How'sabout the Sam & Max Movie?

I have, as I'm sure most of you other Sam & Max fanatics out there have, wanted to see a Sam & Max feature film for some time now. And with the current trend of comic book inspired movies like Spiderman, the Hulk, Fantastic Four, X-Men, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, even an upcoming (and admittedly poor-looking) Underdog movie, I say we start bugging Steve and his posse for a Sam & Max film! After all, he does work with an animation studio that works primarily on feature length films now!

Speaking of such things, if there was a Sam & Max film, how do you think it should be? Fully animated with traditional hand-drawn artwork to mimic the comic book or CGI to match the feel of the new games? Or possibly live-action with the animated Freelance Police interacting with the real world to point out more of the humor of just how insane Sam & Max are?

Whatcha think?


  • edited April 2007
    I think it's a great idea! =p Yes ^^
  • edited April 2007
    I actually said this idea to my brother this morning, coincidentally...

    I think an hour and a half movie would be too drawn out for Sam and Max though. Especially if it was as fast paced as the comics and cartoon.
  • edited April 2007
    Yes a movie would be great! I dont know what type.. I like cartoon style but I think computer animated would be cool to.. Nevermind... A movie and I'll be happy :P
  • edited April 2007
    I'd like to see a 3d animated movie..targeted solely to adults.. unfortunately that kind of style of movie isnt gonna make a lot of money..and animated movies are very expensive to produce.. we wouldn't need to convince steve you would need to convince the movie studios.
  • edited April 2007
    That would be great and all, but just puting a movie in one theater costs several thousands of dollars. They'd need at least a few million to make a decent movie. : /
  • edited April 2007
    How about a 90 minute machinima? :)
  • edited April 2007
    Cool as a major movie would be, a more reachable and perhaps more appropriate goal would be a new season of the animated series. Weren't the first 20-something episodes quasi-succesful? With all the Sam and Max buzz at the moment, surely it should be possible to convince someone there's money in it, right..?
  • edited April 2007
    I think that if another animated series should be made, it shouldn't be directed towards kids. I've seen some of the old cartoon on YouTube, and it looked a bit, well, neutered. It'd be great if they made a cartoon directed more to teens/adults, and went to someone besides Fox Kids to air it. Comedy Central perhaps?

    But, even as cool as a cartoon/movie would be, I'd much rather see more games. :o
  • edited April 2007
    The sam n max cartoon was almost as neutered as the clerks cartoon, and thats bad
  • edited April 2007
    I thought the cartoon was really cool, even though I'm an adult. It has to be a bit watered down since it's a cartoon, but I still thought that for a cartoon it was quite violent. Then again, remember Tom & Jerry? Now that was a violent cartoon. I would really like to see Season 2 of the animated series, but I here Steve is very busy right now. A cartoon takes a lot of time with all of the drawing involved.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2007
    There's a great page in the Sketchbook containing a few notes sent from Fox Kids to the team making the cartoon. Little "suggestions" like "Do not show a 'soiled mattress.' Please do not have Sam sniff and inspect the mattress," "Please do NOT show Max biting down on a battery while standing in water," etc.
  • edited April 2007
    a new sam and max animated series on adult swim would be a perfect fit :)
  • edited April 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    There's a great page in the Sketchbook containing a few notes sent from Fox Kids to the team making the cartoon. Little "suggestions" like "Do not show a 'soiled mattress.' Please do not have Sam sniff and inspect the mattress," "Please do NOT show Max biting down on a battery while standing in water," etc.

    Hahahaha, I've gotta buy this sketchbook...

    There's a similar thing floating the interwebz about South Park, probably the funniest "please censor this" memo I've ever seen.
  • edited April 2007
    It should absolutely be done with a real dog and bunny.
  • edited April 2007
    I really don't wanna see Sam & Max become mainstream.
    As much at I'd love to have Sam & Max figures and toys, I really don't wanna see them at McDonalds.
  • edited April 2007
    Then the terrorists win.

    I never expect a feature film of Sam & Max to happen, but man, it'll always be the dream.

    And 2D animation please. 3D looks great for the game and all, but I think their true cinematic glory has to be realized in 2D.
  • MelMel
    edited April 2007
    And 2D animation please. 3D looks great for the game and all, but I think their true cinematic glory has to be realized in 2D.

    2D would look fantastic! But, if they were to do anything 3D, go for stop motion animation a la Ray Harryhausen/Tim Burton/Aardman animation stuff. :D
  • edited April 2007
    xChri5x wrote: »
    I really don't wanna see Sam & Max become mainstream.
    As much at I'd love to have Sam & Max figures and toys, I really don't wanna see them at McDonalds.

    what is wrong with sam and max becoming more popular? it's still the same sam and max..its not gonna change.. I never get that.. it's like sam and max is my little indie favorite it can never be loved by the masses.. sam and max for world domination!
  • edited April 2007
    Because when stuff gets really popular it starts to change. Men in suits start to want it their way.
  • edited April 2007
    xChri5x wrote: »
    Because when stuff gets really popular it starts to change. Men in suits start to want it their way.

    yea, I think jokes would changes for sure.. watch terminator 3 and you get it.. the movie was a JOKE! :D
  • edited April 2007
    Mommy Mommy I like Sam!, I mean MAX!
  • edited April 2007
    xChri5x wrote: »
    Because when stuff gets really popular it starts to change. Men in suits start to want it their way.

    I doubt Steve Purcell would let that happen
  • edited April 2007
    AdamG wrote: »
    It has to be a bit watered down since it's a cartoon,

    Kind of like South Park had to be "watered down"?;)

    I'd love to see a movie but I'd much rather see a new mid range series. Something along Simpson's lines in terms of content. Sam N Max has never really seemed to go into the South Park\Drawn Together territory but is still too loony and twisted for a kids show.

    Plus I don't think they could sell a movie without a proven series coming before it.

    Either way 2D animation works fine for me. If there is an adult oriented CGI film in our future I would much rather see it be something like Half Life or Diablo than Sam N Max,
  • edited April 2007
    I think a new series would be awesome, but who would you want to do the voices?
  • edited April 2007
    Because when stuff gets really popular it starts to change. Men in suits start to want it their way.

    This is 100% true. However, I believe one should consider the artist's determination. Who here reads Calvin & Hobbes? If you've read the 10th Anniversary Book, you know that Bill Watterson fought against just that for a long, long time. Not only did the fight make it impossible to do a C&H movie or TV show, it was actually against his wishes to make it such a hyped and commercialized medium.

    ...and not to say anything bad about the TV show, but I'm not even certain Steve wanted there to be a Sam & Max TV show in the first place. No one wants to see their work simplified and censored... or even demented, as Calvin has been by certain Car Sticker salesmen.

    Would I like to see a Sam & Max movie? Yes. I'd want it to be exactly like the comic, and lets face it, even if they had the money to do it, would the general public go for it?

    I think it would be far wiser to stick to a small game company like TellTale, who happen to be doing a fantastic job with his work. Let me tell you, it has been quite the privilege having a new game every month. I see no reason to ask for more. Besides... more might ruin what we have. :cool:

  • edited April 2007
    Steve owns the Sam & Max "licence" ( it sounds weird calling it that) so I don't know who else other then him would push for a TV series. I can't really see lucas arts pushing for it.

    The show wasen't horrible though. Even though it was "watered down" I still think it captures the essence of Sam & Max very well. The art was true to the characters and I thought they did a great job of keeping the grit (especially in some of those close up scenes).
    Some of the dialoge was pretty funny too. One of the scenes that stands out to me is at the begining of Bad Day on The Moon when Sam is holding down Max with his foot in the drawer talking to the comissioner and then when he's done spits out this long winded jumble of words to which Max replies "Are you talking Dirty?!"
    I don't remember if that line was from the original comic, but I just love the way he eagerly says that to Sam.

    The music was pretty fitting in the show too, and I loved the opening credit sequence. It was awesome seeing the cover of Surfin The Highway come to life.
  • edited April 2007
    Now that Pixar is owned by Disney, I seriously doubt they'd be allowed to make anything "racy" with Sam and Max.

    I'd love to be wrong
  • edited April 2007
    Sorry to quote this now but...
    Jake wrote: »
    There's a great page in the Sketchbook containing a few notes sent from Fox Kids to the team making the cartoon. Little "suggestions" like "Do not show a 'soiled mattress.' Please do not have Sam sniff and inspect the mattress," "Please do NOT show Max biting down on a battery while standing in water," etc.

    This double-page made me laugh when I read it^^
  • edited April 2007
    Buuga wrote: »
    yea, I think jokes would changes for sure.. watch terminator 3 and you get it.. the movie was a JOKE! :D

    Terminator 2 was an independent film? What? :p
    Terminator 3 wasn't terrible because it was mainstream, it was terrible because it was produced without input from the writer/director of the first two movies.
    As long as Steve Purcell remains as an overseer, there's no reason why Sam & Max would suddenly become terrible if the general public noticed it.
  • edited April 2007
    It was good to bring up Calvin & Hobbes and South Park, because those are two things that got very popular (C&H was popular by comic strip standards) without losing the original creative force behind them. South Park is still written, directed, and animated weekly by Trey Parker & Matt Stone (with assistance, obviously). This doesn't necessarily mean the show is as good as it ever was, but they're still calling all the shots and doing exactly what they want to do with the show. Yet it's more popular than ever.
  • edited April 2007
    I think South Park has actually gotten better with age. It used to just be fart jokes and blood, now the humor is much more intelligent (mixed with fart jokes and blood :P)

    I love when they throw in a dramatic moment out of nowhere and completely catch you off guard, like when Kenny was in the hospital dying. It shows that Matt and Trey aren't one-trick ponies, and we could easily see another few seasons before it dies out.
  • edited April 2007
    Yes the two reasons i never got into the cartoon were 1: the voices irritated the hell out of me. The htr voices i feel nailed it, while the new voices offer a significantly less annoying midpoint. and 2: the expression i use is that the series was "foxed" up. Looking back now i can appreciate the series more now than in my adolescence but still it lacks the greatness it should be.

    Anyway i would love to see a movie, although it should be done great or not at all. And as for who should do the voices i believe i've already told you where i stand.
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