New Version of Back to the Future: The Card Game to follow The Game. *Spoilers*

edited March 2012 in Back to the Future
My friends and I have come up with a redux of Back to the Future: The Card Game. As The Card Game follows the basic storyline of the three movies, my friends and I sat down one night and came up with a new version. This one follows the storyline of The Video Game, encompassing major events and consequences into a 6x3, 18 card timeline as opposed to the 6x4, 24 card original. We had to fictionalize new players to go along with the new timeline, but this presented us with a rare opportunity. We were able to do something the original game could not allow us to do. Since The Game is the first time we ever see new people being created then disappearing as a result of meddling with the Timeline, we created Cliff Tannen and First Citizen Brown. We also came up with new items, Doublebacks and Action/Power Action cards. Everything we came up with appears in some form in any of the five episodes The Video Game. The basic gameplay is the same, but instead of having to get your specific prerequisites right, then stopping Doc from inventing the Flux Capacitor, you have to get everything right, then stop Edna from causing the Speakeasy Fire in the first place.

New Actions include:

Needs More Titanium – Locks selected players out of using a time machine
Kroll Process – Allows players to use time machines after getting stuck with "Needs More Titanium"

New Power Actions Include:

"Look, Girlie Mags!" - Skips a players turn
Citizen Plus'd – Requires players to get a new ID card

New Items include:

The Potted Plant that Marty uses to get a confession from Edna – Doubleback item
Emmett's Rocket Car – Doubleback item
Rocket Powered Drill - Doubleback item
Sheet Music - Doubleback item
Emmett's Static Accumulator – Doubleback item
Arthur's Subpoena – Doubleback item
McDermott's Canadian Whiskey Bottle – Doubleback item and, if discarded, can be used to skip a turn
The Doc's Notebook - Replaces "Emergency Cash" card
Trixie Trotter's accounting records – Doubleback item
Flux Synchronization Modules – Can steal time machines. Think "Engine Trouble" but you take over the time machine
Chronometric Analyzer – Allows players to use a time machine after getting stuck with "Needs More Titanium"
The McFly's of Hill Valley - Prevents someone from forcing you to choose a new ID
Mind Reader Helmet - Lets you look at someone else's hand and either discard or play a card

New Time Machines include:

Temporal Duplicate DeLorean V1. - Works like "Time Car V3." - This is the one that Marty gets in 1986 in Episode 1 and is finally stolen by Edna and taken back to 1876 in Episode 5
Temporal Duplicate DeLorean V2 – Works like "Time Train" - This is the one Doc brings back with him from 1986 after Emmett fails at the Expo in Episode 5
Blue Temporal DeLorean - Works like "Temporal Duplicate DeLorean V1" - Used by Future Marty-B in Episode 5
Black Temporal DeLorean - Works like "Temporal Duplicate DeLorean V1" - Used by Future Marty - C in Episode 5

If I can get enough interest generated, we were contemplating putting everything up for download into a PDF format or something along those lines. Let me know what you think. If you have any ideas, let me know. We're always looking to improve the game in some way, shape or form.

And yes, we have integrated our version of the game into the original, making a monster 6x7, 42 card timeline. That game is VERRRRRY long and takes an absurd amount of time to finish.


  • edited October 2011
    hscitpe wrote: »
    We had to fictionalize new players to go along with the new timeline, but this presented us with a rare opportunity [...] Since The Game is the first time we ever see new people being created then disappearing as a result of meddling with the Timeline, we created Cliff Tannen and First Citizen Brown.

    So are you just simply adding the two new playable characters or are you creating a whole new set of players? I.e. Is Verne Brown, Marty McFly III, Jules McFly, Electra McFly etc. still in the game or did you create a new cast?
  • edited October 2011
    We created a brand new cast of characters each with separate goals based on the events of the game. Cliff and Citizen Brown are special examples because we more or less know how their stories have to unfold before they come into fruition. That's why I mentioned them. But the others are like Electra McFly and Clay Strickland, they're generic characters who have specific prerequisites before they can be born.
  • edited October 2011
    Can you post a "rough draft" look of these new cards?
  • edited October 2011
    As of right now, it's all posted on sticky notes attached to playing cards. But I can upload the rough sketches we have if you'd like.
  • edited October 2011
    Great idea! I'd love to see these cards in action.
  • edited October 2011
    As I said, we're constantly updating the game. I edited the lists in the first post. New items and Timeline cards instituted.
  • edited March 2012
    For anybody out there who is interested in my little project here's a quick update. The Card Game has expanded from just incorporating events and cards from the three Back to the Future movies and Telltale's Back to the Future Game to also include Expanded Universe things, like Back to the Future: The Ride and Back to the Future: The Animated Series.

    In terms of Card creation, the biggest development is that we have achieved is actually getting drawings done and put onto rudimentary cards. I'd scan and upload pictures, but my scanner's on the fritz.

    Another big development is a system of team based gameplay, where in two players work together for a common good, but more on that as I hammer out the details, as that is still very much WIP.

    I've attached the latest Timeline (With instructions on the new Linchpin/Ripplepoint cards and the second tier to the Timeline), Card List, and ID cards for anyone interested in taking a look at it. Please be aware that these things are always changing. and please note, a coin is now required for gameplay.

    Here is the latest list of Deck Cards (Excluding Doubleback Cards)

    • Music Sheet: Doubleback Item
    • Rocket Powered Drill: Doubleback Item
    • Trixie's Books: Doubleback item
    • Rocket Car: Doubleback item
    • Static Accumulator: Doubleback item
    • Potted Plant: Doubleback item
    • Flux Synchronizers: Play this item out of turn when someone plays a Time Machine. Their turn is canceled and you take control of their Time Machine, changing whatever Linchpin you so choose.
    • Chronometric Analyzer: Play this card when you have been stricken with the “Needs More Titanium” Action Card. You may now use a Time Machine, however you can only play this on yourself. This counts as your play for your turn.
    • McDermott's Canadian Whiskey: Play this card out of turn as soon as someone else goes to draw to smack them upside the head with a liquor bottle and cancel their entire turn.
    • Barcode License Plate: If you had this on the table during your previous turn, you may discard it, instead of of playing a card, to draw 3 cards.
    • OUTATIME License Plate: If you have this on the table, you may discard it during your turn to steal either the Pellet or Case of Plutonium.
    • Arthur's Subpoena: When you have this on the table, only you may change history at TimeLine Event B-3. Also a Doubleback item.
    • ]Doc's Notebook: If you have this item on the table, you can substitute it for any item listed on any Doubleback.
    • Doc's Mind Reader Helmet: If you have this on the table, you can look at another player's hand and either discard or steal a card and put it in your hand. Does NOT count for items.
    • 1931 Picture/1986 Newspaper: Cancel item(s)
    • Sub Ether Time Tracking Scanner: Can be used in the same manner as “Hitch a Ride” or can be coupled with the Eight Passenger Time Car to 'bump' (steal) another Time Machine out of turn. The bumped Time Machine is added to your hand.
    • Tow Bar Torpedo: Play this card out of turn when someone plays a Time Machine. Their entire turn is canceled and that Time Machine is added to your hand.
    • Time Car Briefcase: Protects “The Animated Series Time Car” and “The Animated Series Time Train” from being altered or affected for one turn. (Tow Bar Torpedo/Engine Trouble/Flux Synchronizers)
    • Hauksbee's Influence Machine: After using this to active the v.2 Time Car, put the Car back in your hand and keep this on the table.
    • Repair Instructions: Play this card when you have been stricken
      with the “A Bolt of Lightning!” Action Card. You may now use a Time Machine, however you can only play this on yourself. This counts as your play for your turn

    Spare Parts Card:
    • Allows Time Car v.1 to work with Lightning Prediction or Hauksbee's Influence Machine
    • Allows Time Car v. 4 to work with Overpowered Locomotive (Does not require a you to discard a card, you keep Overpowered Locomotive)
    • Removes restriction placed on Temporal Duplicate v.1 (You can keep this card for two consecutive uses. NOTE: Any Time Machine specific cancel items count towards the total number of uses)
    • Removes restriction placed by “A Bolt of Lightning!”

    • Needs More Titanium: When you play this card, another player of your choosing may not use a Time Machine until they play either the “Kroll Process” Action Card or the “Chronometric Analyzer” Item Card. *Note, the player can still change history, either through “Hitch a Ride” or “Doubleback” cards. This effect and “A Bolt of Lightning!” CAN NOT be stacked on players at the same time.
    • “A Bolt of Lightning!”: When you play this card, another player of your choosing may not use a Time Machine until they play either the “Repair Instructions” Item Card or the “Spare Parts” Item Card. *Note, the player can still change history, either through “Hitch a Ride” or “Doubleback” cards. This effect and “Needs More Titanium” CAN NOT be stacked on players at the same time.
    • Kroll Process: Play this card when you have been stricken with the “Needs More Titanium” Action Card. You may now use a Time Machine, however you can only play this on yourself.
    • Citizen Plus'd: Discard your ID and draw a new one, or force another player to do so.
    • “Now To Borrow A Few More Of Dear Old Emmett's Inventions”: Steal one Item Card from each player.
    • The McFly's Of Hill Valley: Allows you to look at someone else's ID card.

    Power Actions:
    • *Yell name!* Look, girlie mags: Play this card out of turn as soon as someone goes to draw. Their entire turn is canceled because they got distracted looking at boobies!
    • Citizen Brown Billboard: Stops any Time Machine capable of flight (Time Car v.3/Temporal Duplicate v.2/Time Train/The Animated Series Time Car/Eight Passenger Time Car)
    • “And To The Future! Amen!”: Allows you to pull any Power Action card from either the Draw or Discard pile and either put it in your hand or immediately play it
    • You Scoundrel!: Play this card out of turn when someone plays "Tow Bar Torpedo". Instead of that person taking a Time Machine, you can steal any card from whoever played “Tow Bar Torpedo”s hand, or one of their items on the table. This effect can not be canceled. Both “Tow Bar Torpedo” and the Time Machine are discarded.
    • “The Sound of My Voice or Einstein's Bark”: Cancels “Time Car Briefcase”
    • “That Trusting Fool! Not Even A Car Alarm!”: Play this card out of turn to steal any Time Machine as soon as it's played.
    • So You're The Son of A Bitch Who's Been Stealing My Newspapers: Cancels a Cancel card (Either Power Action or Newspaper). This can not be canceled.
    • “Ten Minutes? Why Do We Have To Cut These Things So Damn Close?”: Play this card out of turn as soon as another player goes to draw to skip every other turn in rotation and immediately resume play starting from your turn.
    • “Lightning Never Strikes Twice”: Stops the “A Bolt of Lightning” Action card. Can be played out of turn.

    Time Machines:
    • Temporal Duplicate v.1: Before flipping a Linchpin, flip a coin. If the coin comes up Heads, flip a Linchpin and put the Time Machine back in your hand. If the coin comes up Tails, discard the Time Machine.
    • Temporal Duplicate v.2: If someone used another Time Machine to change history in the last round, you can flip two Linchpins in one turn.
    • The Animated Series Time Car: Flip one Linchpin. Discard after use
    • The Animated Series Time Train: Play or draw extra card after you play this card.
    • Eight Passenger Time Car: Couple with "Sub Ether Time Tracking Scanner" to 'bump' someone else's Time Machine out of turn to steal the other Time Machine. Their play (and subsequent secondary action) are canceled and their Time Machine is added to your hand. You then flip a Linchpin.
    • Time Car 'S': Immune to any outside forces that are Time Machine specific (Flux Synchronizers, Engine Trouble, 'Bumping', Tow Bar Torpedo) AND is immune to Hitch A Ride, however, is still affected by “Needs More Titanium” and “A Bolt of Lightning!”
  • edited March 2012
    This sounds like a good idea. I really like the idea of including the entirety of the Expanded Universe. Are you also going to include stuff from the original card game, such as the day George and Lorraine get married?
  • edited March 2012
    Possibly. We're in the middle of updating the Timeline to remove old and outdated things, so that could possibly become a new Ripplepoint.
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