Sam and Max comic

edited May 2006 in Sam & Max Comics
I hope i wasn't the only one frustrated with Sam's lack of an ability to start a decent dialogue in the given scenes for the create-a-comic... but i probably was.

either way, i've devoted my first comic to the frustration.

i hope someone enjoys it.


  • edited May 2006
    I hope too.
  • edited May 2006
    if that excuse for a sentence means what i think it means then, ouch... is that necessary?
  • edited May 2006
    I hope i wasn't the only one frustrated with Sam's lack of an ability to start a decent dialogue in the given scenes for the create-a-comic... but i probably was.

    either way, i've devoted my first comic to the frustration.

    i hope someone enjoys it.

    Psst... you can take one of the ones where Max starts off and just leave his bubble blank. It will magically vanish when the strip is viewed.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2006
    Psst... you can take one of the ones where Max starts off and just leave his bubble blank. It will magically vanish when the strip is viewed.

    Doug speaks the truth! If you don't want Max to say something in a panel, just leave it blank and its gone.
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