What destruction hath sam wrought? (spoilers)

edited April 2007 in Sam & Max
Over the course of 6 episodes, our dog-n-rabbit duo have...

-Broken someone's neck with a bowling ball and a long drop.
-Falsely pulled over an innocent commuter.
-Got pee on the floor of Bosco's
-Scared the hell out of anyone who lives in the office next to theirs with gunfire through the walls
-Ruined a perfectly stupid sitcom
-Eliminated the budget of Who's Never Going to be a Millionaire
-Given food poisoning to thousands of bachelor cooks worldwide.
-Electrically shocked a famous TV personality.
-Dismantled BTADS Part Deux.
-Blown up a factory.
-Smashed the president's head off.
-Started a war between the Dakotas.
-Along with many other wars.
-Screwed up the national date.
-Declared DEFCON 1.
-Nuked Antarctica (player optional)
-Destroyed the famous statue of Abraham Lincoln.
-Laundered $1,000,000,000 from who knows.
-Destroyed the entire internet with a massive virus.
-Thrown out a window, hypnotized, dropped in a sewer, launched from a cannon, and flung, a defenseless rat with a beanie.
-Crashed a satellite into the moon.
-Broken the laws of physics by driving a DeSoto onto the moon.
-Sold the USA to Canada.
-Hypnotized the entire world to sit around watching TV, eat way too much, and shoot stuff for fun. So really, not much changed in America. I mean Lower Saskatchewan.


  • edited April 2007
    It was 100 TRILLION actually. That's $100,000,000,000,000

    And Sybil said they'd name it "Lower Saskatchewan" not "South Canada".
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2007
    Lower Saskatchewan, I think.

    oops beat to the punch
  • edited April 2007
    I said laundered. That's episode 5, which if I'm correct was 100 billion. Am I right, or was it 1 tril?
  • edited April 2007
    No, that was 1 billion dollars.
  • edited April 2007
    WHAT? I know they had passed the 1 billion mark! Let's see if I can remember...
    1: $100,000
    2: $1,000,000
    3: $10,000,000
    4: $100,000,000
    Actually, you may be right. I know I remember "500,x" on the Cook the Books game when the money got split.
  • edited April 2007
    on the cook the books its 1000 million in other words 1 billion or 1 000 000 000
  • edited April 2007
    ^ Actually, episode 1's device was only $10,000. And yeah, 5 was $1,000,000,000.
  • edited April 2007
    Katana wrote: »
    -Scared the hell out of anyone who lives in the office next to theirs with gunfire through the walls.

    Unless something's been changed, their neighbour is Flint Paper. They live next to a homocidal maniac private investigator. For all we know, some of those bullet holes aren't even theirs! So that really isn't a problem.
  • edited April 2007
    octochan wrote: »
    Unless something's been changed, their neighbour is Flint Paper. They live next to a homocidal maniac private investigator. For all we know, some of those bullet holes aren't even theirs! So that really isn't a problem.

    Good point. Flint Paper is even crazier than Sam and Max, so I think they're safe.

    As I recall it was also said that Flint was off on vacation to recover from some sort of poisoning or something as I recall...

    But he's supposed to be back in Season 2. :D
  • edited April 2007
    But he's supposed to be back in Season 2. :D

  • edited April 2007
    not to mention nuking krypton! damn those kryptonians with their crystal cities...
  • edited April 2007
    now we know how the radiating shard came to azeroth *ggg*
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