4cr <3s Telltale (Interview + More)

edited April 2007 in Sam & Max
Hey guys, we've had a Telltale-themed week over at 4 Color Rebellion.

First of all, I finally got to post a fairly rad interview that we conducted with Dan and Dave. Check it out here.

We also put out our review of Bright Side of the Moon, I kinda liked it a little bit. There are a couple of slight spoilers, but nothing that gives away the plot.

Hope you guys enjoy. Just so this isn't my horribly flawed attempt at advertising, feel free to use this thread to flog other reviews of Bright Side or any random other stuff you want to post!


  • edited April 2007
    The 4th sentence in both the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs are fairly heinous spoilers, and probably deserve a warning, but at least
    there's nothing that isn't quite obvious from Reality 2.0
    and how it ends isn't mentioned.
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