Ideas for Tables

Post your ideas for tables in the game

Name: Stinkoman Table
Descripition: A red and blue table with Stinkoman Face in the center.
Effects: Causes Max cosplay Len Kagamine, Turns Strong Bad in a gijinka version (easly know as human version) of himself, Causes The Heavy wear the Dread Knot and Turns Tycho into a catboy.


  • edited September 2011
    Name: Sonic 20th Anniversary Table
    Descripition: A Sonic 20th anniversary logo is in the center.
    Effects: Turns Max into a Classic Sonic, Strong Bad wears a knuckles hair and boxing gloves, Causes The Heavy wear the life belt & a fishing rod and Tycho wears a dr. eggman costumes.
  • edited September 2011

    Effects: Makes Strong Bad look like this:
    Makes Max's head look like this:
    And makes Tycho look like this:
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