Season 2 plot/Episode Titles Speculation Thread

edited May 2007 in Sam & Max
I don't know at this point a main plot but maybe Episode 1 will be around the War in the Dakotas.

Any thoughts?

Unresolved things (That I remember):
1. US/Lower Saskatchewan
2. War at the Dakotas
3. US Presidency/Max impeachments
4. Possible vacations :D
5. Abe/Sybil :p
6. Flint???


  • edited May 2007
    I still think it's going to have something to do with time travel. Hopefully, TellTale takes my suggestion to have it culminate in an episode where they have to travel back to the '70s to stop the villain from assassinating Steve Purcell and causing reality to be destroyed as a result.
  • MelMel
    edited May 2007
    It has begun...

    :p :D
  • edited May 2007
    It's way, way too early to make an educated guess. Even they wouldn't have a clue what it's going to be about. But, with all the requests for Flint to appear, I'm sure he will be a main character.

    Other then that, we can of course look forward to some very politically incorrect material as always. ;)
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited May 2007
    My guess: Max does something borderline psychotic, and Sam makes a sarcastic remark.
  • edited May 2007
    Time travel. How about this: Max goes back 200 years in the past while Sam goes forward 200 years and get enslaved by, say, tentacles.

    Or they go back to 03-03-04 and undo some wrong ...
  • jmmjmm
    edited May 2007
    barchetta wrote: »
    Or they go back to 03-03-04 and undo some wrong ...

    I'd love to see that, but I fear that if they succeed, that would cause a paradox and S&M Season 1 would vanish from existance. And since Season 1 do not exist they wouldn't be able to go back to 03-03-04:rolleyes:

    Oh, I forgot another few *unsolved issues*
    7. Florida demoted to territory
    8. The Internet was destroyed (hmmm, maybe that's why recovering Max's lost password is that expensive)
    9. Purcell attacked by two-headed monkey.
  • edited May 2007
    I vote for an overall plot of a small group of zombies trying to whipe the slate clean of their stereotypical image by trying to do things un-zombie-like, only to be crushed at every turn due to their strange obsession with the ever-so delicious and wonderful food products found at Bosco's, which coincidently taste and smell like human brains.

    It's like the Gaico Cavemen thing, only sillier and with an avenue for more violence.
  • edited May 2007
    I've got a feeling
    Hugh Bliss
    isn't gone forever.
  • edited May 2007
    Max digests him,
    Hugh Bliss might want to
    stay dead
    . :P
  • edited May 2007
    Badwolf wrote: »
    I've got a feeling
    Hugh Bliss
    isn't gone forever.

    If he's really a
    colony of alien bacteria, that means there are probably more of them on another planet... a lot more
  • edited May 2007
    The next season may be about time travel, but how would the villain use that against people? I mean, if it was going to be like DOTT, then they'd have to introduce the main villain right from the first episode, and it would take you six cliffhanger episodes to defeat this guy! That's why DOTT wasn't an episodic game (not like it could've been, but you get my point).

    I'm thinking, just because of the COPS, that it could be obscelete machinery taking over the world, but I have no idea.
  • edited May 2007
    Sam and Max can already travel through time, they just drive there in their car!

    It would be nice if all the episodes next season were set in different eras (like in some of the comics), but that probably wouldn't work so well with location reuse.
  • edited May 2007
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    If he's really a
    colony of alien bacteria, that means there are probably more of them on another planet... a lot more
    How right you are, especially since bacteria can repdouce itself. I'd imagine there will be an army of Hugh bliss somewhere in the universe.
  • edited May 2007
    Lysandus wrote: »
    Sam and Max can already travel through time, they just drive there in their car!

    It would be nice if all the episodes next season were set in different eras (like in some of the comics), but that probably wouldn't work so well with location reuse.

    I think it would make location reuse awesome. Ever play Day of the Tentacle? Watch the Back to the Future movies? Or better yet, the Back to the Future TV show? :D Play Zelda: Ocarina of Time or Zelda: Oracle of Ages? A big part of the fun (and hilarity) of time travel comes from seeing the same location in various time periods. Sam & Max also have the benefit of a very absurd take on reality, so I'm sure that even if they go to ancient Egypt or Greece, or medieval England, there will almost certainly be doubles of local places like Bosco's. Everybody has nearly-identical ancestors (or descendants) in virtually every time and place, that's how cartoon genealogy works! :D
    doom saber wrote: »
    How right you are, especially since bacteria can repdouce itself. I'd imagine there will be an army of Hugh bliss somewhere in the universe.

    It would be pretty awesome to have to visit their home planet in some episode. I'm sure they're fairly harmless there. In fact, combine that with time travel, and you might just have the way he got to Earth in the first place! :eek:

    Crap, I just had an idea so good that I'll be disappointed when they don't use it :p
  • edited May 2007
    I'm just surprised nobody has commented on the absurdity of my idea yet. I guess that means that it will get made.:D
  • jmmjmm
    edited May 2007
    For The Love Of The Zombie Steve McQueen, I Will Not Look At That!
  • edited May 2007
    Hugh Bliss didn't really exist, it was just a mass of bacteria in the form of a human which was assuming his made up persona. I'm surprised there hasn't been a backlash about that yet... An apparently gay Hugh Bliss turned out to be made entirely of bacteria, which was pasturized/obliterated at the end... :/
  • edited May 2007
    AdamG wrote: »
    apparently gay Hugh Bliss

    I'm gonna guess that he's not gay, but even if he were, how is that pertinent to the discussion? :rolleyes:

    If you're suggesting that
    it was, uh... heterosexist to suggest that a gay person is made of bacteria and should be boiled, then... uhh... interesting interpretation. I'm guessing the reason there's been no backlash has to do with the fact that uh... nobody else interpreted it that way. I guess I just don't get what you were talking about. I just don't see much to be offended by. Except maybe the fact that they killed him, while most "just" heroes prefer not to kill anyone, even their adversaries.
  • jmmjmm
    edited May 2007
    S&M killed Hugh, but since *it* was a group of bactaria, there is no reason to believe that *that* colony was the only one. Plus Hugh had enough time on Earth to leave a few colonies and perhaps his book 'Emetics' was really a media to hide bacteria in it (as powder or even in the ink) just waiting to activate in case the master plan failed.
    Hugh Bliss wrote:
    Sunday, April 29, 2007
    Bright Side of the Moon!
    Current mood: happy.gif happy
    I'm Baaa-aack!

    Dear Sam and Max,
    Though our parting's sorrow be sweet
    And so the taste of defeat
    Do not let complacency from this follow
    For we are one tough act to... swallow! Hee Hee!

    Bye now!
  • edited May 2007
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    I'm gonna guess that he's not gay, but even if he were, how is that pertinent to the discussion? :rolleyes:

    If you're suggesting that
    it was, uh... heterosexist to suggest that a gay person is made of bacteria and should be boiled, then... uhh... interesting interpretation. I'm guessing the reason there's been no backlash has to do with the fact that uh... nobody else interpreted it that way. I guess I just don't get what you were talking about. I just don't see much to be offended by. Except maybe the fact that they killed him, while most "just" heroes prefer not to kill anyone, even their adversaries.

    Since everyone was talking about Hugh, and him appearing in the future, it had a lot to do with the discussion.
    I was suggesting that Hugh Bliss was supposed to be gay, and that him/it turning out to be made of bacteria could indeed be an insult to gay people, yes.
  • edited May 2007
    We totally need to see a
    bald Brady Culture
    stroking a white cat, Blofeld-style! :p
  • edited May 2007
    We totally need to see a
    bald Brady Culture
    stroking a white cat, Blofeld-style! :p

    That would be awesome. I was wondering what became of him,
    he didn't even show up in the end credits sequence!
    AdamG wrote: »
    I was suggesting that Hugh Bliss was supposed to be gay, and that him/it turning out to be made of bacteria could indeed be an insult to gay people, yes.

    Okay, just checking. I guess it might be somewhat insensitive, but Sam & Max isn't exactly trying to be politically correct. Just look at Episode 4,
    You break into the White House, punch the head off one president, and then blow up another president.
    There wasn't any public outcry about that ;)

    I'm also fairly certain that
    alien bacteria are asexual

    Man, the spoiler tags make this post look messed up. I'd change it, but
    I like it this way.
  • MelMel
    edited May 2007
    jmm, could you spoiler tag your post (#20) please? (all of it)
  • jmmjmm
    edited May 2007
    ok, I'll do but I think this is kind of pointless since the thread is speculation for the next season and I think thats based on all the info on season 1 (including all the episodes)
  • MelMel
    edited May 2007
    Thanks. I think it's better to be safe than sorry. :)
  • edited May 2007
    Yeah, it's pretty tough to guess what Season 2 will be about when we have no information. But we can rest assured everyone at Telltale and Steve P. will do everything they can to make sure it's just as good, or better than, Season 1.
  • edited May 2007
    I just hope they renew all the reoccuring characters(the voices are good, but some new reoccuring characters would be appreciated), and that it's possible to play through an episode without having to visit the office/street in front office x numbers of times. I hope we get to see some new main locations in the next episode, just so it has more a sense of space(a sense of moving freely), even if not something new is there in every episode.

    Anyway, after playing through the first season; it has been interesting to discover some of the limitations and challenges for games released in episodic format, and some of the areas where episodic games has advantages over the traditional retail games.

    * burp *. Sorry. Breakfast keeps repeating on me... repeating on me... repeating on me... breakfast... * burp *
  • edited May 2007
    Funny how the word "Time Travel" keeps popping up here since we don't even know if they are going to use time travel in the next season, considering how it is a fan's desire, which doesn't reflect Telltale, no offense. I am sure they finished the outline of season 2 already and after thinking about it, a season fulled with locations throughout time seems to be costly for telltale to do; they have to redo the entire neigborhood plus new areas every episode; it is different in ep 4 since the neigborhood was a virtual reality world that appeared to be unfinished in the most part.

    As for additional locations, I have a feeling that the block across the street will be accessable. Anyone notice the diner across from Bosco? I think it started to appear around ep 3 or 4. The store is also closed. I guess that is where we meet S&M's next zany neigbor in the next season.
  • edited May 2007
    The diner has just gotta be in Episode 2. There's all kinds of cool stuff you could do with a diner. Like, you could have some musicians playing some music in there and have new performers every episode or so.

    -envisions a dark, grubby, musty diner full of colorful types-
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    That would be awesome. I was wondering what became of him,
    he didn't even show up in the end credits sequence!

    We didn't have time to properly digitally shave his head, otherwise he would have been there. D'oh!
  • edited May 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    We didn't have time to properly digitally shave his head, otherwise he would have been there. D'oh!

    Aww. I'm really hoping there's an extended version of that sequence on the final disc. Maybe throw in some Bone and Texas Hold-em characters too for good measure :D
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    There definitely isn't going to be an extended version, sorry :( There will be cool other stuff, probably, but not that. That thing took me soooo long to make as it is, and quite a few people chipped in to get it where its at in the game. Glad people like it enough to want more, but more is unlikely. Maybe for the end of season 2, Brady can show up in the closing credits montage with a fro 3x as big instead.
  • edited May 2007
    ^ I find the idea of Brady with a massive fro that throws him off balance and causes him to fall over quite amusing, actually.
  • jmmjmm
    edited May 2007
    Or maybe with an awful wig/toupe
  • edited May 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    There definitely isn't going to be an extended version, sorry :( There will be cool other stuff, probably, but not that. That thing took me soooo long to make as it is, and quite a few people chipped in to get it where its at in the game. Glad people like it enough to want more, but more is unlikely. Maybe for the end of season 2, Brady can show up in the closing credits montage with a fro 3x as big instead.

    The season end sequence was very well done and satisfying, good job Jake! :D
  • edited May 2007
    the return of the bad toupee??? NOOOOOO!
  • edited May 2007
    jmm wrote: »
    Or maybe with an awful wig/toupe
    take the idea even further. have him show up with a different wig/toupee for every new scene he's in!
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