Guessing the title of Episode 6 - spoilers!



  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2007
    I haven't seen it yet. Can you send me a forum msg with the text? Either way, it's going to be hugely spoilery for people who haven't played episode 5, I'm sure. :)
  • edited April 2007
    telltale has their episode 6 preview page up as well....... it has some new screenshots, and a very cryptic trailer that i am about to run through an audio filter because i cannot understand a single word spoken in it (damn you nick :D ) except for the minical laughter at the end that sounds very fimiliar :rolleyes:

    and after seeing the telltale infocard on the website....... the gametap card has some MAJOR spoilers, so i will not be posting it

    P.S. it looks like we see what happened to harry after the factory exploded...... to the moon alice!
  • edited April 2007
    We had to pull it back down for a second due to a typo. It'll be back in a few minutes though.

    Edit: Nevermind, it's back now :)
  • edited April 2007
    i thought episode 5 was reality 2.0...... :rolleyes:
  • edited April 2007
    The infocard on GameTap struck me as very spoilery, and I've beaten episode 5 already.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2007
    Heh... check GameTap's coming soon ring...

    Big spoiler there. Don't check their coming soon ring unless you want the full plot of the episode revealed to you. :p

    We just put up spoiler-free screenshots and a teaser up here.
  • edited April 2007
    you guys should post machinima short #13 on the site as well....... gametap already has #14 up

    where is the flash animation on the frontpage for episode 5........... abe lincoln is still up there...
  • edited April 2007
    Now, after all the "have a space episode!"-cries, I understand why you gals & guys kept the title of Ep. 6 under wraps for so long... really looking forward to it!
  • edited April 2007
    I'm sad that you have turned
    into a mad person* =(
    ('cause it couldn't possibly be any other person lauging like that, now could it?)

    Other then that the episode looks great, and I really hope that this will not be the end of Sam and Max (nor hugh), I need more episodes :)

    * Well atlest more mad (madder?)
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2007
    where is the flash animation on the frontpage for episode 5........... abe lincoln is still up there...

    Clear the cache on your browser.
  • edited April 2007
    I hope they fry
    Hugh Bliss
    like a pork sausage in the next episode :D
    (yes, I know. I'm a cruel urchin)
  • edited April 2007
    I knew it was going to be him, I just knew it!!!!!
  • edited April 2007
    So Helstrom was right, heh? congrats!
  • edited April 2007
    i just ran the teaser through audiospec....... you clever monkeys, it sounds like a few of the garbled sound snippits are from previous episodes (but i think one or two of them are new)

    the sound is buried under high pitched static, and an arcade-esque song.... but, here is what i can make out so far....

    "We can see... voices... dont know what he....secret....hes been hypnotised....propoganda....the celebraity.....NOOO....thats creepy....."
  • edited April 2007
    fajerkaos wrote: »
    I'm sad that you have turned Hugh into a mad person* =(
    ('cause it couldn't possibly be any other person lauging like that, now could it?)

    Other then that the episode looks great, and I really hope that this will not be the end of Sam and Max (nor hugh), I need more episodes :)

    * Well atlest more mad (madder?)

    Who said it was Hugh bliss?
  • edited April 2007
    Grrrr!! Gametap spoils something again! :mad:

    Didn't someone guess Bright Side of the Moon? :confused:
  • edited April 2007
    Who said it was
    Hugh bliss

    It sounded mysteriously like him...

    I still refuse to believe
    Hugh Bliss is evil
    , probably only because I want to see him in Season 2 as well.
  • NickTTGNickTTG Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2007
    I love that after people read that Gametap spoils the episode 6 plot on our forum, they go and check it out, and then come back here to complain about it. IF YOU WANT IT TO BE A SURPRISE, STAY AWAY FROM THAT SITE!
  • edited April 2007
    Don't know, but Hugh Bliss as the evil, would to easy fill the "the nice guy is often the mad guy" clishé, don't you think?

    Edit; Did not read the Gametap site, so i am still in the dark. :P
  • NickTTGNickTTG Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2007
    Dangerzone wrote: »
    i just ran the teaser through audiospec....... you clever monkeys, it sounds like a few of the garbled sound snippits are from previous episodes (but i think one or two of them are new)

    the sound is buried under high pitched static, and an arcade-esque song.... but, here is what i can make out so far....

    "We can see... voices... dont know what he....secret....hes been hypnotised....propoganda....the celebraity.....NOOO....thats creepy....."

    You are insanely thorough. That rocks!
  • edited April 2007
    Hugh Bliss is too close to a state of dementia(mental imbecility) to be evil, but he sure is a nut job. There are many things one can call Hugh Bliss, but evil is not one of them(unless he actually is somebody else in disguise, which I doubt). But just because Hugh Bliss is the one who invented prismatology/emetics doesn't mean he is the one behind all of this.

    But from what we already know, I don't know who else to accuse. Since moleman makes an apparence in this latest episode, it could be that we will meet Brady Culture again as well... or somebody else from earlier episodes. Something tells me that if Hugh Bliss ain't behind all of this, then Brady Culture for sure is(either directly or indirectly). That's my take on all this.
  • edited April 2007
    Gosh, I'm amazed that the one guy got the title right. Man, that is some serious telekinesis! Well, since my extremely long, boring, and keyboard-frying title turned out to be incorrect, I now am not allowed to type anymore extremely long guesses.

    Nice job on that teaser, Telltale! Man, has somebody there been watching every scary movie back to back in their spare time? Because it seems that all the videos you guys are pumping out are trying to be sincerely scary (and that attempt will always be successful with me). Please refrain, in the next videos you put out, to scare the living daylights out of me (although the BSOTM teaser was okay). Please? Pretty please?
  • edited April 2007
    schuubars wrote: »
    Edit; Did not read the Gametap site, so i am still in the dark. :P

    Me neither :D Gametap... I'm staying out of that site, it's scary!
  • edited April 2007
    JK1985 wrote: »
    Me neither :D Gametap... I'm staying out of that site, it's scary!

    Yes. To say it with Shiver's Professor Windlenot(nut): "They are evil!".

    Also: Happy birthday to David Letterman :)
  • edited April 2007
    Well, my resolve to stay away from all websites Sam-and-Max so I wouldn't see anything about episode 6 lasted for about 1 day. Teaser was nicely done though.
  • edited April 2007
    who cares about hugh bliss (if he is evil or not)......... the main enemy for season one is gametap, and their damn spoilers

    roy g biv was the cliffhanger for episode 5 and the damn infocard tells you who he is..... his true identity is probably not learned untill halfway through the episode, and gametap has it on the infocard....... and they still have the abe lincoln spoiler on the service

    dont get me wrong, i am glad gametap is helping to produce season one.... but should not have to put up with them not watching what they put on their service...... if we were still on episode one or two i would not mind, but we should not have to put up with this at the end of a season
  • edited April 2007
    I have known gametap is the enemy since I watched the trailer for the entire season, and thought it would only be possible to play it on gametap. Glad to see the rest of you are catching up ;)
  • edited April 2007
    The Title is Bright Side of the Moon
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2007
    We've gotten in touch with GameTap -- they said they accidentally put an old draft of the text in there, and they're going to change it later today. I'll post again when we've confirmed that the spoiler is gone.
  • edited April 2007
    EDIT: Hmm, sorry, delete this post. It went into completely the wrong topic somehow.
  • edited April 2007
    In fact Natsfan, you better tell that it can be a huge spoiler even for those who played episode 5 : I did, I read your text, and... I feel a bit annoyed because I didn't think of that and... prefered to discover it myself while playing the next episode... post it in "connecting the dots" which spoils future, but please, maybe not here, or make it clear that it's a big poiler ^^

    About the trailer, I really love the last laugh and the prismatology tune we had in culture shock, this music is really, really... scary and hypnotic... I can't wait ^^
  • edited April 2007
    AdamG wrote: »
    Didn't someone guess Bright Side of the Moon? :confused:

    Well done Helstrom! I didn't believe that someone was actually going to guess it!
  • edited April 2007
    Helstrom wrote: »
    "Bright Side of the Moon"

    What does my future hold?
  • edited April 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    We've gotten in touch with GameTap -- they said they accidentally put an old draft of the text in there, and they're going to change it later today. I'll post again when we've confirmed that the spoiler is gone.

    They better! Those guys sure are turning into a real pain in the ass! :mad: If you guys partner with them again for Season 2, I would remind them how well Season 1 did and that they should be more careful if they want to stay on Telltale's good graces.
  • edited April 2007
    NickTTG wrote: »
    I love that after people read that Gametap spoils the episode 6 plot on our forum, they go and check it out, and then come back here to complain about it. IF YOU WANT IT TO BE A SURPRISE, STAY AWAY FROM THAT SITE!

    I didn't check Gametap. And seriously I'm starting to consider canceling my Gametap service. They're really pissing me off! :mad: This is the 3rd or 4th time they've done something like this. After all those other incidents, you would think they would be more careful then to supposedly reveal the whole plot of the finale! I think they know they can push you guys around right now because they've been such a help for sales, and they just want to create as much buzz as possible before it's released. :mad:
  • edited April 2007
    Are those molemen in the screenshots? I guess we get to see where the spacemolemen from Hit the Road come from. If that's the inspiration
  • edited April 2007
    Not just any molemen. Take a close look at
    the garbage can
    (spoilered for if someone doesn't want to know).
  • edited April 2007
    Wait, Bright Side of the Moon? What happened to the old title?
  • edited April 2007
    What was the old title? As far as I know, this is the only one that's been released.
  • edited April 2007
    you must be thinking of "Unknown" ;) it got replaced recently ;)
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