Sam & Max & Atrus

edited May 2007 in Sam & Max
Just thought this bit of conversation from the Uru Live forum was amusing. Greydragon works for Cyan, and this is part of a Q&A he was having in the cavern.
(05/04 18:20:09) Thend: (I'll have a question after this, then anyone else who has a question thaat may or may not be answered due to time, please raise hand to get in line - Thanks :) )
(05/04 18:20:37) Thend: GD, will Sam & Max make an appearance in Uru Live? I think that would really rake in the number
(05/04 18:20:59) Greydragon: Don't think so..
(05/04 18:21:18) Greydragon: always like cross marketing.. why we have the sam and max shirts..
(05/04 18:21:49) Greydragon: Will atrus appear in Sam in max is a better question.. you should ask telltale..

I think you should totally go for some cross-cameo action. I bet Telltale could get a Sam & Max easter egg put into Uru live somewhere (probably as a drawing on a wall, or something) and I'd absolutely love an allusion to Myst in a future Sam & Max episode. A self-parodying cameo from Atrus in the right place could be absolutely hilarious too, especially if you got Rand Miller to voice him... or maybe that could be one of Bosco's future disguises? :p


  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    You can wear Max shirts in the game... is that not enough? :)
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    I have talked about this with the Cyan guys a few times (both with Ryan/Greydragon, and also with Rand Miller). Everyone agreed it was an interesting idea but we'd have to find a way to execute it well. Having Sam & Max pop up in URU would be funny, but it would also detract a bit from the story they're trying to tell.

    My big idea, which is something Rand seemed to think would be really funny, would be to have Sam & Max walking around in the Myst environment... like if we could drop them into the set from Real Myst. I'd love to see their comments on that type of game. :D

    We use Maya for animation and Cyan uses Max, so unfortunately it wouldn't be as easy as just dropping our characters into their environments. It could probably be done but it would take a lot of work. (I mentioned this to our art director once and his head almost exploded. :p)
  • edited May 2007
    Haha. Cool that the idea's been discussed with Rand.
    Seems like it could at least be done for an animated short, or something? :D Maybe capture a few backdrops from the RealMyst setting, and animate Sam & Max on top of it? (Edit: Come to think of it, that could be pretty awesome as a GameTap commercial, or something)

    And I do love that there's a Max shirt in the game =D
  • edited May 2007
    Greenscreen in video games is actually surprisingly efficient. I used it to make this short plug for my blog. (the background is a picture I took in Florida)
  • edited May 2007
    Blah, I always miss the good stuff in URU.... :P

    (And yes, my character wears the Max shirt :D)

    Maybe if I knew some people in the game I could maintain interest in it, but whenever I log on, there's either nobody around, or they're all chatting it up with each other already. (I've always been hesitant to pop in on a convo in online games, for some reason... I won't even join a mutiplayer FPS server if the teams are already even numbered, for fear of disrupting a well-balanced game)
  • edited May 2007
    I'm in there sometimes. I forget my KI number (it's on my home machine), but my name is 'tabacco'. I generally turn up when things get added to the game :)
  • edited May 2007
    I'll put my KI number up here sometime, would be fun to explore the game with any fellow forumers who have it :)

    (On an unrelated note, just thought I'd say: ZOMG GAMETAP IS ADDING THE METAL SLUG SERIES WOOOO :D)
  • edited May 2007
    They're changing it up so things will happen one week a month and then the rest of the time you can relax
    So it'll be easier to keep up with the story
    Which is good
    I've been confused.

    I think they should do a Sam & Max / Uru promo. It would be awesome.
  • edited May 2007
    I've been finding this forum extremely helpful in keeping track of story developments:

    My KI is 2197171 btw.
  • edited May 2007
    On the subject of "turning up when there's new content..."

    Turn up on May 19. And the week that follows.

    That's when "Episode 1" starts: Scars

    They're shifting to a new model.
  • edited May 2007
    I actually kind of liked the randomness... it felt a little more real :(
  • edited May 2007
    It's been so long since I was online at Myst Online : URU Live. Ones they pulled the plug on the beta testing, I pulled back. I had already played the game for many months, and I had apparently "over-beta-tested" it, if there is such a word, so I never managed to get myself to get on there after that.

    Anyway, from what I saw and tried, it was really promising. I had a lot of fun, and I am glad to see that our beta testing was helpful, and that it has become such a big success. Also, I had the pleasure of trying on that max t-shirt. Awesome stuff, almost as great as the santa hat :D.

    Are the problems with lagging in the city fixed now? Just because I am so incredibly curious now :)
  • edited May 2007
    There's still quite a bit of lag when the population in the city is high. There are a few other lingering bugs that are a bit unfortunate as well :(
  • edited May 2007
    tabacco wrote: »
    I've been finding this forum extremely helpful in keeping track of story developments:

    My KI is 2197171 btw.

    Coolness, I'll keep an eye out for you next time I pop in to wander around confusedly :P
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