Yet Another Piece of FanArt (or well... something)

edited April 2007 in Sam & Max
Sooo... here's a drawing I made some time ago while I pretended I could draw.
Enjoy! :rolleyes:

The original...

One modified version, so you can actually see something...

And Btw, I'm 15, so don't mock me now, ok? ;)

Oh, and I thought of maybe posting this in some other thread, but I couldn't really deside wich one, so I thought that my "awsome" picture deserved its own thread, haha, and there is nothing you can do to stop me!!! :D

With all love and respect, fajerkaos?


  • edited April 2007
    Haha! I love it! ;-)
  • edited April 2007
    Do you by chance watch Heroes?
  • edited April 2007
    Ooh! I do!

    (Next Monday's episode is going to rock, BTW.
    Then again, post-apocalyptic future episodes usually are pretty good.
  • edited April 2007
    Derwin wrote: »
    Do you by chance watch Heroes?

    Nope, but I'm actually planing to see it, if it by any chance reach the small insignificant kingdom of sweden in any close future... :p

  • edited April 2007
    I liked it! Funny :D
    fajerkaos wrote: »
    insignificant kingdom of sweden in any close future... :p

    Hello fellow compatriot! Sweden rocks doesn't it? :) I heard that Heroes will (or maybe is) aired at Canal + and later will move on to TV4?
    Hare gött!
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