hmm... bright side of the moon

edited April 2007 in Sam & Max
wasn't the rat people on the bright side of the moon? that did make me wonder where that area in the screenshots of episode 6 is taking place. Sorry kinda confused but i guess the moon is a big place so it could happen.

Anyway, it's a longshot but i think that maybe Jimmy two teeth might have a part ot play considering the rat people on the moon and all.

Cant wait for episode 6!!!


  • edited April 2007
    They are not rats, they are moles, like Harry the Mole.(from epi 3)
  • edited April 2007
    after listening to the laughter at the end of the teaser several times, I wonder more and more if that's the laughter of Jimmy two teeth. At some places it just sounds a bit different from Hugh Bliss voice and more similar to Jimmy's voice.

    Especially the picture of them talking to Jimmy on the parking meter makes me even more curious. It looks like he is telling them something about how to get to the moon and explaining something about what's going on. Something tells me that has some meaning. All of this reminds me of the first episode - when jimmy got hypnotized. They never knocked him out of it, did they?
  • edited April 2007
    marsan wrote: »
    All of this reminds me of the first episode - when jimmy got hypnotized. They never knocked him out of it, did they?
    Well not exactly, but it is an optional Joke in Episode 1. And as he is not worshipping Brady Culture anymore I think it might have happened between Episode 1 and 2.
  • edited April 2007
    that's true, and it would have been a bit too strange if he was behind the entire operation. I don't think he has the brains for it.
    (avoided using names to avoid spoilers)
  • edited April 2007
    As an aside, notice the
    bent spoon
    in one of the screenshots. I wonder if that
    cursing, spoon-bending guy whose name I forgot
    will be back?
  • edited April 2007
    Red_Sun wrote: »
    They are not rats, they are moles, like Harry the Mole.(from epi 3)

    In the animated series there were giant rats and cockroaches on the moon.
  • edited April 2007
    could it be that
    Harry the Mole Man
    Doug the Mole Man/Shuv-Oohl
    are related in some way?
  • edited April 2007
    On a hunch, I just went back to Episode 5 and checked out the moon picture again. Sure enough, there was a new bit of dialogue:
    Sam: "I'm sure we left something on the moon last time we were there."
    This could account for some of the items we find on the moon...or possibly even...(and this could be a large spoiler)...
    the old Desoto!
  • edited April 2007
    It's not that. The screenshots petty much confirm that
    the new car
    is there.
  • edited April 2007
    AdamG wrote: »
    In the animated series there were giant rats and cockroaches on the moon.

    And that episode is based on the "Bad day on the moon" comic by Steve Purcell :)

    Edit: I wonder what they left? :confused:
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