How much will you donate for Telltale's Gift?

edited April 2007 in Sam & Max
Alright, if everyone who voted on the last poll was honest, we can expect around 40 people or so to donate to the gift fund. Now... We need to figure out two more things.

First, how much will you donate to the gift fund which we will use to buy the best gift(s) for Telltale that we can raise?

Second, who do you believe among the most frequent posters here is most trust-worthy to be the treasurer? This person will be whom we mail our donation checks to. Also, this person will be the one to purchase the gift(s) and make sure that Telltale gets it.

In regards to the treasurer that we pick, I ask that Telltale refuse to do business with said person if he or she doesn't do their duty as treasurer. And, of course, if said person turns out to be dishonest they will go down in infamy in Sam & Max lore as, well... A really nasty person.

One last thing. I ask that anyone who has friends that are fans of Sam & Max to inform their friends of this fund raising, and to ask them to come on here and contribute. We will begin raising the funds on April 15th, when the poll closes and the treasurer is selected.


  • edited April 2007
    Alright, $60 is a good start. We can get a couple nice things with even $250. :D Where did the $0 option come from? :confused:

    My vote for treasurer is - sirilluminator! :cool:
  • edited April 2007
    I'll donate as much as I possibly can.

    BTW, I'm going to Washington DC on Tuesday, should I steal something from the Smithsonian for Telltale? :P
  • edited April 2007
    Put me down as a donator :D Why don't you be our treasurer Adam?

    Are we pooling the money into a paypal account or what?
  • edited April 2007
    Hmmm... Not off to a very good start.
  • edited April 2007
    I'd be happy to, hehe. Plus I know a bunch of them there.
  • edited April 2007
    AdamG wrote: »
    Hmmm... Not off to a very good start.
    We can't possibly get them the obstacle course without involving some sort of criminal activity. However, I think one can buy a very nice gift basket or whatever with the amount of money already pledged.
  • edited April 2007
    We can buy them a pretty good basket for $100, but there's a lot of people at Telltale and I wanted to make sure we got something for everybody. I was hoping we could get the best gift basket that Gifttree has, and maybe a little something extra besides that too.

    Actually, I'm looking over Gifttree's baskets right now and everything over $100 seems to be a case of less-for-your-money. I think if we got several less expensive gift boxes, say $40-$80 ones, we would be able to utilize our donation money much more effectively. For example, they have a $500 gift basket but it includes the same type of things, and nearly as high in quality, as the $100 and 150 gift baskets. Also, the sub $75 baskets contain more in volume then most every other basket.

    As of right now, we have $145 in donation pledges.
  • edited April 2007
    What if we got them a copy of Surfin the Highway and WE all signed it. That would show them.
  • edited April 2007
    How is this combination of baskets?


    All of those combined cost slightly less than $247, not including shipping. I imagine FexEx 3 Day Saver would probably be about $25-$30. So, if we got those things we would need to raise about $275. I think those 5 baskets make an excellent combination, because they include something of everything and it's all good quality. Whatever we didn't spend, the treasurer could send the remainders of the funds back to random donaters (Being sure not to refund them more then what they donated, of course).

    P.S. I think we should do everything we can to make sure Telltale get's their gifts within a week of the public release of Episode 6 (As in not the Gametap release). I think of it as their "Thank You" for reincarnating Sam & Max (And dping it well, too.), "Congratulations" for finishing Season 1, and something to celebrate with, curtesy of all the Sam & Max fans. :p

    Oh, and remember everyone...

    We need to pick a treasurer!

    So pick someone and post your pick! I think it should be sirilluminator, because he seems to be a good guy and trustworthy, and also has been to Telltale for Beta Testing I believe. It can't be me, though I would be willing to do it otherwise, because I'm helping to organize the whole thing and I don't want anyone thinking I'm pulling a scam or something. So, like I said, we also need to pick the treasurer! So everyone give your opinion, even if your not going to be donating.
  • edited April 2007
    What if we got them a copy of Surfin the Highway and WE all signed it. That would show them.

    While funny and ironic, I don't think that's really much of a gift. I mean, uh, maybe on a normal occassion it would be good, but I was looking for something with a bit more oomphf. ;)
  • edited April 2007
    sonething with more oomph, i have an idea......

    lates all pitch in and buy them saskatchewan...... they can use it as a theme park, i can see it now..... max land, if you survive.... you get your money back

    with classic rides like the zapper, the gauntlet of extremely sharp implements, the the rapids of doom, and demolition bumber cars..... its fun for the whole family (must be 12 or older to enter)
  • edited April 2007
    What the heck is going on here?

  • edited April 2007
    Erwin wrote: »
    What the heck is going on here?


    A fundraiser for gifts for Telltale as thanks and congratulations for Season 1. :)
  • edited April 2007
    This is deep.
  • edited April 2007
    I don't think it makes any sense to get them gift baskets with should be much more meaningful. Something they'd put on their desks for a while.
  • edited April 2007
    Well, the 5 baskets I picked includes a flowering plant.
  • edited April 2007
    Maybe a Nabaztag would be a cool idea? Or, seeing how they like growing and killing things (like pirates and sea monkeys), maybe something listed here? Like the triops kit, or the ant colony (nice Sam & Max reference; ants not included though). Plush toys would be nice too I think - the microbes are especially cute! I know I'd love to get some of these toys. Just a suggestion though. :)

    Oh, and as for a treasurer, if I had to choose, I guess sirilluminator would be a good choice, for the reasons mentioned.
  • edited April 2007
    Haggis I like your ideas! The ant farm is and the micrones maybe? Cool site.
  • edited April 2007
    Is the gift in Americain dollars or Canadian?
  • edited April 2007
    ant colony is a cool idea
  • edited April 2007
    Is the gift in Americain dollars or Canadian?

    It's in US dollars.
  • edited April 2007
    Alright, we're up to $215 in pledges. Hopefully we can get up to $300.
  • edited April 2007
    Just voted. Add $10.
  • edited April 2007
    Thanks CountJ!
  • edited April 2007
    Put me down for 10 smackers.

    Other than purchasing the entire season (which I already did), it's the least I can do to thank Telltale for bringing back my favorite canine sleuth & crazy rabbity-thing sidekick. :D
  • edited April 2007
    $265 pledged so far! We can get some good things with that, keep it up guys and girls! :)
  • edited April 2007
    Anyone else willing to donate?
  • edited April 2007
    I like the Galileo globe : )
  • edited April 2007
    2 days left! If you're going to donate for the gifts, please vote now. It will make it easier and quicker to contact you and give you the address to mail your check to if you vote. :)
  • edited April 2007
    Anyone else?
  • edited April 2007
    Woa!! Thanks for the donation pledge Airbornepirate!! :D

    Just a heads up,

    Sirilluminator and I had a discussion and he isn't completely comfortable giving out his address, so we agreed that I would have everyone send me their donations (I'll make a thread about that tommorrow), and then Sirilluminator will handle the final details. I won't talk about it, because if I did that would ruin the surprise. :p
  • edited April 2007
    Wait, send as it snail mail?

    Couldn't we do this through Paypal? We'd all put the money into your paypal account and you could collect and send it on to Sirilluminator. Better yet, we could all send the money to Sirilluminator's account.
  • edited April 2007
    Indeed, Paypal does seem like a much better idea, if only for security reasons.
  • edited April 2007
    If you want to do it by Paypal, then that might be ok. That would have to be discussed between the donater and Sirilluminator.
  • edited April 2007
    I like Paypal too. :)
  • edited April 2007
    If anybody sets up a paypal account then I am in. Who am i kidding? I'm in anyway. Don't blame me if if the letter somehow gets lost on the way though. It's coming in all the way from Asia.
  • edited April 2007
    Just in time, I think. I'l chime in $10 or so, provided I can do electronic transfer (paypal or direct transfer to someone's bank account).

    EDIT: also, discussing what to give them on their own forums probably kind of ruins the surprise :)
  • edited April 2007
    Way to go guys! We raised $310 in pledges! :D
  • edited April 2007
    We should probably send the money over

    I hear it's pretty secure =P
  • edited April 2007
    Oh, yes, very. :p
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