Looking for another quote (Holy .... )

edited May 2007 in Sam & Max
I was looking for some more quotes. :) I was curious if anyone is keeping track of all the looooooooong winded exclamation sentences Sam comes up with?
This one is from the original game (S&M hit the road)...
"Holy jumping mother of god in a side car with chocolate jimmies and a lobster bib"

There are similar ones in all 5 episodes. Does anyone remember any? I LOOOOVE those :)


  • edited April 2007
    I'm not sure if this is the spot on quote but it's one of my favourites:

    "Great steaming gouts of magma on a beeline for the orphanage"
  • edited April 2007
    I love a good excuse :) In chronological order, though there may be a few in between I've missed (actually, I'm fairly sure there are still a few left):
    - Jiminy chrismas eve in a padlocked sweatbox!
    - Great gouts of steaming magma on a beeline for the orphanage!
    - Sweet mother of double jeopardy backstroking in butterscotch!
    - Holy cap-wearing catfish flopping a crime beat!
    - Sweet suffering Saint Sebastian on the sousaphone in a short story by Susan Sontag!
    - Blessed scuba-diving buddha on a banana boat with cocktail onions and a map to the stars' homes!
    - Great grinning head of John the Baptist in a porkpie hat stuffed in a rhinestone bowling bag!
  • edited April 2007
    holy jumpin saints a-plenty riding side-y's on candy pink fatboy
    holy mace-weilding minitar knigs
  • edited April 2007
    Ah i love the dialogs :) searching through the ttarchs is always loads of fun

    Culture Shock:
    Holy underpants draped to the mast of a sinking pork rind freighter!
    Holy brains in a blender, I'm still hypnotized!
    Holy two-timing tap dancers stomping sour mash in a mink-lined arthropod trap, what IS that?!

    Situation Comedy:
    Holy chipmunk arias warbling out of a souped-up 78-speed turntable, it works!

    The Mole, The Mob and the Meatball:
    Holy fat-free carp on a skewer!
    Holyoke, Massachusetts! (erm...mkey... maybe not ;) )
    Holy highway hotpants!
    Holy cow!
    Holy Domesticated Ursines, Max!
    Holy Modern Technology Gone Horribly Horribly Awry!
    Holy Mace-Wielding Minotaur Kings!
    Holy cap-wearing catfish flopping a crime beat!
  • edited April 2007
    Sam technically didn't say it, but what's the one the Soda Poppers say? It starts out "Somersaulting Democrats..."
  • edited May 2007
    Right, hypno-Whizzer says 'somersaulting democrats in a barrel (full?) of sauerkraut'
  • edited May 2007
    Thank you.
  • edited May 2007
    No problem, I'm going back to catch quotes like that.
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