Episode 6 glitch???

edited May 2007 in Sam & Max
I didn't notice this happening before... but everytime I click on something and Sam talks, Max stops moving. Once Sam is done making a comment, Max moves again.

did this always happen? Does it happen to anyone else?


  • edited May 2007
    Yeah, it always happens. I think it's to stop Max walking in the way when Sam's talking about something.
  • edited May 2007
    Maybe It's because he can't wait to make an irrelevant reply that hints at mental instability?
  • edited May 2007
    Sam always walk to the other side of the screen when you click on the lunar landing sign
  • edited May 2007
    Hm... I'm suprised I never noticed it until now.
  • edited May 2007
    maybe only a minor glitch,and I found it was happening more in episode 6 for some reason, but when you do an action/click on something. Sam keeps kicking up Max in the air when he goes weeeeeee, and when this happens, Sam suddenly stops dead and doesnt preform the action I told him to do so I have to tell him to do it again. It was quite fun in the first few episodes, but this actually got a bit more annoying through episodes 5 and 6.

    I also experienced a glitch at the end of Episode 6
    afer sawing through the lander with the saw, I got hugh in the tank, and knew I probably needed to start up the lander to fry him, at first I think I was moving around a little too much accidently, and when I tryed to use the key on the lander, Hugh caught me moving too much and put me back in the first torture trial, at that point I was obviously "If you cant click on the lander, or use anything on it, What Gives" Obviously I then learned that you have to use the key on the lander without moving whatsoever for it to work properly

    I'm sure there there was another glitch in Abe Lincoin must die too, when Max gives Bosco funding for his satellite defense system or whatever it was for. Bosco initially mentions he suddenly got the money he needed, but if you talk to him again, he mentions he is still waiting to get the funding from the goverment he needs, and it still happens when you talk to Bosco after you've brought the item from him, Just weird.
  • edited May 2007
    Also, talking to Max
    after he's been separated, he sometimes reverts to his normal voice and personality in certain dialog trees, especially the hints.
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