Unable to view My Games

edited November 2011 in Site Support

I recently changed my password after forgetting what I changed it to a while back when the PSN got hacked.

Now I've just bought the Jurassic Park Deluxe Edition, and when I hit to confirm the order, I was taken to the 'Forgot Your Password' screen.

The order went through, because I received an email, but now whenever I attempt to access 'My Games' I am shown the 'Forgot Your Password' screen.

Any ideas?


  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2011
    Have you tried resetting your password again?
  • edited November 2011
    What browser are you using? Have you tried using a different one to make sure it's not a browser specific issue?
  • edited November 2011
    Thanks for replying guys :)

    Yes I had attempted resetting my password, however the issue appears to have stopped occuring now, didn't want to lose access to all my games so I got a bit freaked out!
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