Variety review season 1!!

edited May 2007 in Sam & Max
damn thats a big publication to be reviewing Sam & Max :eek: :)


  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2007
    Hey, awesome!
  • edited April 2007
    Now we just need Sam and Max to be TIME's People Of The Year :D
  • edited April 2007
    Presidents don't often get Person of the Year...there are just too many things for them to potentially screw up.
  • edited April 2007
    I like the "Dragnet on acid" description of the season.:D
  • edited April 2007
    Hang on, there's a spoiler in the article! It reveals
    Hugh Bliss
    to be behind everything!
  • edited April 2007
    I've actually never heard of Variety. How big is this?
  • edited April 2007
    I don't know who Variety is either, but if they really are big, then this is going to net a few hundred new Samandmaxians! Huzzah! :D
  • edited April 2007
    That wikipedia article confuses me. At first it gives the impression that Variety is highly regarded and very influential, but then we read that circulation is only around 30.000. For a major US-based magazine that seems rather low (not to put too fine a point on it, but for comparison the dutch version of Donald Duck magazine has some 300.000 subscribers..:)). So what's so big about Variety? Does it get read by all the right people or something?
  • edited April 2007
    its an entertainment magazine.. all the hollywood big wigs read it.. it has the latest on the movie, tv industry etc.. maybe that review will lead to a sam and max movie or tv show hahah
  • edited April 2007
    It's so big it has a different language on to itself!
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2007
    Don't know if you guys saw, but 4 color rebellion and GameSpy have both posted reviews as well.

    Also, "Masem," a frequent community reviewer over at Shacknews, has posted a writeup in his blog. Not as heavy hitting as GameSpy, 4cr, or (heh) Variety, but it's a good read!
  • edited April 2007
    Holy crap!! That GameSpy one has some major spoilers! I was hoping for a review of the entire season and not one that was 90% Episode 6 and 10% Season 1!!

    This is like Episode 3 for me all over again!:(
  • edited April 2007
    Variety is THE industry magazine for New York and California. It's huge to be reviewed in it. It's over 100 years old, I'm really surprised some of you haven't heard of it. If you watch old Hollywood movies, it gets a lot of mentions. The circulation is low, but like someone said, it's read by industry insiders and has influence over people that "matter".

    It's probably 2nd best to getting a good review in the New York Times. And since this is a glowing review that finishes with:

    "In a modern videogame biz that too rarely produces true innovation, "Sam and Max" is a breath of fresh air. It proves that episodic gaming can not only work, but actually be more engaging than a real television series."

    It's FANTASTIC news for the site and the fans. The most money TellTale makes, the more seasons we could potentially get. And since the episodes seem to be getting better with each chapter, I'm really looking forward to more. Congradulations!
  • edited April 2007
    Zeek wrote: »
    This is like Episode 3 for me all over again!:(

    I assume you mean Star Wars Episode 3, which spoiled every plot element in the entire series? Yeah, they really should have made it clearer that Ep. 3 has to be watched last.
  • edited April 2007
    No. He means episode 3 of Sam & Max, where for a variety of reasons he got spoiled before he got to play it.

    Frankly, I think it's your own fault for reading forums and clicking on spoiler tags...

    I know I really try to not go on the forums before I finish the episode.

    EDIT: Just read the review, and although I never really thought about it before, they're right. Max IS almost like an Id compared to Sam's Ego.

    See Freudian theory if you don't know what the heck I'm talking about.
  • edited April 2007
    I read everything I can get my hands on - from walkthroughs to reviews... to forums and everything. That's because I am mainly in it for the jokes, and if I meet a puzzle which is so difficult that I can't solve it in five min, I put the game down and forget about it(or rather, go hunting for a walkthrough, because if I want to play a mind bending game I won't play a game like sam & max - then myst or some other puzzle game can meet that need, but I rarely feel that urge anyway, which is why I prefer funny adventure games instead). But for somebody who cares very much about the story and the plot behind it all, it can be a good idea to stay away from the boards and all such stuff until one can play it for oneself. Personally, I rather play a game like "Then there were none" or "Murder on the orient express" if I want some thick plot which is hard to understand.

    But when all that is said, yeah, I think it's important that reviews are careful not to come with too big spoilers. Because some people are going to read it just to find out if they should buy it or not(or what the plot/main theme is going to be for the next episode), while others will read it to get an idea what the game is all about(and don't really mind the spoilers, since it just helps them decide faster what kind of game this is). I mean, in either case, it wouldn't harm anybody to drop obvious spoilers. But of course, what a spoiler is are hard to define, and sometimes spoiling a little is needed to give a opinion or to fill the reader in on what you are talking about.
  • edited April 2007
    Maratanos wrote: »
    No. He means episode 3 of Sam & Max, where for a variety of reasons he got spoiled before he got to play it.

    Frankly, I think it's your own fault for reading forums and clicking on spoiler tags...

    I know I really try to not go on the forums before I finish the episode.

    Actually, it wasn't. I clicked the link expecting GameSpy to be talking about the season as a whole. How it evolved, what they liked over all, and things like that along Variety's article (albeit, even Variety spoiled a part for me... well, more like confirmed it rather than spoil it).

    But now, thanks to GameSpy, I know about things I would have been surprised about, such as things I won't list here. It's like how I found the Your Momma jokes on YouTube when I was looking for Sam & Max cartoon episodes and thought it was some poorly-done dub by someone with too much time on their hands.
  • edited April 2007
    I just read the GameSpy review. That one spoils more than is needed. It reveals more than what the wikipedia entry said... and even though none of it came as a shocker(mostly because I've read a lot of other stuff about this episode), they really didn't make any attempt to hide spoilers. I thought this was supposted to be a review, not a walkthrough(or a detailed summary of everything that happens in the episode)!
  • edited April 2007
    I know Numble has said this before, and he's right.

    You can expect reviews to have spoilers. You might wish they wouldn't, but they will in some cases. Not a lot you can do about it.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited May 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    Don't know if you guys saw, but 4 color rebellion and GameSpy have both posted reviews as well.

    Also, "Masem," a frequent community reviewer over at Shacknews, has posted a writeup in his blog. Not as heavy hitting as GameSpy, 4cr, or (heh) Variety, but it's a good read!
    *cough* also Mega Monkey *cough*
  • edited May 2007
    What on earth is with all the spoiler ridden reviews? bizzare.. those reviewers need a slap!
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