Hugh Bliss = L. Ron Hubbard?

edited May 2007 in Sam & Max
Okay, so maybe Scientology is going to baselessly sue the entire forum for this post, but I'm wondering if the character of Hugh Bliss was slightly based on Scientology, and its founder, L. Ron Hubbard.
Prismatology = Scientology
Emetics = Dianetics
Hypnotizing disbelievers = Giving "unfortunate accidents" to disbelievers
Max = Tom Cruise?

To those who don't know, Scientology has often been referred to as somewhat of a cult, and its founder has even been quoted as only making the religion to earn money from its believers.


  • edited May 2007
    I know it's not PC, but I can say one thing:


    Although I'm not sure if Max is Tom Cruise... unless I missed Max jumping up and down on that little White House couch.. :P
  • edited May 2007
    There's a definite parallel but no 1:1 correlation so I wouldn't bother trying to match stuff up like that.
  • edited May 2007
    Hehe! If Max is Prismatology's Tom Cruise, does that mean he's is thier new Messiah? :eek: If you thought Max's presidental power trip was bad .... Oy!

    I think Hugh Bliss could be any cult leader really.
  • edited May 2007
    Voice-wise, I've always thought of Hugh Bliss as Michael Jackson. Supported by the fact that Hugh would sound exactly like this if Michael Jackson did the voiceover.
    Message-wise, I would have to agree with a Scientology angle, but very subtle to avoid nasty lawsuits. They wouldn't have to sue if they weren't such a sham cult.
  • edited May 2007
    I think I mentioned on another topic that I think Hugh Bliss is what would happen if Michael Jackson and the creator of scientology had a kid. I mean Bliss is an albino, which is similar to MJ's skin problem and talks like mj. He also has a cult similar to scientology
  • edited May 2007
    raistlin75 wrote: »
    Message-wise, I would have to agree with a Scientology angle, but very subtle to avoid nasty lawsuits. They wouldn't have to sue if they weren't such a sham cult.

    I think whilst the Primatology is clearly primarily based on Scientology - it doesn't take anything other than the vague history of scientology, and accusations and rumors that have been thrown at a wide range of new "religions". At least up until Episode 5 it's vague enough (most of the scientology links are based on, rather obvious, assumptions made by the player) - for instance the game never states that primatology is a "religion" (Ep 6 might - i don't know), it could just as easily be a general self help programme which Emetics is the book of, from what is explicit in the episodes. As such there probably isn't a strong enough link to prove defamation.
  • edited May 2007
    Sam & Max were making fun of scientology before it was cool.
  • edited May 2007
    I love making fun of Scientology, it's so easy!! :D
  • edited May 2007
    Haha, reading the history of Scientology and relating the basis of it to this season of Sam and Max gave me a good laugh.
  • edited May 2007
    Well, I think that L Ron Hubbard had plenty of hubris :p
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