How to get new episode?

edited April 2007 in Sam & Max
I see it is available on the GameTap website but how do i download it?

I bought the entire 1st season and thought that we could download it before the official release date, is this true, if so then where do i grab it from?


  • edited April 2007
    You have to have an account with Gametap and have the Gametap client to download and play Gametap games. Gametap has exclusive rights for Season 1 to have all episodes two weeks earlier then anyone else. It will be about another week before Episode 5 is available for download on Telltale's website.
  • edited April 2007
    witchy2k1 wrote: »
    I bought the entire 1st season and thought that we could download it before the official release date, is this true, if so then where do i grab it from?

    Season subscribers get the game on the Telltale release date, which is two weeks after the Gametap premiere. Subscribers often get to download the game earlier in the day than those who choose to buy the episodes separately, but that's usually a matter of hours, not days or weeks. Subscribers got episode 4 a week before the release date as a special treat, but I would file that under "exception" rather than assume it's a trend to avoid disappointment.

    So to summarize: Gametap first (because Gametap helped fund the games...a business thing) and Telltale two weeks later, though subscribers might get priority over folks buying the games standalone.
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