Episode 6 is out for Season 1 customers!

edited May 2007 in Sam & Max
Check your Find my Order page ;)

(Sorry if it's already common knowledge but I couldn't see any mention of it on the forum)


  • edited May 2007
    Either I hate you or I love you, we will soon find out :)

    Edit: Love... definitely love :D
  • edited May 2007
    Woo Hoo!
  • edited May 2007
    I'm feeling guilty for getting it early...
  • edited May 2007
    It's only downloading at 16kbps for me D:
    Gods, I'm getting so tense.
  • edited May 2007
    My sound cards busted so this just makes me feel bad that i can't hear a thing. *sobs*
  • edited May 2007

    Thanks so much. I haven't gotten an e-mail, so I never would have known.

    Downloading at a sluggish rate... D:
  • edited May 2007
    Kick Ass
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    (Emails haven't gone out yet ... it's up on the Find My Order page, but please know that until the episode is formally announced and emails go out, you're downloading at your own risk :) )
  • edited May 2007
    Yay! Best birthday present ever...

    Well not really, I'm not *quite* that sad! :p
  • edited May 2007
  • edited May 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    (Emails haven't gone out yet ... it's up on the Find My Order page, but please know that until the episode is formally announced and emails go out, you're downloading at your own risk :) )

    Heh. You make it sound that it's dangerous downloading Episod-*bang*
  • edited May 2007
    A premature thanks alot from me to all of you who made this happen! Also, thanks a bunch to Jared for the out of this world music on the moon.
  • edited May 2007
    YES! I am a happy happy person. All the weeks of watching Godzilla: Final Wars continuously until my mind had become so incredibly numb that the thought of looking at spoilers wouldn't cross my mind have paid off! Thank you, gigantic rubber monster suit, and a BIG thanks to you, TellTale!
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    Emails should be on their way out soon. Of course, you won't get your email immediately since there are zillions of them, but the server should start belching messages your way in the next few minutes.
  • edited May 2007
    Order #51681xxxxx | Placed April 12, 2007 Re-download
    Sam & Max: Reality 2.0

    Order #50324xxxxx | Placed March 8, 2007 Re-download
    Sam & Max: Abe Lincoln Must Die

    Order #49548xxxxx | Placed February 16, 2007 Re-download
    Sam & Max: The Mole, The Mob and the Meatball

    Order #48176xxxxx | Placed January 9, 2007 Re-download
    Sam & Max: Situation: Comedy

    Order #46881xxxxx | Placed November 6, 2006 Re-download
    Sam & Max: Culture Shock

    Boohoohooo!!! :-((
  • edited May 2007
    You just made my day! Thanks. :)
  • edited May 2007


    Only problem is that I've now been robbed of the game anticipation thread, those things were fun.
  • edited May 2007
    Wow, I just come on to check the Telltale page and MSN tells me I got an email. I check the email, and sure enough, it's out for us season 1 customers :D I've still to finish Reality 2.0 though, I got it a couple days ago (hehe, forgot all about the games ^^; )
  • edited May 2007
    Hooray!! 3 days early!! Thanks Telltale!!

    (mmmm !!)
  • edited May 2007
    Having downloaded the game 3 hours before the email I was going to skip it but thank Hugh Bliss I didn't...

    "What about the disc for Season 1 customers? We’ll fill you in on all the details later this week. Keep an eye on the Telltale Blog for the scoop! Also, when the disc is ready to be ordered, we’ll send you an email which looks surprisingly, suspiciously similar to this one! Stay tuned, it’s close!"
  • edited May 2007
    Yaaaaay! I had a feeling it might be released today. Not sure why, but I kept on checking my e-mails more than usual. This is a great (early) birthday present! Thanks!
  • edited May 2007
    The last episode... This is awesome... Anyone remember back in October? :p Good times!
  • edited May 2007
    Even better - the launcher has a picture of a CD saying Game Disk - implying a non-game disk as well perhaps?
  • edited May 2007

  • edited May 2007
    Thx Telltale, first of all for this episode, and second for Ruining my nightsleep hehe.

    I just got to meet alot of old friends you could say, and Damm it's hilarious!

    Sam's refrenche to The Honeymooners Crack'ed me up big time first time I heard it.

    And Bosco haha, it's genious, not gonna spoil or anything, but damm this episode had me laughing right from the start.

    Just gonna play a little bit more, then Im off to bed, just wanted to share my enjoyment and Bliss fullness.
  • edited May 2007
    I'm totally loving it already, and I've barely gotten started yet (I've actually not yet spent hours on end on it; I'm going to savor this). A lot of nice references, some more obvious than others. Loved the
    "non-sequitur" dialog option with Max
    , immediate clicked the
    CSI-like evidence spots
    , and is that a
    KGB reference at Bosco's?:) (that last one positively startled me when I first noticed it)
    . (Spoilers are light and not at all related to the story, but I know I liked finding them myself first.)
  • edited May 2007
    I loved the ending :)
  • edited May 2007
    That was brilliant. I couldn't fault it (apart from the one or two typos like "crusier" instead of "cruiser"), but outside of anything overly pedantic, it did no wrong.

    Anyone else find the end-of-game 'boss' really creepy?
  • edited May 2007
    Well this is quite annoying, I can't activate my game and already people have completed it and are posting their favourite bits! Please hurry Telltale support!
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    I just answered all the tickets in our support inbox. Please check your spam folder if you didn't get a response.
  • edited May 2007
    ahhhh season 1 comes to an end.. bittersweet.. time to go have fun with episode 6
  • edited May 2007
    Thank you guys. This is the bestest ever. (I actually never gave up hope for the early release, despite all the denying from Telltale.:p)
    Oops. Download completed! Must play now.
  • edited May 2007
    Thanks you Telltale :) I didnt get an e-mail when I first checked it this evening, and when I went away and came back, I just strolled onto the website anyway without checking my e-mails again and got the shock of my life when I saw that season 1 customers could download it already, I was well happy, woohoo
    Been playing it for just under the last 2hrs or so(I really needed an early night but you've ruined it now :p ) made it quite far, but stuck a little, but I'm too tired to play on and think what I have to do next, so muct get some sleep and try and complete it tomorrow.
    Thanks again for that lovely suprise, woohoo.

    BTW about the Disc Release, I assume anyone can order it?? I'm from England so will I have to pay P&P to have it delivered to me, or do Season 1 Customers get it free whereever they live??
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    BTW about the Disc Release, I assume anyone can order it?? I'm from England so will I have to pay P&P to have it delivered to me, or do Season 1 Customers get it free whereever they live??

    Yep, any Season 1 customer can order it. Everyone has to pay shipping to get it, so it doesn't really matter to us where you live. :p
  • edited May 2007
    Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa great news, let s go to the moon ! :) I feared it would not be released by today (bank holiday in here).

    36% downloading... you evil internet, finish already damn you
  • edited May 2007
    Finish the game!

    i like how you added the a challenging puzzle in this ep that involves
    lazy max
    . Because I have a paper due this week and didn't want to waste time figuring it out,I used a hint guide for that particular puzzle, which thankfully gave questions to help the reader to help solve the puzzles rather than giving them the answer. Spoiler involving apuzzle in the game; do not look if you haven't made Max's
    I know it involved the earth quake, since it is predictable that shakin the ground would make lazy max to be on his back. I also knew the item to exchange for money was in the office because of what MAx said, but I didn't paid close attention to the comment about Leonard. Very cleaver in putting the item somewhere that will be overlooked since this is the first one that involved the contents in the closet.
    NEvertheless, I love the puzzles in the game, especially with
    violent max

    I think this is the first episode that involved thinkin outside the box since there is so many puzzles in here that just makes you feel proud in solving it.

    Spoiler in regards to another puzzle again. Do not look unless you got through the
    led door.
    I actually almost resorted to the hint page on gamefaqs in opening the led door till I stop and think. Originally, I thought one needed the earthquake device to move the bowling ball, but I realized the shelf that the bowling ball is on is shaped like a spoon, so yeah. The puzzle in unlocking the door took some brain cells until I randomly went to the office and saw the antenna(remembering how it was an item in ep 1). I knew that putting the spoon container under the lander would work for no reason, but opening the door took some thought. After that, it was easy until I had to get earthquake device.

    I beat it and is satisfy. I don't know if I like
    Hugh's motivation in making ppl happy, but it was a fun season.
  • edited May 2007
    Kenneth wrote: »
    Thx Telltale, first of all for this episode, and second for Ruining my nightsleep hehe.

    Hehe mine to! It was a long day at work today :p And I haven't even finished the game!
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