I've just palyed through episode5 and...

edited April 2007 in Sam & Max
...in my opinion it's definately the best one so far. Featuring great music (Combat song and Control room), nice ideas and settings. After playing the same places over and over again it feels like a release beeing in reality 2.0 and have them at least changed a bit
( and later on in 1.5 :O)
. Reusing the same places this often really feels like a downside of the episodic format to me in this game.
I especially enjoyed the COPS and BOSCO's shop which are both done so well in reality v2.0 - great work!

Only thing i didn't like this much is that reality v2.0 could have looked a bit more polished here and there and as already written in another thread i miss a gradient/glow. It sometimes looks a bit smeared and the colours choosen are not always the best.
The COPS are great characters but sadly i didn't found a way to play pong or on the arcade. Did i miss something here? I also would have been nice if there would have been more game related stuff in the virtual reality. The idea has a lot of potential and i somehow feel that only the surface got scratched so far.

The riddles were good and better but mostly still too easy and i still miss a riddle where i say "Wow this one was great! I'll remember this one for the next years." Obviously not all riddles could be so good but when i look at the five episodes i haven't seen a single one so far.
Switching between the realities was used quite well.
This time i got stuck twice when a) entering the control room in real because i tried it before talking to Sybil (if i remember right you only can enter after you've talked to her) and b) it took me quite some time to get the idea to hit Bosco with the wooden sword in order to get the password.
Beside of these everything was click and go.
What i found a bit abrupt was the ending when you were back in real.

Overall great work and i would give it a good 8 out of 10.

And because i loved the Combat song this much i did a little demo one evening once the tune was released with a glow and the music: http://guckmal.lurulu.de/taumelvr3.html [ steering: "mouse" to rotate the scene, "wheel" to zoom in/out, "lmb" let's you drop some objects, "esc" gives you back control of the mousecursor and via "rmb" you can go fullscreen. Hope it's okay as i did not get feedback from ttg... :O)

Any chance that you upload the control room song too?


  • edited April 2007
    Kudos to the team for Ep 5. It's the best so far and a LOL a minute.
  • edited April 2007
    You really play fast then... :O)
  • edited April 2007
    Episode 5 was also my favourite, with 'it's a me...' being the highlight of the episode, and therefore, the whole series.
  • edited April 2007
    Yeah exactly "It's a me..." made me really smile. But imagine there would be more such moments or even a little subgame...
  • edited April 2007
    The "It's a me..." really was my favorite one, too. I fact, I reloaded the a saved game several times, just to play this exact scene again and again. It's funny to see some of you faved this scene too :).

    I only got stuck twice this episode
    the thing about getting Jimmy and his cannon and switching back to Reality 1.0 when shrunk to get up the office stairs
    , the latter one being my favorite riddle of the season so far after all.

    The visualization of
    Reality 2.0
    was just perfect, I think. Gradients and other kinky stuff would have spoiled the looks and the whole nightly/noir/"cyberpunkish" atmoshpere... (I find it's hard to describe, but it felt just great, even though a little "provincial" maybe because of the limited sets and low population, but that's not so bad...)

    My favorite episode so far.
  • edited April 2007
    Oh yeah... and the
    Reality 1.5 part
    really was an absolutely great idea. Thinking of all the other funny and ingenious stuff, I must say there's just too much to mention... Sorry for doublepost :)
  • edited April 2007
    I disagree. I wasn't pleased this much by the visuals of reality 2. Every cyber representation i know comes with somekind of a glow. Even the original Tron movie had it. But that's not the main reason. I'm not asking for it just because others had it. I asked for it because if used subtle it really adds something to such an atmosphere.

    Maybe it was more a decision made on performance reasons for their target audience or that they didn't have enough time to implement it properly for all gfx cards.

    I would have enjoyed playing even a bit more in 1.5... ;O)
  • edited April 2007
    I just shoved my x1300 card in this machine (replacing the crap onboard card it used to have) and tweaked the memory, so now I've gotta play through episode 5 again so I can fully enjoy the prettyful visuals :D
  • edited April 2007
    Tell me about your secret options if you have anything to offer beside of increasd resolution and aa. ;O)
  • edited April 2007
    5 was the best ep for me. Got stuck at the firewall for a bit.
  • edited April 2007
    I especially enjoyed the cheesy retro ambience. :D
  • edited April 2007
    taumel wrote: »
    Tell me about your secret options if you have anything to offer beside of increasd resolution and aa. ;O)

    Apparently it unlocked Bright Side of The Moon... it seems Hugh Bliss is innocent! The bad guy turned out to be former Steelers Wide Reciever Antoine Randle El! :O

  • edited April 2007
    As long as i won't have to deal with this creepy soda poppers gang i'm fine with that.

    Hmmm... *thinking* Have there ever been more annoying characters than those guys in a computer game?
  • edited April 2007
    There's Navi for a start...
  • edited April 2007
    Oh, don't even get me started on Navi.


    To this day, I always take much sadistic pleasure in rewatching the scene in a PowerPuff Girls episode where the Mayor is playing OoT and accidentally kills his fairy...twice.
  • edited April 2007
    Navi? Any link?
  • edited April 2007
    ^ Was that pun intended?
  • edited April 2007
    I certainly hope not... because if it wasn't, that is a classic comment.

    If it was, then I am unimpressed. That was a fairy obvious comment to make... I mean fairly obvious.
  • edited April 2007
    Haha! Lovely, I think it was a classic comment anyways ^^
  • edited April 2007
    I've seen much worse than the Soda Poppers... even worse than Navi lol

    Berto from American McGee's Scrapland

    Dr. Bertruger from Doom 3 ("You'll never find the thing you are looking for!" Oh, the soul cube? Say it with me now: souuulll cuuubeee... be more specific, schmuck. I HATE him.)

    The kamikazes in the Serious Sam games

    The announcer in UT2004

    The little girl in Silent Hill 2 (as a matter of fact, kids in games tend to be annoying period)

    Almost any given character in the first 3 Resident Evil games
  • edited April 2007
    Hmm mainly you stay away from games with awful characters such as *thinking* Elvira was also terrible but in Sam&Max you simply have both and can't avoid those.

    Like in real life there is light and shadow.

    Good characters to me are: Max, Sam, Bosco, Jimmy, the female Director, Hugh Bliss, Leonard, the Agent Superball, the COPS, ...

    Bad characters are: The Soda Poppers, the Mole Man, the cock, Sybil (well, she's not bad but she's just so boring to me and i'm not interested in her problems), ...
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