Italians lurk at every corner
Hi Telltale! 
Since you're still planning your translation strategies and evaluating all the languages that the Bone cousins, Sam & Max and whimsical poker players will speak, I've decided to stop my shameless private attempts to bug Emily with pressing requests for Italian localizations and/or with rampant proposals for free-of-charge fan translations. I'm doing something different in the wait. ;-)
I've already spotted some posts on this subject, so I'm creating this thread to allow any Italian adventure gamer to manifest his/her presence and curiosity for your games. This isn't meant to be a petition, just a practical and organized way to show our willingness to support your work. Granted, maybe it's not so different from a petition, but it's waaaaay more friendly.

Since you're still planning your translation strategies and evaluating all the languages that the Bone cousins, Sam & Max and whimsical poker players will speak, I've decided to stop my shameless private attempts to bug Emily with pressing requests for Italian localizations and/or with rampant proposals for free-of-charge fan translations. I'm doing something different in the wait. ;-)
I've already spotted some posts on this subject, so I'm creating this thread to allow any Italian adventure gamer to manifest his/her presence and curiosity for your games. This isn't meant to be a petition, just a practical and organized way to show our willingness to support your work. Granted, maybe it's not so different from a petition, but it's waaaaay more friendly.

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I totally agree with Diduz. We'd love to have italian bones, and mad rabbit eating pizza!! Think about it, we are in the soccer world cup semifinals and the italian Andrea Bargnani was the first overall pick in the NBA draft. In addition, we have beautiful weather and the best food in the world. How could you let this glorious country suffer without his favourite videogames??
I played the first chapter of Bone and I simply loved it.
It was great, it gave me the feeling to play a new Lucasarts adventure game!
I think that would be great to play it in italian...
I want to thank you for your great games and for the enjoyable hours we spent playing them. We all want to see our favourite games translated in italian language. What's up? What do you think about it? It's a melodic and simple language after all...don't you agree ?
Please give us the possibility to play them in italian language. we are really keen on your games
Nice to see so many Italians coming out of the woodwork.
There are a lot of factors that play into the decision to localize a game, but it does help to get an idea of how big the audience is!
Sorry for my bad english but i hope you will understand however
First thanks for the first two Bone, they was great (specially the second).
I hope you will give us the possibility to play them in italian language in a near future
But, of course, a translation would imply advertising the games and this may be expensive. But who knows?
Ciao to everybody!
I am an Italian fan of adventure games and obviously I am a LucasArts' games fan, as it is for the most people who like this kind of games.
Your next adventure "A Vampyre Story" looks like a very LucasArts style game! And this is a great surprise for us gamers, who have been waiting for something of this kind for years, centuries...
Well, really that's NOT just a surprise, 'cause we have followed your troubles with a publisher!
But now that you have found a publisher, please let's party together!! Translate it in Italian!!
We'll offer you pizza and spaghetti!
It's an offer you "can't" refuse...
I agree with Diduz and I want to say that in Italy there are really MANY MANY fan of Adventure Games !
So with a little work (an Italian Translation) you can sell many more games !
So please , translate your games in ITA !!!
Bye !
You're thinking of Autumn Moon Entertainment. I agree with you, it looks like a great game! But, alas, we're not making it.
Can we still have the pizza?
I'm another italian boy who's interested in an italian traslation of your adventure games. It's not because english language is difficult to read or something like that, but if we can have the possibility to play in our language, it would be better.
I'm sure that you won't have any financial problems to translate games like Bone and Sam & Max in italian, will you?
That's all, I hope in a positive answer.
Bye, and good luck to your future projects, TT guys!
Please, translate Bone!
ps: yeah,of course you can still eat pizza eheh
ps2: I think I speak a good english so I can understand adventure games in english, but I ask for a translation because some games aren't great as in your original language,also if you own english language >_> (nevermind I tried ^^)
I just discovered all this and I couldn't believe! A dream came true!
I'm playing the original Sam & Max with my ScummVM and, hey, I never thought I would have been grateful to a software house!
Can't wait to have the new adventures, and I like the episode thing. I just hope to find that humor, that music, that lovely american taste again...
I don't really long for an italian localization, I just have a need for dogs and rabbits!
Is that good now? [:)>-]
Please, forgive me.... [[-o<]
I'll send you a HUGE pizza! I'm from Naples, you know?
I agree with all other italian fan of those gorgeous games...
Please...that would just make us feel a little more important just in case we don't win the World Soccer Cup... :-/ what am I saying?!?! #-o ( I know it's not gonna happen but..translations would really make us happier
Thanks for listening [=D>]
I am speaking for my friends as i am WAAAAYY better in english than italian... tho i lieve in a twolangag... haha! tho i live in a two language area... despite being in slovenia we have to speak italian as well as slovenian (btw is it true that you guys have to learn ancient greek??) so speaking for a few sam and max fans in slovenia: "It would be great to have an italian version, since we can't count on a slovenian one" hahaha! don't even think of making a slovenian version... we hate when they make slovenian versions of anything... haha!
YES! You have readed well! This text is full of mistekes! See? "MISTEKES"! See, SEE?? Another mistake! And what about "HAVE READED"?? Shame on me!
As you see, I really need an italian adaptation for "Bone".
... or a huge english lesson, at least.
And now, I will sing this lyric (called "Translate Bone") on "Heal the World" music, by Michael Jackson:
"Translate Booooone
make it a better game
for us and for me and the entire italian race.
There are people waiting
if you care enough for the writing
make a better game for
us and for me"
Tank you, of curse.
At first I thought we'd be fried by the penalty shootout (Usa World Cup 1994, anyone?), but we've been lucky this time.
Anyway, it seems Materazzi and Zidane talked about Bone foreign versions... check this link and know the truth:
P.s. BTW, I LOVE "Ted's Theme".
they are an Italian boy who loves the graphical adventures. They are much rent not to be able to play BONE for language problems. I ask you for being able to . I will be the first one has to buy them.
Excused my insufficient English.
Italian language:
Grazie per tutto quello che fate.
L'avventura è una favola è voi aiutate a realizzarla..
I'm with the italian dudes, we're just longing for a translation, don't let us suffer:p
Anyway, what about simple subtitles in lots of different languages? That would only incite more people to buy your games, and I think it wouldn't cost you so much, would it?
I never realized business and market matters, but I think this could be a good idea.
Anyway, thanks Emily for your availability