C.O.P.S. Song extracted?

edited April 2007 in Sam & Max
can some one extract it? its catchy and I can't because I have GameTap to play S&M on.


  • edited April 2007
    I don't have the game, but you can use Audacity to record any sound that comes through your computer. If you get it to work, don't forget to post the MP3 here!
  • edited April 2007
    oto888 wrote: »
    can some one extract it? its catchy and I can't because I have GameTap to play S&M on.

    Think about what you're asking for a minute...

    You might get more replies after the game is actually released outside of Gametap (April 12th) :rolleyes:

    Come to think of it, some people who haven't played the game might be annoyed with the minor spoiler in the thread title.
  • edited April 2007
    the song is called "Usefull To Boot" and if you wait untill a week or two after the episode is released worldwide, the song is sure to end up here on the site, and on youtube......

    it is me or did anyone else who has heard this song think that the version in the credits is a lot less annoying than the version in the game itself..... :confused:
  • edited April 2007
    The in-game song would've been a hundred times better if it wasn't in pieces and it played all at once like in the ending credits. That's what ruined it. If I was Telltale, I would consider "fixing" that in a patch.
  • edited April 2007
    I don't have the game, but you can use Audacity to record any sound that comes through your computer. If you get it to work, don't forget to post the MP3 here!

    could you tell me how so the world won't have to wait for the song?
    EDIT: got it. but its quite and low quality. :(
    EDIT2: made it! uploading......but.....see EDIT1. except for the quite part.(and I made the static noise to make fans screaming. :) )
    EDIT3: (U can thank me later) Its here... http://www.mediamax.com/otto888/Hosted/C.O.P.S%20Song%20from%20S%26M5.mp3 right click and "Save Target As" in order to play
  • edited April 2007
    oto888 wrote: »
    EDIT3: (U can thank me later) Its here... http://www.mediamax.com/otto888/Hosted/C.O.P.S%20Song%20from%20S%26M5.mp3 right click and "Save Target As" in order to play

    Thank you! This file will keep me going until this thursday. I have some studying to do as well, so don't really have time to play it before thursday either ;)
  • edited April 2007
    Could someone please post a transcript of the song lyrics?

    I listened to the COPS song about 3 times all the way through, and there's still quite a bit that I can't make out - mostly because of Curt's synthesized voice, but the Arcade machine was hard to understand sometimes too...
  • edited April 2007
    Just turn on the text Molo, all of the lyrics are there.
  • edited April 2007
    I'm being far too generous :) Here's what I got after one listen-through:
    Differently useful computers and guests.
    Hello world we're the C.O.P.S.
    Beware! We will not be surpressed!

    We are useful. We are fruitful.
    We are useful. Everything that boots is beautiful.
    We are useful. We are fruitful.
    Built to last. The future is the past.

    Computers today just confound and confuse.
    Comfort is waiting in yesterday's news.
    Select a weapon! You must choose!


    Who needs fancy wiz-bang chips?
    Older boards are well-equipped.
    Seasoned, practiced, and mature.
    And together, we endure.


    You cannot improve the wheel.
    Flimsy self-esteem must yield!
    You're only [as] obsolete as you feel.

  • edited April 2007
    ^ I'm pretty sure it's
    "You cannot improve the wheel"
  • edited April 2007
    D'oh! Yes, that does make more sense:o I'll go edit it.
  • edited April 2007
    If you want to extract the song (non-Gametap customers) use the Telltale Music Extractor, and point it to your <game>/<game> data/pack/data/ directory.

    For Gametap, I have no idea.
  • edited April 2007
    I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to give people content from the game like that.
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