The other "Sam & Max" game in need of a sequel

edited February 2008 in Sam & Max Comics

If you don't get the reference, shame on you! :p
Alright, if you insist:
The 1990 game Covert Action has CIA agent Max Remington and assistant Sam travel the globe stopping terrorist plots and bringing those involved to justice. This invariably involves a lot of violence, and gratuitous use of grenades is not just permitted but recommended.
I kid you not, check it out!
This is one of my all-time favorite games. Sorry for not finding some more comprehensive info. Maybe I'll post some screenshots if someone's really interested.


  • edited April 2007
    One Max Show
    In the same continuity, but it should be funny regardless of whether you get the reference. The compatibility is remarkable, I think I'll produce some more later.
  • edited April 2007
    How to use clues
    Computer Security
    An unfortunately all-too-recognizable sequence of events for the CA player. Who knew cracking satirical jokes about a personal favorite could be so amusing? Make sure you read'em in top-to-bottom order.

    PS I'm afraid my laggy internet connection has accidently made me create that last comic twice. If that's problematic, would someone with administrative powers please delete the 24195835 copy for me? I'd prefer to keep the 24195907 copy, as that's the one I'm linking to here.
  • edited April 2007
    Significant Letters
    Remarkably Similar
    Enjoy as our agents use their unique insights to decide what to do next.
  • edited April 2007
    Things left unseen
    It certainly is
    As Sam & Max discuss the resolution of their most recent case while driving home, this storyline is ended. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

    (Read the comics first, but here is some CA trivia to help totally get these last two comics:
    - You can carry up to 24 grenades, a bit much even for a human.
    - Upon arresting the Mastermind he caves in and reveals the details about all the other agents.
    - Arresting the Bomber first is bad strategy, as everyone else will then leave their post and go into hiding asap.
    - Usually about a month is fast-forwarded between cases.
  • edited April 2007
    Harald B wrote: »

    For your information, Max seems to be describing a honeypot.
  • edited April 2007
    Mmm, a comment :) Thanks for the link, that's a pretty interesting read. I was hoping to post a vintage screenshot of CA's hollywood-style hacking here but as it turns out taking a screenshot off a full-screen dosbox in XP is notoriously difficult. Oh well, maybe later.
    Anyway, did you like this crossover series?
  • edited December 2007
    I just now got around to reading these. I love them even having not played that game! But as a fan of shows like Alias, it has it's appeal. Good work.
  • edited December 2007
    Thanks. I recommend you give that game a go (underdogs has it, amongst other places). I think it's still the complete cinematic spy experience. It really has it all: ops, codebreaking, wiretapping, car chases, double agents (on both sides), prison breaks, exchanges, globetrotting, vague clues, red herrings, and more. Sid Meier calls putting so much elements in "the Covert Action mistake", but I'd pay through the nose for a properly adapted DS remake.
    (Also: wow, 8-month bump. It took me a moment to realize why this thread title sounded so familiar... :))
  • edited December 2007
    I liked them, they were quite funny and ive never seen the show or the game.
    sounds pretty cool though.
  • edited December 2007
    I like how out of 10 posts in this thread, 7 of them are the OP's.
  • edited December 2007
    Now it's 8 out of 12, and congratulations, you've just become the first person I've ever put on an ignore list.
  • edited December 2007
    I like how out of 10 posts in this thread, 7 of them are the OP's.

    At first I thought you meant 'old pensioner', then I realised it stood for original poster.

    Anyway Harald, I really like your comics... and I'm afraid I didn't get the reference. :D
  • edited December 2007
    I like how out of 10 posts in this thread, 7 of them are the OP's.

    I know what you mean. Well, whatcha gonna do... people don't seem to reply very often here.
  • edited February 2008
    I like how out of 10 posts in this thread, 7 of them are the OP's.

    It's WAAYY better than creating a whole flood of new threads for each new comic. Give the man a little credit for his thinkery, I say.
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