
ProfanityProfanity Banned
edited June 2011 in Back to the Future

Well, I'm just wondering is this game a sequel to the movie story-wise?
Because not sure should I watch trough all three movies first before starting to play.


  • edited June 2011
    Yes, it is a sequel story-wise, and there's really no point to playing if you aren't a fan of the films anyway(the games are really limited and linear).
  • edited June 2011
    Yeah if you arent a huge fan of the movies, you can skip this game.
    There are plenty of other good telltale games to get though like SBCG4AP instead of BTTF.
  • ProfanityProfanity Banned
    edited June 2011
    Just started watching the first one, liking it so far.

    Not much happened yet, but I like Michael J. Fox, so it's all good :D
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