How well do you know Sam and Max?

edited April 2007 in Sam & Max
I'd like to ask some Sam and Max trivia questions and see if anyone can answer them.

1.In what reality did the last puzzle of reality 2.0 take place?
2.How did Sam fix the hole in the ozone layer in the first episode of the cartoon?
3.In the original game what are the three places that used to be the homes of frozen bigfoots?
4.On what day does Max become president?

If I think of more questions I'll post them here.


  • edited April 2007
    3. Carnival , Mysterty Vortex and Gator Golf (but it wasen't frozen)
  • edited April 2007
    1. Reality 1.5
    2. Sam ate and digested the evolved frozen entree creature and farted it out, effecively replacing the missing gasses in the ozone layer.
    3. Not sure. :(
    4. Not sure. :(
  • edited April 2007
    Well done! I think some might have burped rather than farted, but anyway, here are some more. These questions are all related to songs

    5. What's the first line of the song we heard Conry Bumpus preform in Hit the Road
    6. During the War song, how many Secret Service Agents are in the Oval Office?
    7. What's the third verse of the C.O.P.S's motivational song called?
    8. In episode 1 which Soda Popper will sing his theme song for you?
  • edited April 2007
    5) "When I was a lad in Brighton" or something like that. To say it was just on the radio, you think I'd know.
    6) 6?
    7) Revenge of the Motivational Song?
    8) Whizzer.
  • edited April 2007
    (4) Whatever day he wanted it to be :D
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited April 2007
    5. What's the first line of the song we heard Conry Bumpus preform in Hit the Road
    I remember my childhood in Brighton, when dear old Dad would bounce me on his knee. He'd say "Son, there ain't nothin' as excitin' as exposing beasts to inhumanity".
  • edited April 2007

    1. AdamG was correct
    2. AdamG was correct
    3. xChri5x was correct
    4. Before you chaged the date it was the 17th of April
    5. Mickey was right
    6. At the end there were 5
    7. BadWolf was right
    8. BadWolf was right

    More questions

    9. What's Max's IQ?
    10. Beside the rats what else could be hit with the hammer, when playing Whack the Rats? (in the original game)
    11. Name the 4 gifts Myra gave to her audience
    12. Bosco has been behind in his rent for how long?

    have fun! Let me know if I need to make them harder
  • edited April 2007
    More questions

    9. What's Max's IQ?
    10. Beside the rats what else could be hit with the hammer, when playing Whack the Rats? (in the original game)
    11. Name the 4 gifts Myra gave to her audience
    12. Bosco has been behind in his rent for how long?

    have fun! Let me know if I need to make them harder

    10. Besides rats, Max could be hit with the hammer, though it is not advisable when trying to win the prize.
    12. Bosco is four months behind on his rent.
    11. One of the gifts was soap, I think.
  • edited April 2007
    Hint: To find Max's IQ, watch the cartoon
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