Some unavailable store items are still listed on other items' product pages.

Macfly77Macfly77 Moderator
edited August 2011 in Site Support
Let me quote part of another post of mine from another thread:
Macfly77 wrote: »
At this time, the only items available are those listed on the main store page or on the pages dedicated to specific games (listed under "Games" on the main store page), but not all of those that are listed at the bottom of specific item pages.
For example, if I look at the Tales of Monkey Island DVD page, five more products I might like are listed (The Devil's Playhouse, the TOMI Voodoo card set, the TOMI art portfolio, the 2nd set of TOMI buttons and the TOMI t-shirt), but only those listed on the main store page - The Devil's Playhouse and the art portfolio are currently available.
Looks like Telltale has a little bit more webstore cleanup to do.
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