What Did Sam Forget On The Moon?

edited April 2007 in Sam & Max
If you haven't started Episode 5 yet, you may want to skip this post.

This is mostly for those of you who have read the Sam and Max comics.

At the beginning of #5, if you click on the picture of Sam and Max on the moon, Sam says something to the effect of "I can't help but feel like I forgot something on our last trip to the moon."

The picture clearly ties into the comic "Bad Day on the Moon" (reprinted in Surfin' the Highway) which was also used for an episode of the Sam and Max animated series, remaining reasonably faithful to the original comic. This can be evidenced by the paper bags that Sam and Max are wearing.

Now much like Max was wondering in episode 3 where his boxing glove had disappeared to with the punchline to the joke showing up in episode 4, I expect this is a joke that will pay off in episode 6 when we'll finally find out what it is Sam forgot on the moon.

Now I'm wondering...what do you think it is Sam forgot? And do you think there is a clue within the comic and/or the animated cartoon?


  • edited April 2007
    Blackphyr wrote: »
    Now I'm wondering...what do you think it is Sam forgot? And do you think there is a clue within the comic and/or the animated cartoon?

    there is at least a clue within the

    here's another hint:
    check out what they are saying near the robbery
    and a final hint:
    It's a Elvis Headed Decanter
  • edited April 2007
    What? No peanut brittle?

    And for those of you that need a review of what happened last time on the moon, go here!

  • edited April 2007
    I think this might be a reference to the old Star Trek episode "A Piece of the Action."

    Basically the idea is, a Starfleet ship visited a planet 100 years before the Enterprise arrives, and a crew member left behind a book about 1920's gangsters. When Kirk and Spock beam down, they find the planet's inhabitants thought the book was some sort of divine holy text, and formulated their entire society based around it. At the end of the episode, when they leave the planet, McCoy leaves his communicator behind.

    So the idea is probably that Sam and Max left behind a tacky piece of tourist Americana junk that inspired a total crass-culture-ization of the Moon (as seen in the screenshots). And for added humor they'll probably leave something else behind when they leave, as in the Star Trek episode.
  • edited April 2007
    Ohhhhhh, interesting. :p
  • edited April 2007
    ATMachine wrote: »
    I think this might be a reference to the old Star Trek episode "A Piece of the Action."

    Basically the idea is, a Starfleet ship visited a planet 100 years before the Enterprise arrives, and a crew member left behind a book about 1920's gangsters. When Kirk and Spock beam down, they find the planet's inhabitants thought the book was some sort of divine holy text, and formulated their entire society based around it. At the end of the episode, when they leave the planet, McCoy leaves his communicator behind.

    So the idea is probably that Sam and Max left behind a tacky piece of tourist Americana junk that inspired a total crass-culture-ization of the Moon (as seen in the screenshots). And for added humor they'll probably leave something else behind when they leave, as in the Star Trek episode.

    You might be on to something. Anyone seen the images at gametap. There is a bent spoon or a broken golf cub tip? in a glass jar, being held by a mole person.

    That could be the thing that they left behind
  • edited April 2007
    ATMachine wrote: »
    And for added humor they'll probably leave something else behind when they leave, as in the Star Trek episode.

    I certainly hope so :D
  • edited April 2007
    Blackphyr wrote: »
    Now I'm wondering...what do you think it is Sam forgot? And do you think there is a clue within the comic and/or the animated cartoon?

    Can someone post a link to the comic on here?
  • edited April 2007
    Not to the comic. It's a print source. ;)
  • edited April 2007
    Yeah, you're just going to have to go by the video I liked this thread to.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2007
    I read the title of this thread as "what did doom saber forget on the moon?" for some reason, and was very confused.

    What did doom saber forget on the moon?
  • MelMel
    edited April 2007
    His shift key? :p
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2007
    oh snap!

  • MelMel
    edited April 2007
    I wasn't trying to be mean, honest. :o His name isn't capitilized and ...
  • edited April 2007
    there are quite a few jokes that have payoffs in later episodes

    - max's speech where he says "better get the serious toothpaste" in episode 4
    - specs forgetting wizzers birthday (they are the same age, as discovered in episode 4)
    - the jesse james hand carbon dater comment in episode 5
    - the office carpet not matching the drapes
    - the impeech max posters on the street
    - the whole "what has jimmy been up to" conversation in episode 5
    - the missing boxing glove

    i am sure there are others i have forgotten...... but the jokes that span over 1 or 2 episodes make me laugh the most

    Edit: they even made fun of the fact that most of the things in the office always have the same tag lines when you click on them.... in episode 4 when you click on the bulletin board sam says his usual "i though this would be usefull" line, but then max says.... "you always say that"
  • edited April 2007
    You forgot the constaint back-refferance Bosco keeps using as exposision to explain his current puzzle or puzzles in each episode.
  • edited April 2007
    Mel wrote: »
    I wasn't trying to be mean, honest. :o His name isn't capitilized and ...

    LMAO I actually find the shift key comment hilarious. I thought your reasons was that I fogot to capalize something in my paragraph since my keyboard doesn't work so well after eating, drinking, and sneezing over it. My shift key was actually messed up a few days ago because of crap under it. LOL

    As for what I left on the moon, maybe it was my virginity.... Oh wait, I still have it.

  • edited April 2007
    doom saber wrote: »
    ....My shift key was actually messed up a few days ago because of crap under it. LOL

    Don't you have 2 of them? :rolleyes: ..... unless you are using an amish keyboard, they only have one shift key, but they have 2 enter keys and 2 space bars..... and instead of an escape key, they have......
  • edited April 2007
    Dangerzone wrote: »
    Don't you have 2 of them? :rolleyes: ..... unless you are using an amish keyboard, they only have one shift key, but they have 2 enter keys and 2 space bars..... and instead of an escape key, they have......

    No duh I have two. However, I use both keys, depending on where the keys are and I tend to overlook what I write sometimes. The last time I checked, this isn't the "Let's pick on Doom Saber" thread? :rolleyes:
  • edited April 2007
    i always use my left one.... i never use the shift key on the right side, although when i am lazy and i am typing with one hand, i use both of them.... and i was not making fun of you (well, actually i was) .... i was just asking if you use an amish keyboard (They actually exist, i have one somewhere in my basement..... ) they were a 90's novelty item, and some of them actually worked ;)

    i also had one of those talk and type things, but the damn thing could never understand my pittsburgh accent, and it always thought i was swearing when i wasnt (then i fell asleep with the headset on, and it got crushed by my fat ass) so i am back to typing normally (with my face :D )
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2007
    ATMachine wrote: »
    Basically the idea is, a Starfleet ship visited a planet 100 years before the Enterprise arrives, and a crew member left behind a book about 1920's gangsters. When Kirk and Spock beam down, they find the planet's inhabitants thought the book was some sort of divine holy text, and formulated their entire society based around it. At the end of the episode, when they leave the planet, McCoy leaves his communicator behind.

    Best -- or possibly worst -- episode ever. Spock had to wear this stupid hat so no one would notice his pointy ears.

    Or am I thinking of a different episode where he and Kirk dress up like gangsters? :p
  • edited April 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    Best -- or possibly worst -- episode ever. Spock had to wear this stupid hat so no one would notice his pointy ears.

    Or am I thinking of a different episode where he and Kirk dress up like gangsters? :p

    I think the episode where Spock wears the hat so no one would notice his ears was the time they went back in time and Spock was making a transistor radio. :p Um, but he probably wore a hat to hide his ears more then once.
  • edited April 2007
    AdamG wrote: »
    I think the episode where Spock wears the hat so no one would notice his ears was the time they went back in time and Spock was making a transistor radio. :p Um, but he probably wore a hat to hide his ears more then once.
    Yeah, I think the episode with Spock's hat is the one where they travel back in time to 1930's America and have to let Kirk's love interest die so the Nazis don't win World War II. Harlan Ellison wrote that episode, actually.
  • edited April 2007
    Is that the Elvis decanter in one of the pictures of episode 6, on the telltale website ?
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2007
    I don't think we have an Elvis decanter. That would be awesome though. You could drink from the neck of the King.
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