Uh-oh... Look what Sam & Max did... (Episode 5 Spoiler)

edited April 2007 in Sam & Max
Apparently they really did kill the internet!


For the uninitiative, the article is about how several major orginizations on both the independent and government levels are thinking about making an Internet 2.0.

Art immitates life or predicts it? You decide!

I just found it creepy that I found that article so close to the release of Episode 5.


  • edited April 2007
    That's cool... I remember reading an article back in '99 or '00 talking to Vincent Cerf about the next internet... now it seems like some groups have already gotten serious about it.

    Although one of the people quoted was from Rutgers University... and we all know what they are... naptime heads. It was naptime heads, right? ;)
  • edited April 2007
    Derwin wrote: »
    Although one of the people quoted was from Rutgers University... and we all know what they are... naptime heads. It was naptime heads, right? ;)

    Excuse me?
  • edited April 2007
    uh oh *runs and hides*
  • edited April 2007
    Have you taken leave of your senses, Derwin? Kinda toeing the line, aren't you?
  • edited April 2007
    Maybe I did step too close to the line there, too soon... sorry for any offense, of which none was intended. But I should realize in this PC world, intentions only go so far.

    On topic: I think these episodes are predicting the future, not imitating current events. For example, I believe the next president will be a rabbity thing, after discovering our current president is actually a puppet (aren't they all?). Also, mass hypnosis will sweep the land soon (which I should know, because I am funding it).
  • edited April 2007
    Actually, there already is a Internet 2.0. It's a very high-speed network between various universities and other research institutions who use it to exchange large amounts of data. So do their students, by the way, but they exchange different kinds of data.
  • edited April 2007
    Derwin wrote: »
    Maybe I did step too close to the line there, too soon... sorry for any offense, of which none was intended. But I should realize in this PC world, intentions only go so far.

    On topic: I think these episodes are predicting the future, not imitating current events. For example, I believe the next president will be a rabbity thing, after discovering our current president is actually a puppet (aren't they all?). Also, mass hypnosis will sweep the land soon (which I should know, because I am funding it).

    I wasn't offended, just didn't want you to get banned :)
  • edited April 2007
    NHJ BV wrote: »
    Actually, there already is a Internet 2.0. It's a very high-speed network between various universities and other research institutions who use it to exchange large amounts of data. So do their students, by the way, but they exchange different kinds of data.
    That's going to get deleted as well once the project gets money, from what I understand.
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