Sam & Max - the pride of Telltale?

edited April 2007 in Sam & Max
Is it safe to call the Sam and Max episodic series the pride of Telltale? I feel a lot better now after managing to bring the series back to PC and feel very satisfied with the season so far...


  • edited April 2007
    They should be proud of this season. Not only have they managed bring Sam and Max back to the PC, but they pioneered episodic gaming and proved that it is viable. I have a feeling that this episodic thing is really going to take off.

    They should also be proud of the Bone adventures too. They are awsome :)
  • edited April 2007
    I think its only the beginning for Telltales success with season 1 of Sam and Max..once they get the game into stores..and if they get it onto the Wii.. the recognition (and accolades) are really going to come for the quality work they have produced.
  • edited April 2007
    In that case, we should all prepare ourselves for when this board explodes with new posts and new users.
  • edited April 2007
    Yup, I think this project is a huge deal in terms of the publicity and indeed the money it generates for Telltale. If they do equally well on CSI: Hard Evidence (you know, that other Big Thing taking up roughly the other half of Telltale's staff and resources), I wouldn't be surprised if in the future they'll be looked back on as one of the major players in the silver age of adventure gaming.
  • edited April 2007
    Well I certainly hope that happens. I'm sorry to say I haven't really tried much else of what TTG has to offer, but bringing back Sam & Max is all the credit they need in my opinion. It's good to see that the classic adventure games haven't died out. If Telltale gets rich and famous thanks to Sam & Max I would be very happy for them, so long as they keep makin' more and more and more of S&M. Screw CSI, get the whole damn company crackin' on season 2 right now dangit!
  • edited April 2007
    Well episodic can work for some games. But most games and gamers like myself still prefer. 1 big game. That you can play at youre own pace, also it can also be more complex and stuff, and while i like the new sam & max. And full game with them i would always like even more.

    Yeah the new CSI is gonna rock to. Cna only hope that the new games bring in enough cash for telltale to expand and make more games and also full lenght games. Still alot more old school anventure games that also would be nice to have.
  • MelMel
    edited April 2007
    Screw CSI, get the whole damn company crackin' on season 2 right now dangit!

    I'll quote myself from another thread. ;)
  • edited April 2007
    Screw CSI, get the whole damn company crackin' on season 2 right now dangit!

    Naaah. I want Bone, I like the CSI-games and I want original adventure games not based on a licence. I would love to see the release of 1 or 2 more Bone games before Season 2 starts coming out in November (at least that's what I hope)
  • edited April 2007
    I'm sure Bone episode 3 is next on their list, it's been saying comming soon for awhile now. Bone is like their 3rd most popular series, so it's a good bet it won't be long.
  • edited April 2007
    They will probably work on that after Season 1 is complete and have another smaller team work on getting the hard copies out into the retail market and on the Wii. It makes sense business-wise, but I'm not one to tell them how to do their jobs, sooooo....
  • edited April 2007
    I am satiated for now with S&M... although I do not want to wait another decade for the next season.

    I think a year or so off to pursue other projects would be a good thing... unless S&M proves so popular they can hire new people to work on other projects and have a full time staff appropriated to the Freelance policedudes.
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