...it's...over...and i think that episdoe6...

edited May 2007 in Sam & Max
...was a very funny episode and i've enjoyed paying it. A little bit short but it was very nice
beeing on the moon and in space. I felt a little bit like in The DIG with the lunar lander in space
- yes! :O)

The riddles were good although still lacking a few fantastic ones and again a bit too easy. I got stuck once when
i didn't get the idea that i have to use the hat again once i got Jimmy into the stomach already, in oder to get him out
. Beside of this no problems. Sound was good as always.

The COPS were one of my favorites again and hey you could
play some rounds of Tic-Tac-Doom
. Great characters, especially the Aracde. He often reminds me of a talking fridge.
I also liked the moleman's shop on the moon, the blue Max and the colouring on earth was nice. Oh yes and of course the crystals were done very well (nice idea to put over a transparent scaled one) and again i was feeling like in The DIG with the crystal control pad. Jipieee! Ahhh, i'll never forget this sentence: "I can't use these two things together." When we started playing The Dig a friend of mine wisely said: We better get used to this phrase pretty soon as it's likely we'll hear it quite often... and we did... :O)

Back to Sam&Max. What i appreciate is that a) the riddles have improved (more elegant although they are still not were they could be), b) like we were once discussing this in the forum they've added a hint system with Sam&Max and c) that you can cut dialogues with the right mouse button. I dunno how much work they'll gonna put into the CD version but i'll guess it needs some work to make it a consistent gaming experience now. I'm quite curious how much it will get on your nerves when you're playing it in a row that you have to visit Sybil and Bosco this often but i'm looking forward to the CD. And by the way stylish final credits too!

One thing that could be improved is that you have to reopen the inventory each time after you've tried out an item. If you trying several ones out because you have no idea what to do or try to play through several possible solutions then this can get quite on your nerves. Also the rollover colour of the mousepointer wan't choosen this well in my opinion.

Anyway great work and i would give it a good 8 out of 10.

Out of the stomach i would give the whole season a lower 8 or a good 7. If i take the gametap issue into account it for sure is more a 7. Without it i would go for the lower 8 because the last two episodes were definately more fun to play.

I really hope that you can fix some of the already known issues (especially gametap), improve the riddles and go for a more adventure like plot where you don't have to revisit some places this often. It was nice in the beginning but too much after some time. In an adventure i also want to explore new stuff.




  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    Nice writeup :)

    For the record, you've been able to right click to skip dialog since Out From Boneville :) (Spacebar skips them too)
  • edited May 2007
    Oops i haven't noticed this before, i think i tried it in e2 or so but maybe i'm wrong. Anyway then at least the hint sytems was a good improvement! :O)
  • edited May 2007
    Yeah, it was a pretty good episode. Defiantly getting more stuck now than I was at the start. I agree that a hot key for changing inventory items would be handy, I remember in the original flicking through my inventory and trying everything on everything when I didn't know what to do. Bit late, or early, to be suggesting stuff now so, well done Telltale on creating a successful and fun sequel to Hit the Road.
  • edited May 2007
    Yep, it was really great to be able to play a new Sam and Max episode every month for the last half year.
    I just finished the last episode, which was really good. The puzzles where a bit harder (took me a while to get the money Bosco wants this time) and a little crazier. I just have to agree that the episode felt a bit short again, but maybe that's because it was the last episode and you knew there would be nothing coming after that.
    Funny end credits...

    Now all we can do is wait for the CD version and a season two in the not too distant future, I hope...(well, and Bone 3, I guess)

    The funniest line?

    Max: "The game was too short and we had to pay too much for it!!!" (or something like that...)
  • edited May 2007
    As you say so... :O)

    I also felt a stronge urge to search for those
    invisible goggles at the moleman's shop.
  • edited May 2007
    A splendid finale! There were some really good visuals this time around, from the
    atmospheric night-time street with lighting effects
    to the
    prismatology retreat with its nice crystals and deliciously excessive colors
    . And the way
    incomplete Max is even more disturbing than regular Max
    was handled really well. And of course
    the end credits were
    amazing. I wonder if in the CD version that can
    go on a bit longer while credits for the season as a whole come by
    A few of the small things I much appreciated: Sam being a bit more trigger-happy in this episode, which feels more in-character to me. The new "ambient" Max animations. The references, especially those to DOTT (easy to miss) and KGB (impossible to miss, but I wonder how many people will understand it).
  • edited May 2007
    I really liked the episode but the new hints thing.....I didn't care for at all. I like hints being hidden in dialog not blantly stated. It just didn't feel right this episode. :(
  • edited May 2007
    I actually thought Max's hints were pretty good. They were subtle enough that I thought at first they were just jokes, and didn't realize they were actual clues until I had almost figured out the solution to the problem anyway.
  • edited May 2007
    I was a bit skeptical about the new hint system but I think I like it. If nothing else I think it's better than running the risk of being spoiled by a hint when you're actually just looking for funny dialog (as occasionally happened to me in earlier episodes).
    Something I greatly missed was the location-specific dialog with Max. The lack of that made the game seem smaller to me. I hope it was incidental rather than to make room for the hint system.
  • edited May 2007
    I quite liked the hint system, even if a didn't understand half of them. I only really talked to Max when I needed a hint anyway.
  • edited May 2007
    tobar wrote: »
    I really liked the episode but the new hints thing.....I didn't care for at all. I like hints being hidden in dialog not blantly stated. It just didn't feel right this episode. :(
    I agree about the hints thing. It would've worked better I think, if he didn't have to say "I'd like a hint please", it makes it seem like Max is just some kind of hint dispenser... he should just complain to Max about not being able to do something.
  • edited May 2007
    hey Telltale!
    Did I tell you lately that I love you?
    I do!

    I loved the fact that you where visinting the same spots in every episode, because there where always new things to do there, and always othe dialogs with the characters there. It was great to see Bosco and Sybil again in every episode, just like in an episodic TV show...
    So I wouldn't change that in another season.
  • edited May 2007
    GalFisk wrote: »
    I agree about the hints thing. It would've worked better I think, if he didn't have to say "I'd like a hint please", it makes it seem like Max is just some kind of hint dispenser... he should just complain to Max about not being able to do something.

    And this way put some pressure on the player? I don't wanna know how fast this get's on your nerves. Nah, in my opinion it's well done how it's implemented now, also without beeing too much extra work. Keep it!
  • edited May 2007
    hey Harald B
    I've played DOTT like 100 times, and I don't see the references.
    What do you mean?
    What did I miss??
  • edited May 2007
    Use the rat-in-the-hat on the freezer and the microwave.
  • edited May 2007
    oh thanks!
  • edited May 2007
    Yeah, while Max was probably underappreciated before for his... insight... it would probably be better if instead of asking for a hint, Sam asked, "Could you help me out little buddy?" or, "I'm lost, what should we do?".
  • edited May 2007
    I have to say, this episode kept me busy for a while. At first I thought there was almost no sense of direction early in the game, but eventually figured what to do.

    I didn't expect to hear Sam's "unicorn" statement... when I first saw the moon retreat, I sorta thought I was in hippy land or something... the ending was great. It took me a while to realize everyone was under the influence of Max while he was in that prism doo-hickey.
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