about this episode is that Max is starting to coming into form, getting a bit more evil and agressive as i remember him from the old game, also the new voice is so much better for him :)
  • edited April 2007
    This was definitely a high point in the franchise. I would have rated it higher were it not for a couple nasty bugs I came across... apparently Ep. 5 isn't as minimize friendly as the past episodes were. Also, it had some of the same smoothness issues as episode 1 had (This machine has embarrassingly low memory, but every subsequent episode ran smoother for me until 5)

    On the bright side, the storyline and references just plain win, as does the gameplay. It really felt like a classic adventure game, and were it not for the 3D graphics and internet references, I would have been completely immersed in the sheer glorious early 90's-ness of it.
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